BwPostman en

Version 3.2.4 Stable

Joomla 3.3.6+

Released on: Wednesday, 19 April 2023
Maturity Stable
Released on Wednesday, 19 April 2023
Viewed 0 times

Release notes

  • *********************************
  • Changelog for BwPostman Component
  • *********************************
  • This is a changelog for the Joomla!3.3.6+ component BwPostman
  • Many thanks to all those people who have contributed bug reports and code fixes.
  • Version 3.2.4 released (2023-04-19)----
  • Bugfix
  • The update of the view all 10 recipients while sending a newsletter caused, that only 10 mails per step were sent at time controlled sending.
  • Version 3.2.2 released (2022-10-15)----
  • Bugfix
  • At some rare cases subscriber model couldn't load from front end
  • Version 3.2.1 released (2022-06-30)----
  • Improvement
  • Make it possible to import subscribers without selecting a mailinglist.
  • Adjust call of getcsv at import of subscribers to prevent php warnings
  • Version 3.2.0 released (2022-02-18)----
  • Bugfix
  • Imported newsletter templates may not have status 'default', even if the exported template was a default template
  • At front end view register a container was not closed correctly, if no mailing list was selectable
  • Module registration showed subscription instead of 'edit link', if visitor with subscription is logged in
  • Improvement
  • Better check and repair default value of table columns at restoring tables and check and repair
  • Edit subscription now is also shown at view register, if no mailinglist is selectable
  • Align subscribers with Joomla! users to prevent mismatch at editing subscription at update of BwPostman
  • New
  • Add plugin userAccount, which aligns Joomla user ID of with subscribers data, if account is created or deleted after subscription
  • Newsletters now show search engine friendly URLs for 'ReadMore'
  • Version 3.1.9 released (2021-12-19)----
  • Bugfix
  • Revert bugfix 'On some rare cases default setting for text columns at tables made installation/update error', made more problems than it solved
  • Sending to testrecipients unable
  • Version 3.1.8 released (2021-12-18)----
  • Bugfix
  • Package creation took too much media folders at plugins, package was too big
  • On some rare cases default setting for text columns at tables made installation/update error
  • Improvement
  • Ensure that a variable not countable at U2S don't produce errors
  • Enhance description of # of months of module overview at back end
  • Version 3.1.7 released (2021-10-02)----
  • Bugfix
  • Ensure BwTimeControl settings are written as CDATA to backup
  • Ensure CDATA parts of backup are parsed correctly, even if there is only one dataset
  • Base64 encode keys of BwTimeControl settings while creating backup and decode at restoring
  • Version 3.1.6 released (2021-08-21)----
  • Improvement
  • Smaller changes to manifest files of package and single parts to meet upgrade needs
  • Version 3.1.5 released (2021-06-11)----
  • New
  • Add option for selecting FE layout to component options
  • Bugfix
  • Repair pagination at FE
  • Correct calculating of start date (February 29/30 problem) at module overview
  • Correct tooltip for publish at sent newsletter
  • Correct typos at language strings, add missing strings, remove icon of BwLibRegister
  • Improvement
  • Install plugin BwLibregister as first element of installation package
  • Improve filter type at import of subscribers
  • Improve selecting of table columns to handle with CDATA at saving tables
  • Version 3.1.4 released (2021-03-05)----
  • Bugfix
  • Check of tables after update did not work with Joomla 3.9.25
  • Version 3.1.3 released (2021-02-26)----
  • Bugfix
  • In some rare cases tables are lost at check and restore of tables
  • Link to manual at screen after installation/update didn't work correctly
  • Version 3.1.2 released (2021-02-03)----
  • Bugfix
  • Moving subscribers to another mailing list by batch processing did not work
  • Version 3.1.1 released (2021-01-20)----
  • Bugfix
  • CSS files of component not copied to media folder
  • Version 3.1.0 released (2021-01-14)----
  • New
  • Small and large modal layout and bootstrap layouts for registration module added
  • Call of css file moved to layout to enable separated css files for each layout
  • Support for bootstrap 2 + 4 added to front end files
  • Version 3.0.3 released (2020-11-27)----
  • Bugfix
  • Modal window changes of disclaimer to bootstrap reverted
  • New
  • Provide custom header List-Unsubscribe for newsletter (email)
  • Version 3.0.2 released (2020-11-17)----
  • Bugfix
  • Make IDs of edit_mailformat and gender select list of registration module unique
  • Add required star to available mailinglists
  • Repair display of special field
  • Switch to get mailinglists by access level up to user access level (including lower levels)
  • Format gender select list
  • Repair saving of gender male
  • Version 3.0.1 released (2020-09-08)----
  • Bugfix
  • Correct query for attribute at restoring tables
  • Ignore and report unprocessable user groups at restore tables
  • Catch some exceptions to prevent white screen on dashboard
  • Improvement
  • Sending mails by BwPostman without correct sender now nearly impossible
  • Version 3.0.0 released (2020-09-05)----
  • New
  • Enhanced mail verification at registration and import of subscribers, both optionally
  • Block links at subscriber fields name, first name and special
  • Import of Joomla classes by php 'use'
  • Sending of newsletters switched to ajax handling, improved look and feel
  • Log level of BwPostman selectable at options of component
  • Bugfix
  • Avoid error message at deinstallation by not loading logger at deinstallation
  • Add own sql update method to ensure these updates are handled correctly
  • Error message at sending of newsletters resolved, if gzip compression is set at Joomla settings
  • Use of group ids in place of english group names at restoring tables
  • Reduce block size of writing assets at maintenance from 1000 to 200 to prevent memory error
  • Reduce writing of rules at assets to only needed ones to reduce file size and prevent memory error
  • Improvement
  • Memory usage, time consumption and error handling at restoring tables improved
  • Input data at front end and back end made more secure
  • Import of subscribes secured, information texts improved
  • Check of imported user groups at restoring tables enhances by default user groups
  • Adjust name of media folder of BwPostman to Joomla default
  • Personalization of managing mails introduced (i.e. confirmation mail)
  • Use of SimpleXML/DOM for creating and restoring tables and creating subscriber export
  • Inline javascript moved to files to improve security and loading time
  • Lot of code optimization (smaller methods, less code duplication, helper classes extended, …) as preparation for Joomla 4
  • Add menu parameters to frontend layouts
  • Version 2.3.1 released (2019-06-08)----
  • Bugfix
  • Multiple problems with language strings corrected
  • Version 2.3.0 released (2019-04-26)----
  • New
  • Message at front end, that new activation needed, if subscriber changed mail address
  • Plugin to show mailinglists/usergroups and optionally number of recipients of a newsletter at the footer of the newsletter
  • Language files moved to Transifex and except english and german removed from installation package to save installation package space and installation time. Installation separately.
  • Bugfix
  • Error after click on icon for multiple attachments at front end
  • Improvement
  • Trigger for events added for future use
  • Rendering of newsletter before preview and sending modularized (internal work)
  • BwLibRegister library file moved from component folder to plugin folder
  • Version 2.2.1 released (7-Feb-2019)----
  • New
  • Dutch language files
  • Bugfix
  • Mail to webmaster at unsubscription doesn't work
  • Wrong inheritance of sample user groups
  • Improvement
  • Switch update server to package naming
  • Version 2.2.0 released (25-Jan-2019)----
  • New
  • Export subscribers only from selected mailing list possible
  • Content templates for newsletters
  • Specific help links to online documentation at backend
  • Bugfix
  • SQL syntax error at newsletters list at front end
  • Restore of tables with zip file doesn't work
  • Export subscribers always exports all subscribers
  • Improvement
  • Up to 20 attachments possible
  • Version 2.1.2 released (14-Dez-2018)----
  • Improvement
  • Output checked for valid HTML
  • Table check at update moved to modal box
  • Comma at salutation at activation mail hard coded, sometimes a not needed space is set
  • Bugfix
  • Missing media images at installation package
  • Captcha doesn't work
  • Version 2.1.1 released (16-Nov-2018)----
  • New
  • All texts of options are multi-language capable
  • Modal box for disclaimer at front end, selectable at options of component
  • Bugfix
  • Update crashes, if one of the Plugins U2S or B2S is activated
  • Compression/Decompression of saved tables only works for Joomla! 3.8.1+
  • SQL error at newsletter overview at front end
  • Internal mailinglists are not accepted as recipients
  • Update from 1.3.2 to 2.0.x lets display unpublished articles of Joomla
  • Version 2.1.0 released (26-Oct-2018)----
  • New
  • Component option for 1-click-unsubscribe
  • Component option mail to webmaster at unsubscription
  • Button Save & Copy for all sections
  • Button Save & New for all sections
  • Possibility to print subscriber data at subscriber details (GDPR)
  • Component option to pack file at save tables (ZIP)
  • Export for templates added
  • Component option to publish newsletter by default after sending
  • Additional optional checkbox with individual text directly before subscribe button (for GDPR)
  • Bugfix
  • SQL error at newsletter list view at front end
  • Error at upload file at attachments at edit newsletter
  • Link to forum changed to new target
  • Improvement
  • Delete uploaded backup file after restoring tables
  • not needed images removed
  • Version 2.0.2 released (19-May-2018)
  • Bugfix
  • Routing after save changes of subscription at FE
  • Edit subscription only stored one mailing list
  • Everlasting spinner at permission change at newsletters and subscribers
  • Impossible to save assets of subscriber without gender selected
  • Display of calculated permissions if permission changed corrected on item level
  • Improvement
  • Description of mailing list can be shown if only one mailing list to select exists
  • Description of mailing lists can be shortened, full description with tool tip for component, module and plugin
  • Permission create now hidden on item level, makes no sense
  • selecting gender changed to select list with 3 specific values (male, female, not specified)
  • Version 2.0.1 released (2-May-2018)
  • Bugfix
  • Saving changed subscription with error
  • Version 2.0.0 released (1-May-2018)
  • With this version BwPostman only is distributed as package, that contains all that BwPostman contains for free. With this
  • version there is only this changelog available, separate change logs for modules and plugins are not longer updated.
  • New
  • Plugin for enhanced personalization
  • Plugin for subscription to a mailing list while creating a Joomla! account
  • Additional field "Custom CSS" at standard templates added
  • Buttons for enhanced personalization inserted at editing templates and newsletters
  • Bugfix
  • Link to Boldt Webservice now totally removed when selected not to show
