Newsletter log
Newsletter log wurde erstellt von komir
Hi, is there any way to check is newsletter was send to one email?
User say that he didn’t receive newsletter?
Thank you
User say that he didn’t receive newsletter?
Thank you
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Romana antwortete auf Newsletter log
Hi komir,
if there is no entry in newsletter queue, then newsletter is sent, especially if there are more than one recipients in the concerning mailing list. The newsletter queue is only shown at newsletters as a third tab beneath unsent and sent newsletters, if there was a problem sending newsletters an all or some newsletters to specific recipients couldn't be sent. Also there is a warning message in all screens of BwPostman, if there is at least one entry in the queue.
If a recipient don't get the newsletters, in most cases it may be filtered by the recipients (or his providers) spam filter or the mail address was entered faulty.
if there is no entry in newsletter queue, then newsletter is sent, especially if there are more than one recipients in the concerning mailing list. The newsletter queue is only shown at newsletters as a third tab beneath unsent and sent newsletters, if there was a problem sending newsletters an all or some newsletters to specific recipients couldn't be sent. Also there is a warning message in all screens of BwPostman, if there is at least one entry in the queue.
If a recipient don't get the newsletters, in most cases it may be filtered by the recipients (or his providers) spam filter or the mail address was entered faulty.
Problem gelöst? Dann bitte auf gelöst klicken. Über ein Danke freue ich mich immer.
Problem solved? Please click to solved.I am glad to every thank you.
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