Website content not easy to choose
Website content not easy to choose wurde erstellt von Poussemousse
I am a very new user of your extension, and it seems to be pretty nice.
I have started to use it, and I was wondering how is it possible to see entirely the Available Website Contents.
I have searched a little bit in the forum, unfortunatly I don't speak german at all, and 80% of the posts are in German.
On my Joomla back-end, I have only a narrow column and it is not possible to see all the data about existing articles (see attached picture).
Moreoever, would it be possible to have a date sorting in order to select in an efficient way the last day/week/month published articles directly.
Thanks for your help
I have another question I will write in a new topic.
I am a very new user of your extension, and it seems to be pretty nice.
I have started to use it, and I was wondering how is it possible to see entirely the Available Website Contents.
I have searched a little bit in the forum, unfortunatly I don't speak german at all, and 80% of the posts are in German.
On my Joomla back-end, I have only a narrow column and it is not possible to see all the data about existing articles (see attached picture).
Moreoever, would it be possible to have a date sorting in order to select in an efficient way the last day/week/month published articles directly.
Thanks for your help
I have another question I will write in a new topic.
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Romana antwortete auf Website content not easy to choose
Hello Poussemousse,
welcome to BwPostman and its forum. German is not obligatory, English is as good as German .
No, it is no possible to see complete articles in the content selection and there are no plans to do so. Nevertheless there are plans to revise the optical appearance of the selection list like category selection at editing an article.
Also it is not possible to sort selection list by date. Okay, it would be a nice feature to order by newest first, but I have to see, if such sorting would make no conflict with the inner process.
Sorry for no better information.
welcome to BwPostman and its forum. German is not obligatory, English is as good as German .
No, it is no possible to see complete articles in the content selection and there are no plans to do so. Nevertheless there are plans to revise the optical appearance of the selection list like category selection at editing an article.
Also it is not possible to sort selection list by date. Okay, it would be a nice feature to order by newest first, but I have to see, if such sorting would make no conflict with the inner process.
Sorry for no better information.
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Romana antwortete auf Website content not easy to choose
Oh, have I misunderstood Your question concerning article selection? Did you mean the width of the column?
That can be solved. Go to Your back end template,i. e. Isis, and add the following line to the file administrator/isis/css/template.css
#bwp_view_single select {width: 500px;}
That can be solved. Go to Your back end template,i. e. Isis, and add the following line to the file administrator/isis/css/template.css
#bwp_view_single select {width: 500px;}
Problem gelöst? Dann bitte auf gelöst klicken. Über ein Danke freue ich mich immer.
Problem solved? Please click to solved.I am glad to every thank you.
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Poussemousse antwortete auf Website content not easy to choose
Using your line code directly in the template.css file had no effect.
But modifying directly the select group works line 991 :
Here is the new column presentation, I hope it won't destroy anything else !
Now I am going back to French Translation
Using your line code directly in the template.css file had no effect.
But modifying directly the select group works line 991 :
select {
width: 600px;
border: 1px solid #ccc;
background-color: #fff;
Here is the new column presentation, I hope it won't destroy anything else !
Now I am going back to French Translation
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Romana antwortete auf Website content not easy to choose
Dear Poussemousse,
give this a try:
Replace line 757-759 in adminsitrator/components/com_bwpostman/assets/css/bwpostman_backend.css with
This I will replace in next version of BwPostman.
Hth and happy translation
give this a try:
Replace line 757-759 in adminsitrator/components/com_bwpostman/assets/css/bwpostman_backend.css with
#bwp_view_single select#jform_selected_content,
#bwp_view_single select#jform_available_content {
width: 600px;
This I will replace in next version of BwPostman.
Hth and happy translation
Problem gelöst? Dann bitte auf gelöst klicken. Über ein Danke freue ich mich immer.
Problem solved? Please click to solved.I am glad to every thank you.
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Poussemousse antwortete auf Website content not easy to choose
I don't understand why, but your modification still doesn't work with me.
Please find enclosed the translated files, all manually done.
Even when I put them in the fr-FR language directory, BwPostman is still in English, is there an option somewhere to choose another language (I have not installed localise yet because I don't want it to change my other language files.
I have also attached the original gb-GB files, I have not seen your <icon ...> text in it. Am I working with the good BwPostman revision : 1.2.3 ?
I don't understand why, but your modification still doesn't work with me.
Please find enclosed the translated files, all manually done.
Even when I put them in the fr-FR language directory, BwPostman is still in English, is there an option somewhere to choose another language (I have not installed localise yet because I don't want it to change my other language files.
I have also attached the original gb-GB files, I have not seen your <icon ...> text in it. Am I working with the good BwPostman revision : 1.2.3 ?
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