  • Typos corrected at language files
  • Table check at attribute NULL corrected
  • Form check by javascript corrected
  • Saving gender without entry (=gender unknown) now possible
  • Change back to no gender now possible
  • Table campaigns_mailinglists was not deleted at uninstall
  • Check for module specific params corrected
  • Improvement
  • Collation of tables changed from utf8 to utf8mb4
  • Access management of component enhanced
  • Table column archived_by changed to integer
  • Email check at module subscription enhanced to meet new TLDs
  • CSS styles for radio buttons module subscription modified
  • Version 1.3.2 released (14-Apr-2016)
  • Improvement
  • Trigger for enhanced personalization modified.
  • Bugfix
  • Since Joomla 3.5.1 some problems while registering or change subscribers mail address
  • If folder for media was renamed, there occurred problems with attachment and thumbnails of templates
  • If a user was logged in, which has no subscription, there occurred problems at register form
  • Since Joomla 3.5.1 building of some language strings have changed
  • "male" was not shown in back end list of subscribers.
  • Version 1.3.1 released (7-Apr-2016)
  • New
  • Trigger for enhanced personalization inserted.
  • Bugfix
  • Since Joomla 3.5.1 sending newsletters failed
  • Since Joomla 3.5.1 some php warnings arise while creating or editing newsletters or campaigns
  • Handling of specific table permissions while updating BwPostman throws php warnings
  • Version 1.3.0 released (29-Mar-2016)
  • New
  • Possibility to import external created mail templates.
  • Selection for gender of subscriber, at options configurable.
  • Additional field for further purpose for subscriber, display and obligation configurable at options, label and description for label of additional field configurable also in options by language strings.
  • List of newsletter at back end displays, whether an attachment belongs to newsletter.
  • Assets of tables of BwPostman and their corresponding user groups will now be backed up and restored.
  • Improvement
  • Runtime at restoring tables up to 120 times faster.
  • Needed memory at update to new version of BwPostman drastically reduced by changing internal workflow.
  • Needed memory at restoring tables drastically reduced by changing internal workflow.
  • View of restoring and checking tables now continuously shows the working steps.
  • Asset handling at restoring tables revised.
  • Language files revised.
  • Bugfix
  • Selecting attachment while creating/editing a newsletter was not possible
  • Version 1.2.4 released (17-Dec-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • User-defined CSS file some times not read
  • Faulty calling of icon font for user-defined css file
  • Faulty function call in helper class
  • Unable to delegate actions in BwPostman to other user groups
  • Improvement
  • Select lists for available and selected content at creating/editing newsletters broadened
  • Error message at missing inputs while creating a newsletter specified
  • Version 1.2.3 released (22-Sep-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Edit form subscriber in front end: click on a button does nothing, if one of the fields first name or name is not obligatory.
  • On some installations updates to BwPostman were shown even update was already installed
  • improvement:
  • Javascript noscript message added
  • Version 1.2.2 released (2-Sep-2015)
  • Improvement:
  • CSS of html templates improved to better fit Outlook specifics
  • Version 1.2.1 released (17-Jul-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Adding subscriber without name is not possible, even option is set to no obligation
  • Version 1.2.0 released (9-Jul-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Newsletters, that only contains free content without articles from Joomla, did not use the template
  • Access control in view archive does not work properly
  • Pagination in back end view of newsletters did not work properly
  • Anchor links in newsletters did not work
  • New
  • Selecting campaign moved up to General Information at edit newsletter tab Generals
  • Recipients of campaigns now selectable at campaigns, not at newsletters
  • Publish up and publish down for newsletters, concerns visibility in frontend
  • Status, description and publishing times of sent newsletters editable
  • Delay time between sending of newsletter packages selectable
  • Access to attachment of a newsletter in front end, selectable by global option and menu item option
  • Extended options for view newsletters list in front end
  • Filter newsletters in front end list view by mailing lists, usergroups, campaigns, month and year enable by global option and menu item option
  • More additional filters in back end list views
  • improvement:
  • Improved loading time and stability while editing newsletter in back end
  • Improved work flow at import and export of subscribers
  • Progress bar while sending newsletters
  • Improved and modernized look in front end
  • CSS files for front end now contains all elements used by BwPostman (most of them empty to fill by user)
  • Version released (14-Apr-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Pagination does not work since Joomla 3.3.4
  • Confirmation date of subscriber was set on actual date on each saving
  • Newsletters to usergroups are not shown in front end
  • Improvement
  • Templates added to statistics
  • Styles for pagination in front end added
  • Version 1.1.0 released (21-Mar-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Newsletters without articles of Joomla have not used CSS styles
  • New
  • Template system for newsletters (Karl)
  • dropped support for Joomla 2.5
  • Improvement
  • Extended and improved filtering in back end
  • Version 1.0.8 released (Mar-05-2015)
  • *********************************************
  • *** last version that supports Joomla!2.5 ***
  • *********************************************
  • New
  • Filtering for mailing lists in view subscribers implemented
  • Batch processing for add, remove or move subscribers to/from/between mailinglists
  • Icon set for back end joomla menu entries extended
  • Improvement
  • Subject of a newsletter now may be used several times
  • Description for newsletter added
  • Version of BwPostman in file name of saved tables
  • List of newsletters in front end now ordered by date descending as default
  • List of mailing lists while creating/editing a newsletter now ordered by title ascending
  • Version 1.0.7 released (Feb-18-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Corrupt language file
  • Read more link in newsletter causes error 404 - file not found - if language of the article does not meet the language of the website on multi-language sites
  • Archived recipients were not deleted from queue
  • Improvement
  • Code is more valid
  • Icons in back end menus of Joomla
  • Version 1.0.6 released (Jan-05-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Editing newsletters step 3 preview not shown, sending of newsletters not possible
  • Version 1.0.5 released (Dec-18-2014)
  • Bugfix
  • User-defined css file not read
  • In some cases error 1052 while editing subscribers
  • Improvement
  • Checkall implemented in back-end subscribers at tab unconfirmed subscribers
  • Version 1.0.4 released (Oct-29-2014)
  • Bugfix
  • selecting attachment others than images is not possible
  • sorting newsletters list in front-end is not possible
  • In view newsletters in back-end at tab Sent newsletters nothing shown as marked at check all
  • Search phrase in newsletters list at front-end was not reset in some cases
  • Page title at front-end views not always set correctly
  • Version 1.0.3 released (Oct-14-2014)
  • Bugfix
  • problem while browsing pages with subscribers and newsletters in backend
  • false error message "invalid email address" while importing subscribers, no import possible
  • no items visible in queue
  • Value for "Number of newsletters per step" in tab "Step5: Send newsletter" was not used
  • some compatibility issues with javascript
  • editor not accessible in tab "Step2: HTML newsletter"
  • Version 1.0.2 released (Sep-20-2014)
  • Improvement
  • spam check revised
  • error messages revised
  • Bugfix
  • revised, corrected and updated language strings
  • sending newsletters to joomla usergroups was not possible
  • Version 1.0.1 released (Aug-07-2014)
  • New
  • works now with Joomla!3.3
  • maintenance with check and repair tables, save tables and restore tables
  • new icon set
  • integrated help accessible in toolbar
  • easy migration from one Joomla! installation to another conditionally possible
  • improvement:
  • better overview of basic settings by improved layout of options
  • disclaimer now also selectable from Joomla! articles or Joomla! menu
  • conversion from _all/_single file and class naming to Joomla! conventions
  • table engine changed to InnoDB
  • list(s) renamed to mailinglist(s) in tables, controllers, models and views
  • mostly revised and simplified code
  • Bugfix
  • Minor discrepancies in the client-side and server-side validation of form fields has been corrected.
  • Version released (Apr-13-2014)
  • Bugfix ERROR 500 - Unknown column 'attachment' in 'field list' SQL=INS…
  • Version 0.9.8 released (Apr-09-2014)
  • New
  • Significant is the improvement of protection against spam entries in the registration forms (component and module).
  • The administrator has now the option to integrate in the registration form:
  • a user-defined control question
  • or a captcha with a simple math question
  • Improvement
  • The display of the article author and the creation date in the newsletter can be controlled in the options.
  • Bugfix
  • Minor bugs in the client-side and server-side validation of form fields has been corrected.
  • Version 0.9.7 released (Mar-08-2014)
  • New
  • Sending an attachment with the newsletter is now possible
  • There is a new tab Advanced Settings added to options/settings for:
  • Legal information
  • A title in the activation mail
  • Various texts for the activation mail
  • You are able to set, that you will be informed at each confirmation per mail
  • A user-defined CSS-File named com_bwpostman.css, located in [your template]/css, will be used and overrides the css-styles predefined in BwPostman
  • Improvement
  • If name und first name are set to required, then the fields will be displayed at registration even if you forgot to set to display these fields
  • All elements shown in frontend are individually selectable by CSS now
  • Revised installation routine
  • Version released (Jan-23-2014)
  • Bugfix
  • Can't register in component register form, when only one mailing list is available
  • When component register form and module form are displayed at same time, one has to fill both forms to be able to register
  • Version released (Sept-07-2013)
  • Bugfix
  • for updating version number
  • Improvement
  • installation script revised
  • Version released (Sept-02-2013)
  • Bugfix
  • registering to newsletter
  • Version 0.9.6 released (Aug-22-2013)
  • New
  • css-asset for module added
  • Version 0.9.5 released (Aug-21-2013)
  • New
  • field 'firstname' inserted with separated option for show/required to field 'name'
  • personalization for HTML- als text-newsletters inserted
  • Bugfix
  • error while copying newsletter eliminated
  • Apr-05-2013 Romana Boldt, Version 0.9.1
  • general changes to Joomla! 2.5

