[SOLVED] Is there any possibility to redirect articles links ?

27 Sep. 2015 18:38 #1023 von Poussemousse

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  • I now that my website Joomla installation has not been made properly, but I wasn't ther when it occured.

    Indeed, my real website and its working extensions are located in :
    Root\Administration\Components and Root\Components whereas when I perform installation, those applications are generally located in :
    Root\Site\Administration\Components and Root\Sire\Components .

    Therefore, when I configure my newsletter to display website contents, the link of the articles and pictures in them is not correct since it has "site\" in its own address.

    My question is : where can I change the general root path, in order to remove this "site\" to be able to see correctly my articles in the Newsletter.

    I know it is a little bit tricky, but I have already solved this on other extension.

    If you can help me in anyway, it would be very kind of you.
    Thanks for all and your great work for this very useful extension.


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    28 Sep. 2015 05:17 #1025 von Romana

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  • Hi Poussemousse,

    I wonder if your website works with the structure root/site/components, because the right structure for front end part of Joomla is root/components! Joomla and all extensions expects this structure, it is an obligatory condition for Joomla to work properly!

    There are constants defined in Joomla for the correct paths to component admin and component site location. That are (see docs.joomla.org/Constants )
    • JPATH_COMPONENT_ADMINISTRATOR - The path to the administration folder of the current component being executed.
    • JPATH_COMPONENT - The path to the current component being executed.
    These constants references root/administrator/components respectively root/components and something that way I use to build the links to the articles in the newsletter. There is no way to change this!

    I assume, that Your structure is a consequence of simply copying the content of installation packages to the Joomla root folder. Best correction would be to install Joomla and all used extensions correctly. You may try to copy all folders and files from root/site/components to root/components, but I suppose, that will not solve Your problem properly.



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    28 Sep. 2015 07:51 #1027 von Romana

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  • Oh, again a misunderstanding?

    You have installed Joomla in a subdirectory of Your root directory at Your hoster? Then You have to establish a redirection at Your hoster, so that all requests to Your website will be redirected to the specific subdirectory.



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    28 Sep. 2015 17:22 #1028 von Poussemousse

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  • Hello Romana,

    thanks for this very fast support, I will try it as soon as possible.

    In order to give my contribution to your extension, I can offer you a French translation of the 3 languages files, how can I proceed to send them to you and how can I add the French langage (just copying the files in the good directory ?).


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    28 Sep. 2015 18:21 #1030 von Romana

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  • Hello Poussemousse,

    In order to give my contribution to your extension, I can offer you a French translation

    Hey, that sounds great!

    For my translations German to English I use this extension: extensions.joomla.org/extensions/extensi...age-edition/localise . That is not perfect, but it eases work a good part. Simply copy the original language files, i. e. en-GB.com_bwpostman.ini, to your language folder (fr-FR?), Then call the extension. First time it will last a good while until it has read all the language files. Then you may switch to translations, filter for bwpostman and you can edit the language files.

    Attention: The sys.ini files have some <i class="icon-…"> inside, that creates an error in localize. If you comment that lines out (; at beginning of line), you are also able to edit these files.

    You can zip your language files, subfolders for admin and site please, and attach this zip file here at a thread. Satomi has done it perfectly for japanese language files in the category user opinions, see www.boldt-webservice.de/en/bw-forum/anwe...great-extension.html .

    I would be glad to get French language files! :silly:



    Problem gelöst? Dann bitte auf gelöst klicken. Über ein Danke freue ich mich immer.
    Problem solved? Please click to solved.I am glad to every thank you.

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    05 Okt. 2015 21:20 #1048 von Poussemousse

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  • Good evening Romana,

    I have solved my redirection trouble.
    Issue was coming from a bad installation location of your extension, now I have the good article links in my newsletter.

    Could you please tell me exactly what are the name and how many files you manage, in order to be able to finish the translation.
    On my own I have found :
    1) /administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_bwpostman.ini (the very big one)

    2) /administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_bwpostman.sys.ini with its exact copy in /language/en-GB/ folder

    3) /language/en-GB/en-GB.com_bwpostman.ini (a smaller one compared with the one in Administrator folder)

    4) /language/en-GB/en-GB.mod_bwpostman.ini

    5) /language/en-GB/en-GB.mod_bwpostman.sys.ini, same as the second 2)

    Waiting for your confirmation,
    all my best

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