First newsletter error
First newsletter error wurde erstellt von komir
Hi, I send my first newsletter and now have error message
When go to Newsletters->Quene tab don see any errors. All have is list of users with:
Subject, Description, Author, Recipient , Sending trials (here have all 0) and ID
An error occurred while sending the newsletters, please go Newsletters → Queue and revise the entries!
Subject, Description, Author, Recipient , Sending trials (here have all 0) and ID
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Karl antwortete auf First newsletter error
Hi komir,
BwPostman use the Joomla mail functions.
Go to System->Global Configuration on Tab Server ->Mailsettings.
Check your Settings and send a test mail (Button "Send Test Mail").
If you get the mail, BwPostman should work.
BwPostman use the Joomla mail functions.
Go to System->Global Configuration on Tab Server ->Mailsettings.
Check your Settings and send a test mail (Button "Send Test Mail").
If you get the mail, BwPostman should work.
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Karl antwortete auf First newsletter error
I forgot something.
Make sure that you uses Joomla 3.5.1 and 1.3.2 BwPostman.
Make sure that you uses Joomla 3.5.1 and 1.3.2 BwPostman.
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