View files

Version 3.2.3 Stable

Joomla 3.3.6+

Released on: Thursday, 15 December 2022
Maturity Stable
Released on Thursday, 15 December 2022
Viewed 0 times

Release notes

  • *********************************
  • Changelog for BwPostman Component
  • *********************************
  • This is a changelog for the Joomla!3.3.6+ component BwPostman
  • Many thanks to all those people who have contributed bug reports and code fixes.
  • Version 3.2.2 released (2022-10-15)----
  • Bugfix
  • At some rare cases subscriber model couldn't load from front end
  • Version 3.2.1 released (2022-06-30)----
  • Improvement
  • Make it possible to import subscribers without selecting a mailinglist.
  • Adjust call of getcsv at import of subscribers to prevent php warnings
  • Version 3.2.0 released (2022-02-18)----
  • Bugfix
  • Imported newsletter templates may not have status 'default', even if the exported template was a default template
  • At front end view register a container was not closed correctly, if no mailing list was selectable
  • Module registration showed subscription instead of 'edit link', if visitor with subscription is logged in
  • Improvement
  • Better check and repair default value of table columns at restoring tables and check and repair
  • Edit subscription now is also shown at view register, if no mailinglist is selectable
  • Align subscribers with Joomla! users to prevent mismatch at editing subscription at update of BwPostman
  • New
  • Add plugin userAccount, which aligns Joomla user ID of with subscribers data, if account is created or deleted after subscription
  • Newsletters now show search engine friendly URLs for 'ReadMore'
  • Version 3.1.9 released (2021-12-19)----
  • Bugfix
  • Revert bugfix 'On some rare cases default setting for text columns at tables made installation/update error', made more problems than it solved
  • Sending to testrecipients unable
  • Version 3.1.8 released (2021-12-18)----
  • Bugfix
  • Package creation took too much media folders at plugins, package was too big
  • On some rare cases default setting for text columns at tables made installation/update error
  • Improvement
  • Ensure that a variable not countable at U2S don't produce errors
  • Enhance description of # of months of module overview at back end
  • Version 3.1.7 released (2021-10-02)----
  • Bugfix
  • Ensure BwTimeControl settings are written as CDATA to backup
  • Ensure CDATA parts of backup are parsed correctly, even if there is only one dataset
  • Base64 encode keys of BwTimeControl settings while creating backup and decode at restoring
  • Version 3.1.6 released (2021-08-21)----
  • Improvement
  • Smaller changes to manifest files of package and single parts to meet upgrade needs
  • Version 3.1.5 released (2021-06-11)----
  • New
  • Add option for selecting FE layout to component options
  • Bugfix
  • Repair pagination at FE
  • Correct calculating of start date (February 29/30 problem) at module overview
  • Correct tooltip for publish at sent newsletter
  • Correct typos at language strings, add missing strings, remove icon of BwLibRegister
  • Improvement
  • Install plugin BwLibregister as first element of installation package
  • Improve filter type at import of subscribers
  • Improve selecting of table columns to handle with CDATA at saving tables
  • Version 3.1.4 released (2021-03-05)----
  • Bugfix
  • Check of tables after update did not work with Joomla 3.9.25
  • Version 3.1.3 released (2021-02-26)----
  • Bugfix
  • In some rare cases tables are lost at check and restore of tables
  • Link to manual at screen after installation/update didn't work correctly
  • Version 3.1.2 released (2021-02-03)----
  • Bugfix
  • Moving subscribers to another mailing list by batch processing did not work
  • Version 3.1.1 released (2021-01-20)----
  • Bugfix
  • CSS files of component not copied to media folder
  • Version 3.1.0 released (2021-01-14)----
  • New
  • Small and large modal layout and bootstrap layouts for registration module added
  • Call of css file moved to layout to enable separated css files for each layout
  • Support for bootstrap 2 + 4 added to front end files
  • Version 3.0.3 released (2020-11-27)----
  • Bugfix
  • Modal window changes of disclaimer to bootstrap reverted
  • New
  • Provide custom header List-Unsubscribe for newsletter (email)
  • Version 3.0.2 released (2020-11-17)----
  • Bugfix
  • Make IDs of edit_mailformat and gender select list of registration module unique
  • Add required star to available mailinglists
  • Repair display of special field
  • Switch to get mailinglists by access level up to user access level (including lower levels)
  • Format gender select list
  • Repair saving of gender male
  • Version 3.0.1 released (2020-09-08)----
  • Bugfix
  • Correct query for attribute at restoring tables
  • Ignore and report unprocessable user groups at restore tables
  • Catch some exceptions to prevent white screen on dashboard
  • Improvement
  • Sending mails by BwPostman without correct sender now nearly impossible
  • Version 3.0.0 released (2020-09-05)----
  • New
  • Enhanced mail verification at registration and import of subscribers, both optionally
  • Block links at subscriber fields name, first name and special
  • Import of Joomla classes by php 'use'
  • Sending of newsletters switched to ajax handling, improved look and feel
  • Log level of BwPostman selectable at options of component
  • Bugfix
  • Avoid error message at deinstallation by not loading logger at deinstallation
  • Add own sql update method to ensure these updates are handled correctly
  • Error message at sending of newsletters resolved, if gzip compression is set at Joomla settings
  • Use of group ids in place of english group names at restoring tables
  • Reduce block size of writing assets at maintenance from 1000 to 200 to prevent memory error
  • Reduce writing of rules at assets to only needed ones to reduce file size and prevent memory error
  • Improvement
  • Memory usage, time consumption and error handling at restoring tables improved
  • Input data at front end and back end made more secure
  • Import of subscribes secured, information texts improved
  • Check of imported user groups at restoring tables enhances by default user groups
  • Adjust name of media folder of BwPostman to Joomla default
  • Personalization of managing mails introduced (i.e. confirmation mail)
  • Use of SimpleXML/DOM for creating and restoring tables and creating subscriber export
  • Inline javascript moved to files to improve security and loading time
  • Lot of code optimization (smaller methods, less code duplication, helper classes extended, …) as preparation for Joomla 4
  • Add menu parameters to frontend layouts
  • Version 2.3.1 released (2019-06-08)----
  • Bugfix
  • Multiple problems with language strings corrected
  • Version 2.3.0 released (2019-04-26)----
  • New
  • Message at front end, that new activation needed, if subscriber changed mail address
  • Plugin to show mailinglists/usergroups and optionally number of recipients of a newsletter at the footer of the newsletter
  • Language files moved to Transifex and except english and german removed from installation package to save installation package space and installation time. Installation separately.
  • Bugfix
  • Error after click on icon for multiple attachments at front end
  • Improvement
  • Trigger for events added for future use
  • Rendering of newsletter before preview and sending modularized (internal work)
  • BwLibRegister library file moved from component folder to plugin folder
  • Version 2.2.1 released (7-Feb-2019)----
  • New
  • Dutch language files
  • Bugfix
  • Mail to webmaster at unsubscription doesn't work
  • Wrong inheritance of sample user groups
  • Improvement
  • Switch update server to package naming
  • Version 2.2.0 released (25-Jan-2019)----
  • New
  • Export subscribers only from selected mailing list possible
  • Content templates for newsletters
  • Specific help links to online documentation at backend
  • Bugfix
  • SQL syntax error at newsletters list at front end
  • Restore of tables with zip file doesn't work
  • Export subscribers always exports all subscribers
  • Improvement
  • Up to 20 attachments possible
  • Version 2.1.2 released (14-Dez-2018)----
  • Improvement
  • Output checked for valid HTML
  • Table check at update moved to modal box
  • Comma at salutation at activation mail hard coded, sometimes a not needed space is set
  • Bugfix
  • Missing media images at installation package
  • Captcha doesn't work
  • Version 2.1.1 released (16-Nov-2018)----
  • New
  • All texts of options are multi-language capable
  • Modal box for disclaimer at front end, selectable at options of component
  • Bugfix
  • Update crashes, if one of the Plugins U2S or B2S is activated
  • Compression/Decompression of saved tables only works for Joomla! 3.8.1+
  • SQL error at newsletter overview at front end
  • Internal mailinglists are not accepted as recipients
  • Update from 1.3.2 to 2.0.x lets display unpublished articles of Joomla
  • Version 2.1.0 released (26-Oct-2018)----
  • New
  • Component option for 1-click-unsubscribe
  • Component option mail to webmaster at unsubscription
  • Button Save & Copy for all sections
  • Button Save & New for all sections
  • Possibility to print subscriber data at subscriber details (GDPR)
  • Component option to pack file at save tables (ZIP)
  • Export for templates added
  • Component option to publish newsletter by default after sending
  • Additional optional checkbox with individual text directly before subscribe button (for GDPR)
  • Bugfix
  • SQL error at newsletter list view at front end
  • Error at upload file at attachments at edit newsletter
  • Link to forum changed to new target
  • Improvement
  • Delete uploaded backup file after restoring tables
  • not needed images removed
  • Version 2.0.2 released (19-May-2018)
  • Bugfix
  • Routing after save changes of subscription at FE
  • Edit subscription only stored one mailing list
  • Everlasting spinner at permission change at newsletters and subscribers
  • Impossible to save assets of subscriber without gender selected
  • Display of calculated permissions if permission changed corrected on item level
  • Improvement
  • Description of mailing list can be shown if only one mailing list to select exists
  • Description of mailing lists can be shortened, full description with tool tip for component, module and plugin
  • Permission create now hidden on item level, makes no sense
  • selecting gender changed to select list with 3 specific values (male, female, not specified)
  • Version 2.0.1 released (2-May-2018)
  • Bugfix
  • Saving changed subscription with error
  • Version 2.0.0 released (1-May-2018)
  • With this version BwPostman only is distributed as package, that contains all that BwPostman contains for free. With this
  • version there is only this changelog available, separate change logs for modules and plugins are not longer updated.
  • New
  • Plugin for enhanced personalization
  • Plugin for subscription to a mailing list while creating a Joomla! account
  • Additional field "Custom CSS" at standard templates added
  • Buttons for enhanced personalization inserted at editing templates and newsletters
  • Bugfix
  • Link to Boldt Webservice now totally removed when selected not to show
  • Typos corrected at language files
  • Table check at attribute NULL corrected
  • Form check by javascript corrected
  • Saving gender without entry (=gender unknown) now possible
  • Change back to no gender now possible
  • Table campaigns_mailinglists was not deleted at uninstall
  • Check for module specific params corrected
  • Improvement
  • Collation of tables changed from utf8 to utf8mb4
  • Access management of component enhanced
  • Table column archived_by changed to integer
  • Email check at module subscription enhanced to meet new TLDs
  • CSS styles for radio buttons module subscription modified
  • Version 1.3.2 released (14-Apr-2016)
  • Improvement
  • Trigger for enhanced personalization modified.
  • Bugfix
  • Since Joomla 3.5.1 some problems while registering or change subscribers mail address
  • If folder for media was renamed, there occurred problems with attachment and thumbnails of templates
  • If a user was logged in, which has no subscription, there occurred problems at register form
  • Since Joomla 3.5.1 building of some language strings have changed
  • "male" was not shown in back end list of subscribers.
  • Version 1.3.1 released (7-Apr-2016)
  • New
  • Trigger for enhanced personalization inserted.
  • Bugfix
  • Since Joomla 3.5.1 sending newsletters failed
  • Since Joomla 3.5.1 some php warnings arise while creating or editing newsletters or campaigns
  • Handling of specific table permissions while updating BwPostman throws php warnings
  • Version 1.3.0 released (29-Mar-2016)
  • New
  • Possibility to import external created mail templates.
  • Selection for gender of subscriber, at options configurable.
  • Additional field for further purpose for subscriber, display and obligation configurable at options, label and description for label of additional field configurable also in options by language strings.
  • List of newsletter at back end displays, whether an attachment belongs to newsletter.
  • Assets of tables of BwPostman and their corresponding user groups will now be backed up and restored.
  • Improvement
  • Runtime at restoring tables up to 120 times faster.
  • Needed memory at update to new version of BwPostman drastically reduced by changing internal workflow.
  • Needed memory at restoring tables drastically reduced by changing internal workflow.
  • View of restoring and checking tables now continuously shows the working steps.
  • Asset handling at restoring tables revised.
  • Language files revised.
  • Bugfix
  • Selecting attachment while creating/editing a newsletter was not possible
  • Version 1.2.4 released (17-Dec-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • User-defined CSS file some times not read
  • Faulty calling of icon font for user-defined css file
  • Faulty function call in helper class
  • Unable to delegate actions in BwPostman to other user groups
  • Improvement
  • Select lists for available and selected content at creating/editing newsletters broadened
  • Error message at missing inputs while creating a newsletter specified
  • Version 1.2.3 released (22-Sep-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Edit form subscriber in front end: click on a button does nothing, if one of the fields first name or name is not obligatory.
  • On some installations updates to BwPostman were shown even update was already installed
  • improvement:
  • Javascript noscript message added
  • Version 1.2.2 released (2-Sep-2015)
  • Improvement:
  • CSS of html templates improved to better fit Outlook specifics
  • Version 1.2.1 released (17-Jul-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Adding subscriber without name is not possible, even option is set to no obligation
  • Version 1.2.0 released (9-Jul-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Newsletters, that only contains free content without articles from Joomla, did not use the template
  • Access control in view archive does not work properly
  • Pagination in back end view of newsletters did not work properly
  • Anchor links in newsletters did not work
  • New
  • Selecting campaign moved up to General Information at edit newsletter tab Generals
  • Recipients of campaigns now selectable at campaigns, not at newsletters
  • Publish up and publish down for newsletters, concerns visibility in frontend
  • Status, description and publishing times of sent newsletters editable
  • Delay time between sending of newsletter packages selectable
  • Access to attachment of a newsletter in front end, selectable by global option and menu item option
  • Extended options for view newsletters list in front end
  • Filter newsletters in front end list view by mailing lists, usergroups, campaigns, month and year enable by global option and menu item option
  • More additional filters in back end list views
  • improvement:
  • Improved loading time and stability while editing newsletter in back end
  • Improved work flow at import and export of subscribers
  • Progress bar while sending newsletters
  • Improved and modernized look in front end
  • CSS files for front end now contains all elements used by BwPostman (most of them empty to fill by user)
  • Version released (14-Apr-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Pagination does not work since Joomla 3.3.4
  • Confirmation date of subscriber was set on actual date on each saving
  • Newsletters to usergroups are not shown in front end
  • Improvement
  • Templates added to statistics
  • Styles for pagination in front end added
  • Version 1.1.0 released (21-Mar-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Newsletters without articles of Joomla have not used CSS styles
  • New
  • Template system for newsletters (Karl)
  • dropped support for Joomla 2.5
  • Improvement
  • Extended and improved filtering in back end
  • Version 1.0.8 released (Mar-05-2015)
  • *********************************************
  • *** last version that supports Joomla!2.5 ***
  • *********************************************
  • New
  • Filtering for mailing lists in view subscribers implemented
  • Batch processing for add, remove or move subscribers to/from/between mailinglists
  • Icon set for back end joomla menu entries extended
  • Improvement
  • Subject of a newsletter now may be used several times
  • Description for newsletter added
  • Version of BwPostman in file name of saved tables
  • List of newsletters in front end now ordered by date descending as default
  • List of mailing lists while creating/editing a newsletter now ordered by title ascending
  • Version 1.0.7 released (Feb-18-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Corrupt language file
  • Read more link in newsletter causes error 404 - file not found - if language of the article does not meet the language of the website on multi-language sites
  • Archived recipients were not deleted from queue
  • Improvement
  • Code is more valid
  • Icons in back end menus of Joomla
  • Version 1.0.6 released (Jan-05-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Editing newsletters step 3 preview not shown, sending of newsletters not possible
  • Version 1.0.5 released (Dec-18-2014)
  • Bugfix
  • User-defined css file not read
  • In some cases error 1052 while editing subscribers
  • Improvement
  • Checkall implemented in back-end subscribers at tab unconfirmed subscribers
  • Version 1.0.4 released (Oct-29-2014)
  • Bugfix
  • selecting attachment others than images is not possible
  • sorting newsletters list in front-end is not possible
  • In view newsletters in back-end at tab Sent newsletters nothing shown as marked at check all
  • Search phrase in newsletters list at front-end was not reset in some cases
  • Page title at front-end views not always set correctly
  • Version 1.0.3 released (Oct-14-2014)
  • Bugfix
  • problem while browsing pages with subscribers and newsletters in backend
  • false error message "invalid email address" while importing subscribers, no import possible
  • no items visible in queue
  • Value for "Number of newsletters per step" in tab "Step5: Send newsletter" was not used
  • some compatibility issues with javascript
  • editor not accessible in tab "Step2: HTML newsletter"
  • Version 1.0.2 released (Sep-20-2014)
  • Improvement
  • spam check revised
  • error messages revised
  • Bugfix
  • revised, corrected and updated language strings
  • sending newsletters to joomla usergroups was not possible
  • Version 1.0.1 released (Aug-07-2014)
  • New
  • works now with Joomla!3.3
  • maintenance with check and repair tables, save tables and restore tables
  • new icon set
  • integrated help accessible in toolbar
  • easy migration from one Joomla! installation to another conditionally possible
  • improvement:
  • better overview of basic settings by improved layout of options
  • disclaimer now also selectable from Joomla! articles or Joomla! menu
  • conversion from _all/_single file and class naming to Joomla! conventions
  • table engine changed to InnoDB
  • list(s) renamed to mailinglist(s) in tables, controllers, models and views
  • mostly revised and simplified code
  • Bugfix
  • Minor discrepancies in the client-side and server-side validation of form fields has been corrected.
  • Version released (Apr-13-2014)
  • Bugfix ERROR 500 - Unknown column 'attachment' in 'field list' SQL=INS…
  • Version 0.9.8 released (Apr-09-2014)
  • New
  • Significant is the improvement of protection against spam entries in the registration forms (component and module).
  • The administrator has now the option to integrate in the registration form:
  • a user-defined control question
  • or a captcha with a simple math question
  • Improvement
  • The display of the article author and the creation date in the newsletter can be controlled in the options.
  • Bugfix
  • Minor bugs in the client-side and server-side validation of form fields has been corrected.
  • Version 0.9.7 released (Mar-08-2014)
  • New
  • Sending an attachment with the newsletter is now possible
  • There is a new tab Advanced Settings added to options/settings for:
  • Legal information
  • A title in the activation mail
  • Various texts for the activation mail
  • You are able to set, that you will be informed at each confirmation per mail
  • A user-defined CSS-File named com_bwpostman.css, located in [your template]/css, will be used and overrides the css-styles predefined in BwPostman
  • Improvement
  • If name und first name are set to required, then the fields will be displayed at registration even if you forgot to set to display these fields
  • All elements shown in frontend are individually selectable by CSS now
  • Revised installation routine
  • Version released (Jan-23-2014)
  • Bugfix
  • Can't register in component register form, when only one mailing list is available
  • When component register form and module form are displayed at same time, one has to fill both forms to be able to register
  • Version released (Sept-07-2013)
  • Bugfix
  • for updating version number
  • Improvement
  • installation script revised
  • Version released (Sept-02-2013)
  • Bugfix
  • registering to newsletter
  • Version 0.9.6 released (Aug-22-2013)
  • New
  • css-asset for module added
  • Version 0.9.5 released (Aug-21-2013)
  • New
  • field 'firstname' inserted with separated option for show/required to field 'name'
  • personalization for HTML- als text-newsletters inserted
  • Bugfix
  • error while copying newsletter eliminated
  • Apr-05-2013 Romana Boldt, Version 0.9.1
  • general changes to Joomla! 2.5

