General/Allgemeines No topics
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Welcome No topicsWelcome to the forum of Boldt Webservice. Here you will find help to self-help to the Joomla!-extensions I have written.
Herzlich willkommen im Forum von Boldt Webservice. Hier findest Du Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe zu den von mir erstellten Joomla!-Erweiterungen. Wie Du siehst, ist eigentlich deutsch meine Sprache, aber da die Joomla!-Community ja nicht auf den deutschsprachigen Raum begrenzt ist, ist die Sprache im Forum englisch, damit jeder etwas davon hat.
Moderators: Romana
BwPostman 298 topics
In this category you can ask your questions for the Joomla! extension BwPostman.
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FAQ 11 topicsHere you can find general informations about BwPostman.
Moderators: Romana
Your Questions/Fragen 253 topicsHere you can ask your questions around BwPostman.
Moderators: Romana
Bug reports/Fehler melden 11 topicsBwPostman now has a BugTracker at
You may write bug reports, feature requests, follow these items or see the road map at . Please notify me at the BugTracker, when you find bugs and errors. Please give informations as specific as possible, how you generated your bug or error. As specific you inform me, as better I can help. Because of that, this forum category is closed for writing.
Moderators: Romana
Bwpostman now has a BugTracker at
There you can also ask for new features for BwPostman. I will see, what I can do... Because of that, this forum category is closed for writing.
Moderators: Romana
User Opinions/ Anwenderstimmen 8 topicsHere you may share your comments and experience to BwPostman casually. /
Hier könnt ihr ganz zwanglos eure Kommentare und Erfahrungen rund um BwPostman mitteilen.
Moderators: Romana
Here You find informations and support for language packages and translations
Moderators: Romana
BwTransifex 1 topic
In this category you can ask your questions for the Joomla! extension BwTransifex
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Your Questions/Fragen 1 topicHere you can ask your questions around BwTransifex.
Moderators: Romana
User Opinions/ Anwenderstimmen No topicsHere you may share your comments and experience to BwTransifex casually. /
Hier könnt ihr ganz zwanglos eure Kommentare und Erfahrungen rund um BwTransifex mitteilen.
Moderators: Romana
FAQ No topicsHere you can find general information about BwTransifex.
Moderators: Romana
BwAttachments No topics
In this category you can ask your questions for the Joomla! extension BwTransifex
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User Opinions/ Anwenderstimmen No topicsHere you may share your comments and experience to BwAttachments casually. /
Hier könnt ihr ganz zwanglos eure Kommentare und Erfahrungen rund um BwAttachments mitteilen.
Moderators: Romana
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