Need way to confirm existing subscribers

08 März 2022 21:02 #2097 von davidspring

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  • We use this component for our club newsletters. New embers sign up in person at our weekly meetings. Volunteers then enter them as subscribers in the back end of our website. However, some time, the volunteer forget to check the confirmed box – which sadly only appears once. We need a way to confirm these subscribers in the back end of our website. Could you add some way in the backend options so that the confirm button appears for existing as well as for new subscribers?

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    09 März 2022 09:13 #2098 von Romana

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  • Hello davidspring,

    adding a subscriber to a mailing list has to be done carefully, to not get in trouble with GDPR or other legal restrictions. For that reason I have implemented it this way. This might not relate to Your use case, but most others.

    There is a workaround for Your problem:
    • Go to subscribers
    • Click to export
    • Select CSV
    • Select unconfirmed subscribers and unarchived subscribers
    • Click to export data and save the file
    • Archive the subscribers you want to confirm
    • Go to archive ->archived subscribers and delete these subscribers
    • Go back to subscribers
    • Click to import and select CSV
    • Select Your previously saved file
    • Select Line 1 contains column headlines and click to further
    • At Available database fields remove status
    • At Import file fields remove id, gender, special and status
    • Select the desired mailing list(s) and the newsletter format
    • Select Confirm subscribers and click to import data

    If You have subscribers for both newsletter formats You have to do this twice, while the step Archive the subscribers you want to confirm has to be done separately for HTML and text format subscribers.


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    Problem solved? Please click to solved.I am glad to every thank you.

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    10 März 2022 16:05 #2099 von davidspring

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  • Romana
    Thank you for your answer. I understand that adding a subscriber to a mailing list has to be done carefully, to not get in trouble with GDPR or other legal restrictions. I also understand the steps for the Work Around to edit a CSV file to confirm the subscribers. However, the CSV Work Around involves 15 steps – all of which would have to be repeated every time we have a subscriber that needs to be confirmed. These 15 steps would create an unacceptable nightmare for the volunteers running our newsletter list.
    Keep in mind that all of our members must personally attend one of our meetings and sign up on a paper signup list to get our newsletter. Our club does not even have an online signup process as we only want local people we personally know to be allowed to sign up for our club newsletter.
    I also respectfully disagree with your assumption that the Confirmation process you are forcing on us to use your newsletter component applies to “most other cases.” In fact, only a small percent of the world is subject to the GDPR. There are hundreds of countries and billions of people to whom the GDPR does not apply. They all have their own local clubs which are only subject to the rules in their particular nation. Even if they are subject to the GDPR, I bet there are thousands of clubs like ours that use other ways to restrict who is allowed to sign up for their club newsletters.
    Therefore, the decision on whether or not to hide the Confirm button on existing subscribers should be left to the club newsletter managers who understand the sign up processes used by their clubs and are aware of the laws in their nation. Needless restrictions and nightmare work arounds should not be forced on them just because a small percent of the world’s population is subject to the GDPR.
    I understand that your particular use case is subject to the GDPR and I understand your decision to hide the Confirm button by default for existing subscribers. But the solution to this problem is to place a button in the Options and or Configuration area of the BW Newsletter component - to allow us to turn on the Confirm button for existing subscrbers if our club useage and our national regulations are different from your club useage and nation.
    Addding this option can easily be done because the Confirm button already exists. It is simply being hidden. Alternately, if you do not want to add this option, if you can tell me where in your code you have hidden the Confirm button and what code I should use or what lines I should delete to unhide the Confirm button, I am willing to do a Joomla Component Override to delete or alter the part of the code that is hiding this button.
    But what I am really hoping is that you will see the wisdom of allowing us the flexibility to make our own decision of whether to display or hide the Confirm button rather than needlessly forcing a process on people all over the world who have different use cases and different laws than you might have.
    David Spring

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    10 März 2022 18:17 #2100 von Romana

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  • Hello davidspring,

    go to …/components/com_bwpostman/helpers, line 634 and replace
    $form->setFieldAttribute('status', 'type', 'hidden');
    if ($form->getValue('status') !== "0") { $form->setFieldAttribute('status', 'type', 'hidden'); }

    With this You are able to edit the status of a subscriber as long as the subscriber is not confirmed.


    Problem gelöst? Dann bitte auf gelöst klicken. Über ein Danke freue ich mich immer.
    Problem solved? Please click to solved.I am glad to every thank you.

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    10 März 2022 19:39 #2101 von davidspring

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  • Thank you very much. I will give it a try.

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    13 März 2022 07:27 #2106 von davidspring

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  • It works. But the actual file location and file name was slightly different. I am using BW Postman version 3.1.9. click on the administrators folder to open it. then components folder to open it. Then click on the com_bwpostman folder to open it. Then click on the subscriberhelpers.php file to EDIT it. Then scroll down to line 634

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