View files

Version 3.2.2 Stable

Joomla 3.3.6+

Released on: Thursday, 13 October 2022
Maturity Stable
Released on Thursday, 13 October 2022
Viewed 0 times

Release notes

  • *********************************
  • Changelog for BwPostman Component
  • *********************************
  • This is a changelog for the Joomla!3.3.6+ component BwPostman
  • Many thanks to all those people who have contributed bug reports and code fixes.
  • Version 3.2.2 released (2022-10-14)----
  • Bugfix
  • At some rare cases subscriber model couldn't load from front end
  • Version 3.2.1 released (2022-06-30)----
  • Improvement
  • Make it possible to import subscribers without selecting a mailinglist.
  • Adjust call of getcsv at import of subscribers to prevent php warnings
  • Version 3.2.0 released (2022-02-18)----
  • Bugfix
  • Imported newsletter templates may not have status 'default', even if the exported template was a default template
  • At front end view register a container was not closed correctly, if no mailing list was selectable
  • Module registration showed subscription instead of 'edit link', if visitor with subscription is logged in
  • Improvement
  • Better check and repair default value of table columns at restoring tables and check and repair
  • Edit subscription now is also shown at view register, if no mailinglist is selectable
  • Align subscribers with Joomla! users to prevent mismatch at editing subscription at update of BwPostman
  • New
  • Add plugin userAccount, which aligns Joomla user ID of with subscribers data, if account is created or deleted after subscription
  • Newsletters now show search engine friendly URLs for 'ReadMore'
  • Version 3.1.9 released (2021-12-19)----
  • Bugfix
  • Revert bugfix 'On some rare cases default setting for text columns at tables made installation/update error', made more problems than it solved
  • Sending to testrecipients unable
  • Version 3.1.8 released (2021-12-18)----
  • Bugfix
  • Package creation took too much media folders at plugins, package was too big
  • On some rare cases default setting for text columns at tables made installation/update error
  • Improvement
  • Ensure that a variable not countable at U2S don't produce errors
  • Enhance description of # of months of module overview at back end
  • Version 3.1.7 released (2021-10-02)----
  • Bugfix
  • Ensure BwTimeControl settings are written as CDATA to backup
  • Ensure CDATA parts of backup are parsed correctly, even if there is only one dataset
  • Base64 encode keys of BwTimeControl settings while creating backup and decode at restoring
  • Version 3.1.6 released (2021-08-21)----
  • Improvement
  • Smaller changes to manifest files of package and single parts to meet upgrade needs
  • Version 3.1.5 released (2021-06-11)----
  • New
  • Add option for selecting FE layout to component options
  • Bugfix
  • Repair pagination at FE
  • Correct calculating of start date (February 29/30 problem) at module overview
  • Correct tooltip for publish at sent newsletter
  • Correct typos at language strings, add missing strings, remove icon of BwLibRegister
  • Improvement
  • Install plugin BwLibregister as first element of installation package
  • Improve filter type at import of subscribers
  • Improve selecting of table columns to handle with CDATA at saving tables
  • Version 3.1.4 released (2021-03-05)----
  • Bugfix
  • Check of tables after update did not work with Joomla 3.9.25
  • Version 3.1.3 released (2021-02-26)----
  • Bugfix
  • In some rare cases tables are lost at check and restore of tables
  • Link to manual at screen after installation/update didn't work correctly
  • Version 3.1.2 released (2021-02-03)----
  • Bugfix
  • Moving subscribers to another mailing list by batch processing did not work
  • Version 3.1.1 released (2021-01-20)----
  • Bugfix
  • CSS files of component not copied to media folder
  • Version 3.1.0 released (2021-01-14)----
  • New
  • Small and large modal layout and bootstrap layouts for registration module added
  • Call of css file moved to layout to enable separated css files for each layout
  • Support for bootstrap 2 + 4 added to front end files
  • Version 3.0.3 released (2020-11-27)----
  • Bugfix
  • Modal window changes of disclaimer to bootstrap reverted
  • New
  • Provide custom header List-Unsubscribe for newsletter (email)
  • Version 3.0.2 released (2020-11-17)----
  • Bugfix
  • Make IDs of edit_mailformat and gender select list of registration module unique
  • Add required star to available mailinglists
  • Repair display of special field
  • Switch to get mailinglists by access level up to user access level (including lower levels)
  • Format gender select list
  • Repair saving of gender male
  • Version 3.0.1 released (2020-09-08)----
  • Bugfix
  • Correct query for attribute at restoring tables
  • Ignore and report unprocessable user groups at restore tables
  • Catch some exceptions to prevent white screen on dashboard
  • Improvement
  • Sending mails by BwPostman without correct sender now nearly impossible
  • Version 3.0.0 released (2020-09-05)----
  • New
  • Enhanced mail verification at registration and import of subscribers, both optionally
  • Block links at subscriber fields name, first name and special
  • Import of Joomla classes by php 'use'
  • Sending of newsletters switched to ajax handling, improved look and feel
  • Log level of BwPostman selectable at options of component
  • Bugfix
  • Avoid error message at deinstallation by not loading logger at deinstallation
  • Add own sql update method to ensure these updates are handled correctly
  • Error message at sending of newsletters resolved, if gzip compression is set at Joomla settings
  • Use of group ids in place of english group names at restoring tables
  • Reduce block size of writing assets at maintenance from 1000 to 200 to prevent memory error
  • Reduce writing of rules at assets to only needed ones to reduce file size and prevent memory error
  • Improvement
  • Memory usage, time consumption and error handling at restoring tables improved
  • Input data at front end and back end made more secure
  • Import of subscribes secured, information texts improved
  • Check of imported user groups at restoring tables enhances by default user groups
  • Adjust name of media folder of BwPostman to Joomla default
  • Personalization of managing mails introduced (i.e. confirmation mail)
  • Use of SimpleXML/DOM for creating and restoring tables and creating subscriber export
  • Inline javascript moved to files to improve security and loading time
  • Lot of code optimization (smaller methods, less code duplication, helper classes extended, …) as preparation for Joomla 4
  • Add menu parameters to frontend layouts
  • Version 2.3.1 released (2019-06-08)----
  • Bugfix
  • Multiple problems with language strings corrected
  • Version 2.3.0 released (2019-04-26)----
  • New
  • Message at front end, that new activation needed, if subscriber changed mail address
  • Plugin to show mailinglists/usergroups and optionally number of recipients of a newsletter at the footer of the newsletter
  • Language files moved to Transifex and except english and german removed from installation package to save installation package space and installation time. Installation separately.
  • Bugfix
  • Error after click on icon for multiple attachments at front end
  • Improvement
  • Trigger for events added for future use
  • Rendering of newsletter before preview and sending modularized (internal work)
  • BwLibRegister library file moved from component folder to plugin folder
  • Version 2.2.1 released (7-Feb-2019)----
  • New
  • Dutch language files
  • Bugfix
  • Mail to webmaster at unsubscription doesn't work
  • Wrong inheritance of sample user groups
  • Improvement
  • Switch update server to package naming
  • Version 2.2.0 released (25-Jan-2019)----
  • New
  • Export subscribers only from selected mailing list possible
  • Content templates for newsletters
  • Specific help links to online documentation at backend
  • Bugfix
  • SQL syntax error at newsletters list at front end
  • Restore of tables with zip file doesn't work
  • Export subscribers always exports all subscribers
  • Improvement
  • Up to 20 attachments possible
  • Version 2.1.2 released (14-Dez-2018)----
  • Improvement
  • Output checked for valid HTML
  • Table check at update moved to modal box
  • Comma at salutation at activation mail hard coded, sometimes a not needed space is set
  • Bugfix
  • Missing media images at installation package
  • Captcha doesn't work
  • Version 2.1.1 released (16-Nov-2018)----
  • New
  • All texts of options are multi-language capable
  • Modal box for disclaimer at front end, selectable at options of component
  • Bugfix
  • Update crashes, if one of the Plugins U2S or B2S is activated
  • Compression/Decompression of saved tables only works for Joomla! 3.8.1+
  • SQL error at newsletter overview at front end
  • Internal mailinglists are not accepted as recipients
  • Update from 1.3.2 to 2.0.x lets display unpublished articles of Joomla
  • Version 2.1.0 released (26-Oct-2018)----
  • New
  • Component option for 1-click-unsubscribe
  • Component option mail to webmaster at unsubscription
  • Button Save & Copy for all sections
  • Button Save & New for all sections
  • Possibility to print subscriber data at subscriber details (GDPR)
  • Component option to pack file at save tables (ZIP)
  • Export for templates added
  • Component option to publish newsletter by default after sending
  • Additional optional checkbox with individual text directly before subscribe button (for GDPR)
  • Bugfix
  • SQL error at newsletter list view at front end
  • Error at upload file at attachments at edit newsletter
  • Link to forum changed to new target
  • Improvement
  • Delete uploaded backup file after restoring tables
  • not needed images removed
  • Version 2.0.2 released (19-May-2018)
  • Bugfix
  • Routing after save changes of subscription at FE
  • Edit subscription only stored one mailing list
  • Everlasting spinner at permission change at newsletters and subscribers
  • Impossible to save assets of subscriber without gender selected
  • Display of calculated permissions if permission changed corrected on item level
  • Improvement
  • Description of mailing list can be shown if only one mailing list to select exists
  • Description of mailing lists can be shortened, full description with tool tip for component, module and plugin
  • Permission create now hidden on item level, makes no sense
  • selecting gender changed to select list with 3 specific values (male, female, not specified)
  • Version 2.0.1 released (2-May-2018)
  • Bugfix
  • Saving changed subscription with error
  • Version 2.0.0 released (1-May-2018)
  • With this version BwPostman only is distributed as package, that contains all that BwPostman contains for free. With this
  • version there is only this changelog available, separate change logs for modules and plugins are not longer updated.
  • New
  • Plugin for enhanced personalization
  • Plugin for subscription to a mailing list while creating a Joomla! account
  • Additional field "Custom CSS" at standard templates added
  • Buttons for enhanced personalization inserted at editing templates and newsletters
  • Bugfix
  • Link to Boldt Webservice now totally removed when selected not to show
  • Typos corrected at language files
  • Table check at attribute NULL corrected
  • Form check by javascript corrected
  • Saving gender without entry (=gender unknown) now possible
  • Change back to no gender now possible
  • Table campaigns_mailinglists was not deleted at uninstall
  • Check for module specific params corrected
  • Improvement
  • Collation of tables changed from utf8 to utf8mb4
  • Access management of component enhanced
  • Table column archived_by changed to integer
  • Email check at module subscription enhanced to meet new TLDs
  • CSS styles for radio buttons module subscription modified
  • Version 1.3.2 released (14-Apr-2016)
  • Improvement
  • Trigger for enhanced personalization modified.
  • Bugfix
  • Since Joomla 3.5.1 some problems while registering or change subscribers mail address
  • If folder for media was renamed, there occurred problems with attachment and thumbnails of templates
  • If a user was logged in, which has no subscription, there occurred problems at register form
  • Since Joomla 3.5.1 building of some language strings have changed
  • "male" was not shown in back end list of subscribers.
  • Version 1.3.1 released (7-Apr-2016)
  • New
  • Trigger for enhanced personalization inserted.
  • Bugfix
  • Since Joomla 3.5.1 sending newsletters failed
  • Since Joomla 3.5.1 some php warnings arise while creating or editing newsletters or campaigns
  • Handling of specific table permissions while updating BwPostman throws php warnings
  • Version 1.3.0 released (29-Mar-2016)
  • New
  • Possibility to import external created mail templates.
  • Selection for gender of subscriber, at options configurable.
  • Additional field for further purpose for subscriber, display and obligation configurable at options, label and description for label of additional field configurable also in options by language strings.
  • List of newsletter at back end displays, whether an attachment belongs to newsletter.
  • Assets of tables of BwPostman and their corresponding user groups will now be backed up and restored.
  • Improvement
  • Runtime at restoring tables up to 120 times faster.
  • Needed memory at update to new version of BwPostman drastically reduced by changing internal workflow.
  • Needed memory at restoring tables drastically reduced by changing internal workflow.
  • View of restoring and checking tables now continuously shows the working steps.
  • Asset handling at restoring tables revised.
  • Language files revised.
  • Bugfix
  • Selecting attachment while creating/editing a newsletter was not possible
  • Version 1.2.4 released (17-Dec-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • User-defined CSS file some times not read
  • Faulty calling of icon font for user-defined css file
  • Faulty function call in helper class
  • Unable to delegate actions in BwPostman to other user groups
  • Improvement
  • Select lists for available and selected content at creating/editing newsletters broadened
  • Error message at missing inputs while creating a newsletter specified
  • Version 1.2.3 released (22-Sep-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Edit form subscriber in front end: click on a button does nothing, if one of the fields first name or name is not obligatory.
  • On some installations updates to BwPostman were shown even update was already installed
  • improvement:
  • Javascript noscript message added
  • Version 1.2.2 released (2-Sep-2015)
  • Improvement:
  • CSS of html templates improved to better fit Outlook specifics
  • Version 1.2.1 released (17-Jul-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Adding subscriber without name is not possible, even option is set to no obligation
  • Version 1.2.0 released (9-Jul-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Newsletters, that only contains free content without articles from Joomla, did not use the template
  • Access control in view archive does not work properly
  • Pagination in back end view of newsletters did not work properly
  • Anchor links in newsletters did not work
  • New
  • Selecting campaign moved up to General Information at edit newsletter tab Generals
  • Recipients of campaigns now selectable at campaigns, not at newsletters
  • Publish up and publish down for newsletters, concerns visibility in frontend
  • Status, description and publishing times of sent newsletters editable
  • Delay time between sending of newsletter packages selectable
  • Access to attachment of a newsletter in front end, selectable by global option and menu item option
  • Extended options for view newsletters list in front end
  • Filter newsletters in front end list view by mailing lists, usergroups, campaigns, month and year enable by global option and menu item option
  • More additional filters in back end list views
  • improvement:
  • Improved loading time and stability while editing newsletter in back end
  • Improved work flow at import and export of subscribers
  • Progress bar while sending newsletters
  • Improved and modernized look in front end
  • CSS files for front end now contains all elements used by BwPostman (most of them empty to fill by user)
  • Version released (14-Apr-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Pagination does not work since Joomla 3.3.4
  • Confirmation date of subscriber was set on actual date on each saving
  • Newsletters to usergroups are not shown in front end
  • Improvement
  • Templates added to statistics
  • Styles for pagination in front end added
  • Version 1.1.0 released (21-Mar-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Newsletters without articles of Joomla have not used CSS styles
  • New
  • Template system for newsletters (Karl)
  • dropped support for Joomla 2.5
  • Improvement
  • Extended and improved filtering in back end
  • Version 1.0.8 released (Mar-05-2015)
  • *********************************************
  • *** last version that supports Joomla!2.5 ***
  • *********************************************
  • New
  • Filtering for mailing lists in view subscribers implemented
  • Batch processing for add, remove or move subscribers to/from/between mailinglists
  • Icon set for back end joomla menu entries extended
  • Improvement
  • Subject of a newsletter now may be used several times
  • Description for newsletter added
  • Version of BwPostman in file name of saved tables
  • List of newsletters in front end now ordered by date descending as default
  • List of mailing lists while creating/editing a newsletter now ordered by title ascending
  • Version 1.0.7 released (Feb-18-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Corrupt language file
  • Read more link in newsletter causes error 404 - file not found - if language of the article does not meet the language of the website on multi-language sites
  • Archived recipients were not deleted from queue
  • Improvement
  • Code is more valid
  • Icons in back end menus of Joomla
  • Version 1.0.6 released (Jan-05-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Editing newsletters step 3 preview not shown, sending of newsletters not possible
  • Version 1.0.5 released (Dec-18-2014)
  • Bugfix
  • User-defined css file not read
  • In some cases error 1052 while editing subscribers
  • Improvement
  • Checkall implemented in back-end subscribers at tab unconfirmed subscribers
  • Version 1.0.4 released (Oct-29-2014)
  • Bugfix
  • selecting attachment others than images is not possible
  • sorting newsletters list in front-end is not possible
  • In view newsletters in back-end at tab Sent newsletters nothing shown as marked at check all
  • Search phrase in newsletters list at front-end was not reset in some cases
  • Page title at front-end views not always set correctly
  • Version 1.0.3 released (Oct-14-2014)
  • Bugfix
  • problem while browsing pages with subscribers and newsletters in backend
  • false error message "invalid email address" while importing subscribers, no import possible
  • no items visible in queue
  • Value for "Number of newsletters per step" in tab "Step5: Send newsletter" was not used
  • some compatibility issues with javascript
  • editor not accessible in tab "Step2: HTML newsletter"
  • Version 1.0.2 released (Sep-20-2014)
  • Improvement
  • spam check revised
  • error messages revised
  • Bugfix
  • revised, corrected and updated language strings
  • sending newsletters to joomla usergroups was not possible
  • Version 1.0.1 released (Aug-07-2014)
  • New
  • works now with Joomla!3.3
  • maintenance with check and repair tables, save tables and restore tables
  • new icon set
  • integrated help accessible in toolbar
  • easy migration from one Joomla! installation to another conditionally possible
  • improvement:
  • better overview of basic settings by improved layout of options
  • disclaimer now also selectable from Joomla! articles or Joomla! menu
  • conversion from _all/_single file and class naming to Joomla! conventions
  • table engine changed to InnoDB
  • list(s) renamed to mailinglist(s) in tables, controllers, models and views
  • mostly revised and simplified code
  • Bugfix
  • Minor discrepancies in the client-side and server-side validation of form fields has been corrected.
  • Version released (Apr-13-2014)
  • Bugfix ERROR 500 - Unknown column 'attachment' in 'field list' SQL=INS…
  • Version 0.9.8 released (Apr-09-2014)
  • New
  • Significant is the improvement of protection against spam entries in the registration forms (component and module).
  • The administrator has now the option to integrate in the registration form:
  • a user-defined control question
  • or a captcha with a simple math question
  • Improvement
  • The display of the article author and the creation date in the newsletter can be controlled in the options.
  • Bugfix
  • Minor bugs in the client-side and server-side validation of form fields has been corrected.
  • Version 0.9.7 released (Mar-08-2014)
  • New
  • Sending an attachment with the newsletter is now possible
  • There is a new tab Advanced Settings added to options/settings for:
  • Legal information
  • A title in the activation mail
  • Various texts for the activation mail
  • You are able to set, that you will be informed at each confirmation per mail
  • A user-defined CSS-File named com_bwpostman.css, located in [your template]/css, will be used and overrides the css-styles predefined in BwPostman
  • Improvement
  • If name und first name are set to required, then the fields will be displayed at registration even if you forgot to set to display these fields
  • All elements shown in frontend are individually selectable by CSS now
  • Revised installation routine
  • Version released (Jan-23-2014)
  • Bugfix
  • Can't register in component register form, when only one mailing list is available
  • When component register form and module form are displayed at same time, one has to fill both forms to be able to register
  • Version released (Sept-07-2013)
  • Bugfix
  • for updating version number
  • Improvement
  • installation script revised
  • Version released (Sept-02-2013)
  • Bugfix
  • registering to newsletter
  • Version 0.9.6 released (Aug-22-2013)
  • New
  • css-asset for module added
  • Version 0.9.5 released (Aug-21-2013)
  • New
  • field 'firstname' inserted with separated option for show/required to field 'name'
  • personalization for HTML- als text-newsletters inserted
  • Bugfix
  • error while copying newsletter eliminated
  • Apr-05-2013 Romana Boldt, Version 0.9.1
  • general changes to Joomla! 2.5

View files

Version 3.2.1 Stable

Joomla 3.3.6+

Released on: Thursday, 14 April 2022
Maturity Stable
Released on Thursday, 14 April 2022
Viewed 0 times

Release notes

  • *********************************
  • Changelog for BwPostman Component
  • *********************************
  • This is a changelog for the Joomla!3.3.6+ component BwPostman
  • Many thanks to all those people who have contributed bug reports and code fixes.
  • Version 3.2.1 released (2022-04-14)----
  • Bugfix
  • Remove obsolete check_allsubscribers part
  • Improvement
  • Add setting of missing component parameters at installation
  • Ensure getting of parameters has default value
  • Improve tooltips and texts at article selection
  • Change message of popup when check after update is ready
  • New
  • Add sorting of selected articles while creating/editing a newsletter
  • Add selection of articles for creating/editing by filterable popup
  • Version 3.2.0 released (2022-02-18)----
  • Bugfix
  • Imported newsletter templates may not have status 'default', even if the exported template was a default template
  • At front end view register a container was not closed correctly, if no mailing list was selectable
  • Module registration showed subscription instead of 'edit link', if visitor with subscription is logged in
  • Improvement
  • Better check and repair default value of table columns at restoring tables and check and repair
  • Edit subscription now is also shown at view register, if no mailinglist is selectable
  • Align subscribers with Joomla! users to prevent mismatch at editing subscription at update of BwPostman
  • New
  • Add plugin userAccount, which aligns Joomla user ID of with subscribers data, if account is created or deleted after subscription
  • Newsletters now show search engine friendly URLs for 'ReadMore'
  • Version 3.1.9 released (2021-12-19)----
  • Bugfix
  • Revert bugfix 'On some rare cases default setting for text columns at tables made installation/update error', made more problems than it solved
  • Sending to testrecipients unable
  • Version 3.1.8 released (2021-12-18)----
  • Bugfix
  • Package creation took too much media folders at plugins, package was too big
  • On some rare cases default setting for text columns at tables made installation/update error
  • Improvement
  • Ensure that a variable not countable at U2S don't produce errors
  • Enhance description of # of months of module overview at back end
  • Version 3.1.7 released (2021-10-02)----
  • Bugfix
  • Ensure BwTimeControl settings are written as CDATA to backup
  • Ensure CDATA parts of backup are parsed correctly, even if there is only one dataset
  • Base64 encode keys of BwTimeControl settings while creating backup and decode at restoring
  • Version 3.1.6 released (2021-08-21)----
  • Improvement
  • Smaller changes to manifest files of package and single parts to meet upgrade needs
  • Version 3.1.5 released (2021-06-11)----
  • New
  • Add option for selecting FE layout to component options
  • Bugfix
  • Repair pagination at FE
  • Correct calculating of start date (February 29/30 problem) at module overview
  • Correct tooltip for publish at sent newsletter
  • Correct typos at language strings, add missing strings, remove icon of BwLibRegister
  • Improvement
  • Install plugin BwLibregister as first element of installation package
  • Improve filter type at import of subscribers
  • Improve selecting of table columns to handle with CDATA at saving tables
  • Version 3.1.4 released (2021-03-05)----
  • Bugfix
  • Check of tables after update did not work with Joomla 3.9.25
  • Version 3.1.3 released (2021-02-26)----
  • Bugfix
  • In some rare cases tables are lost at check and restore of tables
  • Link to manual at screen after installation/update didn't work correctly
  • Version 3.1.2 released (2021-02-03)----
  • Bugfix
  • Moving subscribers to another mailing list by batch processing did not work
  • Version 3.1.1 released (2021-01-20)----
  • Bugfix
  • CSS files of component not copied to media folder
  • Version 3.1.0 released (2021-01-14)----
  • New
  • Small and large modal layout and bootstrap layouts for registration module added
  • Call of css file moved to layout to enable separated css files for each layout
  • Support for bootstrap 2 + 4 added to front end files
  • Version 3.0.3 released (2020-11-27)----
  • Bugfix
  • Modal window changes of disclaimer to bootstrap reverted
  • New
  • Provide custom header List-Unsubscribe for newsletter (email)
  • Version 3.0.2 released (2020-11-17)----
  • Bugfix
  • Make IDs of edit_mailformat and gender select list of registration module unique
  • Add required star to available mailinglists
  • Repair display of special field
  • Switch to get mailinglists by access level up to user access level (including lower levels)
  • Format gender select list
  • Repair saving of gender male
  • Version 3.0.1 released (2020-09-08)----
  • Bugfix
  • Correct query for attribute at restoring tables
  • Ignore and report unprocessable user groups at restore tables
  • Catch some exceptions to prevent white screen on dashboard
  • Improvement
  • Sending mails by BwPostman without correct sender now nearly impossible
  • Version 3.0.0 released (2020-09-05)----
  • New
  • Enhanced mail verification at registration and import of subscribers, both optionally
  • Block links at subscriber fields name, first name and special
  • Import of Joomla classes by php 'use'
  • Sending of newsletters switched to ajax handling, improved look and feel
  • Log level of BwPostman selectable at options of component
  • Bugfix
  • Avoid error message at deinstallation by not loading logger at deinstallation
  • Add own sql update method to ensure these updates are handled correctly
  • Error message at sending of newsletters resolved, if gzip compression is set at Joomla settings
  • Use of group ids in place of english group names at restoring tables
  • Reduce block size of writing assets at maintenance from 1000 to 200 to prevent memory error
  • Reduce writing of rules at assets to only needed ones to reduce file size and prevent memory error
  • Improvement
  • Memory usage, time consumption and error handling at restoring tables improved
  • Input data at front end and back end made more secure
  • Import of subscribes secured, information texts improved
  • Check of imported user groups at restoring tables enhances by default user groups
  • Adjust name of media folder of BwPostman to Joomla default
  • Personalization of managing mails introduced (i.e. confirmation mail)
  • Use of SimpleXML/DOM for creating and restoring tables and creating subscriber export
  • Inline javascript moved to files to improve security and loading time
  • Lot of code optimization (smaller methods, less code duplication, helper classes extended, …) as preparation for Joomla 4
  • Add menu parameters to frontend layouts
  • Version 2.3.1 released (2019-06-08)----
  • Bugfix
  • Multiple problems with language strings corrected
  • Version 2.3.0 released (2019-04-26)----
  • New
  • Message at front end, that new activation needed, if subscriber changed mail address
  • Plugin to show mailinglists/usergroups and optionally number of recipients of a newsletter at the footer of the newsletter
  • Language files moved to Transifex and except english and german removed from installation package to save installation package space and installation time. Installation separately.
  • Bugfix
  • Error after click on icon for multiple attachments at front end
  • Improvement
  • Trigger for events added for future use
  • Rendering of newsletter before preview and sending modularized (internal work)
  • BwLibRegister library file moved from component folder to plugin folder
  • Version 2.2.1 released (7-Feb-2019)----
  • New
  • Dutch language files
  • Bugfix
  • Mail to webmaster at unsubscription doesn't work
  • Wrong inheritance of sample user groups
  • Improvement
  • Switch update server to package naming
  • Version 2.2.0 released (25-Jan-2019)----
  • New
  • Export subscribers only from selected mailing list possible
  • Content templates for newsletters
  • Specific help links to online documentation at backend
  • Bugfix
  • SQL syntax error at newsletters list at front end
  • Restore of tables with zip file doesn't work
  • Export subscribers always exports all subscribers
  • Improvement
  • Up to 20 attachments possible
  • Version 2.1.2 released (14-Dez-2018)----
  • Improvement
  • Output checked for valid HTML
  • Table check at update moved to modal box
  • Comma at salutation at activation mail hard coded, sometimes a not needed space is set
  • Bugfix
  • Missing media images at installation package
  • Captcha doesn't work
  • Version 2.1.1 released (16-Nov-2018)----
  • New
  • All texts of options are multi-language capable
  • Modal box for disclaimer at front end, selectable at options of component
  • Bugfix
  • Update crashes, if one of the Plugins U2S or B2S is activated
  • Compression/Decompression of saved tables only works for Joomla! 3.8.1+
  • SQL error at newsletter overview at front end
  • Internal mailinglists are not accepted as recipients
  • Update from 1.3.2 to 2.0.x lets display unpublished articles of Joomla
  • Version 2.1.0 released (26-Oct-2018)----
  • New
  • Component option for 1-click-unsubscribe
  • Component option mail to webmaster at unsubscription
  • Button Save & Copy for all sections
  • Button Save & New for all sections
  • Possibility to print subscriber data at subscriber details (GDPR)
  • Component option to pack file at save tables (ZIP)
  • Export for templates added
  • Component option to publish newsletter by default after sending
  • Additional optional checkbox with individual text directly before subscribe button (for GDPR)
  • Bugfix
  • SQL error at newsletter list view at front end
  • Error at upload file at attachments at edit newsletter
  • Link to forum changed to new target
  • Improvement
  • Delete uploaded backup file after restoring tables
  • not needed images removed
  • Version 2.0.2 released (19-May-2018)
  • Bugfix
  • Routing after save changes of subscription at FE
  • Edit subscription only stored one mailing list
  • Everlasting spinner at permission change at newsletters and subscribers
  • Impossible to save assets of subscriber without gender selected
  • Display of calculated permissions if permission changed corrected on item level
  • Improvement
  • Description of mailing list can be shown if only one mailing list to select exists
  • Description of mailing lists can be shortened, full description with tool tip for component, module and plugin
  • Permission create now hidden on item level, makes no sense
  • selecting gender changed to select list with 3 specific values (male, female, not specified)
  • Version 2.0.1 released (2-May-2018)
  • Bugfix
  • Saving changed subscription with error
  • Version 2.0.0 released (1-May-2018)
  • With this version BwPostman only is distributed as package, that contains all that BwPostman contains for free. With this
  • version there is only this changelog available, separate change logs for modules and plugins are not longer updated.
  • New
  • Plugin for enhanced personalization
  • Plugin for subscription to a mailing list while creating a Joomla! account
  • Additional field "Custom CSS" at standard templates added
  • Buttons for enhanced personalization inserted at editing templates and newsletters
  • Bugfix
  • Link to Boldt Webservice now totally removed when selected not to show
  • Typos corrected at language files
  • Table check at attribute NULL corrected
  • Form check by javascript corrected
  • Saving gender without entry (=gender unknown) now possible
  • Change back to no gender now possible
  • Table campaigns_mailinglists was not deleted at uninstall
  • Check for module specific params corrected
  • Improvement
  • Collation of tables changed from utf8 to utf8mb4
  • Access management of component enhanced
  • Table column archived_by changed to integer
  • Email check at module subscription enhanced to meet new TLDs
  • CSS styles for radio buttons module subscription modified
  • Version 1.3.2 released (14-Apr-2016)
  • Improvement
  • Trigger for enhanced personalization modified.
  • Bugfix
  • Since Joomla 3.5.1 some problems while registering or change subscribers mail address
  • If folder for media was renamed, there occurred problems with attachment and thumbnails of templates
  • If a user was logged in, which has no subscription, there occurred problems at register form
  • Since Joomla 3.5.1 building of some language strings have changed
  • "male" was not shown in back end list of subscribers.
  • Version 1.3.1 released (7-Apr-2016)
  • New
  • Trigger for enhanced personalization inserted.
  • Bugfix
  • Since Joomla 3.5.1 sending newsletters failed
  • Since Joomla 3.5.1 some php warnings arise while creating or editing newsletters or campaigns
  • Handling of specific table permissions while updating BwPostman throws php warnings
  • Version 1.3.0 released (29-Mar-2016)
  • New
  • Possibility to import external created mail templates.
  • Selection for gender of subscriber, at options configurable.
  • Additional field for further purpose for subscriber, display and obligation configurable at options, label and description for label of additional field configurable also in options by language strings.
  • List of newsletter at back end displays, whether an attachment belongs to newsletter.
  • Assets of tables of BwPostman and their corresponding user groups will now be backed up and restored.
  • Improvement
  • Runtime at restoring tables up to 120 times faster.
  • Needed memory at update to new version of BwPostman drastically reduced by changing internal workflow.
  • Needed memory at restoring tables drastically reduced by changing internal workflow.
  • View of restoring and checking tables now continuously shows the working steps.
  • Asset handling at restoring tables revised.
  • Language files revised.
  • Bugfix
  • Selecting attachment while creating/editing a newsletter was not possible
  • Version 1.2.4 released (17-Dec-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • User-defined CSS file some times not read
  • Faulty calling of icon font for user-defined css file
  • Faulty function call in helper class
  • Unable to delegate actions in BwPostman to other user groups
  • Improvement
  • Select lists for available and selected content at creating/editing newsletters broadened
  • Error message at missing inputs while creating a newsletter specified
  • Version 1.2.3 released (22-Sep-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Edit form subscriber in front end: click on a button does nothing, if one of the fields first name or name is not obligatory.
  • On some installations updates to BwPostman were shown even update was already installed
  • improvement:
  • Javascript noscript message added
  • Version 1.2.2 released (2-Sep-2015)
  • Improvement:
  • CSS of html templates improved to better fit Outlook specifics
  • Version 1.2.1 released (17-Jul-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Adding subscriber without name is not possible, even option is set to no obligation
  • Version 1.2.0 released (9-Jul-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Newsletters, that only contains free content without articles from Joomla, did not use the template
  • Access control in view archive does not work properly
  • Pagination in back end view of newsletters did not work properly
  • Anchor links in newsletters did not work
  • New
  • Selecting campaign moved up to General Information at edit newsletter tab Generals
  • Recipients of campaigns now selectable at campaigns, not at newsletters
  • Publish up and publish down for newsletters, concerns visibility in frontend
  • Status, description and publishing times of sent newsletters editable
  • Delay time between sending of newsletter packages selectable
  • Access to attachment of a newsletter in front end, selectable by global option and menu item option
  • Extended options for view newsletters list in front end
  • Filter newsletters in front end list view by mailing lists, usergroups, campaigns, month and year enable by global option and menu item option
  • More additional filters in back end list views
  • improvement:
  • Improved loading time and stability while editing newsletter in back end
  • Improved work flow at import and export of subscribers
  • Progress bar while sending newsletters
  • Improved and modernized look in front end
  • CSS files for front end now contains all elements used by BwPostman (most of them empty to fill by user)
  • Version released (14-Apr-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Pagination does not work since Joomla 3.3.4
  • Confirmation date of subscriber was set on actual date on each saving
  • Newsletters to usergroups are not shown in front end
  • Improvement
  • Templates added to statistics
  • Styles for pagination in front end added
  • Version 1.1.0 released (21-Mar-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Newsletters without articles of Joomla have not used CSS styles
  • New
  • Template system for newsletters (Karl)
  • dropped support for Joomla 2.5
  • Improvement
  • Extended and improved filtering in back end
  • Version 1.0.8 released (Mar-05-2015)
  • *********************************************
  • *** last version that supports Joomla!2.5 ***
  • *********************************************
  • New
  • Filtering for mailing lists in view subscribers implemented
  • Batch processing for add, remove or move subscribers to/from/between mailinglists
  • Icon set for back end joomla menu entries extended
  • Improvement
  • Subject of a newsletter now may be used several times
  • Description for newsletter added
  • Version of BwPostman in file name of saved tables
  • List of newsletters in front end now ordered by date descending as default
  • List of mailing lists while creating/editing a newsletter now ordered by title ascending
  • Version 1.0.7 released (Feb-18-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Corrupt language file
  • Read more link in newsletter causes error 404 - file not found - if language of the article does not meet the language of the website on multi-language sites
  • Archived recipients were not deleted from queue
  • Improvement
  • Code is more valid
  • Icons in back end menus of Joomla
  • Version 1.0.6 released (Jan-05-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Editing newsletters step 3 preview not shown, sending of newsletters not possible
  • Version 1.0.5 released (Dec-18-2014)
  • Bugfix
  • User-defined css file not read
  • In some cases error 1052 while editing subscribers
  • Improvement
  • Checkall implemented in back-end subscribers at tab unconfirmed subscribers
  • Version 1.0.4 released (Oct-29-2014)
  • Bugfix
  • selecting attachment others than images is not possible
  • sorting newsletters list in front-end is not possible
  • In view newsletters in back-end at tab Sent newsletters nothing shown as marked at check all
  • Search phrase in newsletters list at front-end was not reset in some cases
  • Page title at front-end views not always set correctly
  • Version 1.0.3 released (Oct-14-2014)
  • Bugfix
  • problem while browsing pages with subscribers and newsletters in backend
  • false error message "invalid email address" while importing subscribers, no import possible
  • no items visible in queue
  • Value for "Number of newsletters per step" in tab "Step5: Send newsletter" was not used
  • some compatibility issues with javascript
  • editor not accessible in tab "Step2: HTML newsletter"
  • Version 1.0.2 released (Sep-20-2014)
  • Improvement
  • spam check revised
  • error messages revised
  • Bugfix
  • revised, corrected and updated language strings
  • sending newsletters to joomla usergroups was not possible
  • Version 1.0.1 released (Aug-07-2014)
  • New
  • works now with Joomla!3.3
  • maintenance with check and repair tables, save tables and restore tables
  • new icon set
  • integrated help accessible in toolbar
  • easy migration from one Joomla! installation to another conditionally possible
  • improvement:
  • better overview of basic settings by improved layout of options
  • disclaimer now also selectable from Joomla! articles or Joomla! menu
  • conversion from _all/_single file and class naming to Joomla! conventions
  • table engine changed to InnoDB
  • list(s) renamed to mailinglist(s) in tables, controllers, models and views
  • mostly revised and simplified code
  • Bugfix
  • Minor discrepancies in the client-side and server-side validation of form fields has been corrected.
  • Version released (Apr-13-2014)
  • Bugfix ERROR 500 - Unknown column 'attachment' in 'field list' SQL=INS…
  • Version 0.9.8 released (Apr-09-2014)
  • New
  • Significant is the improvement of protection against spam entries in the registration forms (component and module).
  • The administrator has now the option to integrate in the registration form:
  • a user-defined control question
  • or a captcha with a simple math question
  • Improvement
  • The display of the article author and the creation date in the newsletter can be controlled in the options.
  • Bugfix
  • Minor bugs in the client-side and server-side validation of form fields has been corrected.
  • Version 0.9.7 released (Mar-08-2014)
  • New
  • Sending an attachment with the newsletter is now possible
  • There is a new tab Advanced Settings added to options/settings for:
  • Legal information
  • A title in the activation mail
  • Various texts for the activation mail
  • You are able to set, that you will be informed at each confirmation per mail
  • A user-defined CSS-File named com_bwpostman.css, located in [your template]/css, will be used and overrides the css-styles predefined in BwPostman
  • Improvement
  • If name und first name are set to required, then the fields will be displayed at registration even if you forgot to set to display these fields
  • All elements shown in frontend are individually selectable by CSS now
  • Revised installation routine
  • Version released (Jan-23-2014)
  • Bugfix
  • Can't register in component register form, when only one mailing list is available
  • When component register form and module form are displayed at same time, one has to fill both forms to be able to register
  • Version released (Sept-07-2013)
  • Bugfix
  • for updating version number
  • Improvement
  • installation script revised
  • Version released (Sept-02-2013)
  • Bugfix
  • registering to newsletter
  • Version 0.9.6 released (Aug-22-2013)
  • New
  • css-asset for module added
  • Version 0.9.5 released (Aug-21-2013)
  • New
  • field 'firstname' inserted with separated option for show/required to field 'name'
  • personalization for HTML- als text-newsletters inserted
  • Bugfix
  • error while copying newsletter eliminated
  • Apr-05-2013 Romana Boldt, Version 0.9.1
  • general changes to Joomla! 2.5

View files

Version 3.2.0 Stable

Joomla 3.3.6+

Released on: Friday, 18 February 2022
Maturity Stable
Released on Friday, 18 February 2022
Viewed 0 times

Release notes

  • *********************************
  • Changelog for BwPostman Component
  • *********************************
  • This is a changelog for the Joomla!3.3.6+ component BwPostman
  • Many thanks to all those people who have contributed bug reports and code fixes.
  • Version 3.2.0 released (2022-02-18)----
  • Bugfix
  • Imported newsletter templates may not have status 'default', even if the exported template was a default template
  • At front end view register a container was not closed correctly, if no mailing list was selectable
  • Module registration showed subscription instead of 'edit link', if visitor with subscription is logged in
  • Improvement
  • Better check and repair default value of table columns at restoring tables and check and repair
  • Edit subscription now is also shown at view register, if no mailinglist is selectable
  • Align subscribers with Joomla! users to prevent mismatch at editing subscription at update of BwPostman
  • New
  • Add plugin userAccount, which aligns Joomla user ID of with subscribers data, if account is created or deleted after subscription
  • Newsletters now show search engine friendly URLs for 'ReadMore'
  • Version 3.1.9 released (2021-12-19)----
  • Bugfix
  • Revert bugfix 'On some rare cases default setting for text columns at tables made installation/update error', made more problems than it solved
  • Sending to testrecipients unable
  • Version 3.1.8 released (2021-12-18)----
  • Bugfix
  • Package creation took too much media folders at plugins, package was too big
  • On some rare cases default setting for text columns at tables made installation/update error
  • Improvement
  • Ensure that a variable not countable at U2S don't produce errors
  • Enhance description of # of months of module overview at back end
  • Version 3.1.7 released (2021-10-02)----
  • Bugfix
  • Ensure BwTimeControl settings are written as CDATA to backup
  • Ensure CDATA parts of backup are parsed correctly, even if there is only one dataset
  • Base64 encode keys of BwTimeControl settings while creating backup and decode at restoring
  • Version 3.1.6 released (2021-08-21)----
  • Improvement
  • Smaller changes to manifest files of package and single parts to meet upgrade needs
  • Version 3.1.5 released (2021-06-11)----
  • New
  • Add option for selecting FE layout to component options
  • Bugfix
  • Repair pagination at FE
  • Correct calculating of start date (February 29/30 problem) at module overview
  • Correct tooltip for publish at sent newsletter
  • Correct typos at language strings, add missing strings, remove icon of BwLibRegister
  • Improvement
  • Install plugin BwLibregister as first element of installation package
  • Improve filter type at import of subscribers
  • Improve selecting of table columns to handle with CDATA at saving tables
  • Version 3.1.4 released (2021-03-05)----
  • Bugfix
  • Check of tables after update did not work with Joomla 3.9.25
  • Version 3.1.3 released (2021-02-26)----
  • Bugfix
  • In some rare cases tables are lost at check and restore of tables
  • Link to manual at screen after installation/update didn't work correctly
  • Version 3.1.2 released (2021-02-03)----
  • Bugfix
  • Moving subscribers to another mailing list by batch processing did not work
  • Version 3.1.1 released (2021-01-20)----
  • Bugfix
  • CSS files of component not copied to media folder
  • Version 3.1.0 released (2021-01-14)----
  • New
  • Small and large modal layout and bootstrap layouts for registration module added
  • Call of css file moved to layout to enable separated css files for each layout
  • Support for bootstrap 2 + 4 added to front end files
  • Version 3.0.3 released (2020-11-27)----
  • Bugfix
  • Modal window changes of disclaimer to bootstrap reverted
  • New
  • Provide custom header List-Unsubscribe for newsletter (email)
  • Version 3.0.2 released (2020-11-17)----
  • Bugfix
  • Make IDs of edit_mailformat and gender select list of registration module unique
  • Add required star to available mailinglists
  • Repair display of special field
  • Switch to get mailinglists by access level up to user access level (including lower levels)
  • Format gender select list
  • Repair saving of gender male
  • Version 3.0.1 released (2020-09-08)----
  • Bugfix
  • Correct query for attribute at restoring tables
  • Ignore and report unprocessable user groups at restore tables
  • Catch some exceptions to prevent white screen on dashboard
  • Improvement
  • Sending mails by BwPostman without correct sender now nearly impossible
  • Version 3.0.0 released (2020-09-05)----
  • New
  • Enhanced mail verification at registration and import of subscribers, both optionally
  • Block links at subscriber fields name, first name and special
  • Import of Joomla classes by php 'use'
  • Sending of newsletters switched to ajax handling, improved look and feel
  • Log level of BwPostman selectable at options of component
  • Bugfix
  • Avoid error message at deinstallation by not loading logger at deinstallation
  • Add own sql update method to ensure these updates are handled correctly
  • Error message at sending of newsletters resolved, if gzip compression is set at Joomla settings
  • Use of group ids in place of english group names at restoring tables
  • Reduce block size of writing assets at maintenance from 1000 to 200 to prevent memory error
  • Reduce writing of rules at assets to only needed ones to reduce file size and prevent memory error
  • Improvement
  • Memory usage, time consumption and error handling at restoring tables improved
  • Input data at front end and back end made more secure
  • Import of subscribes secured, information texts improved
  • Check of imported user groups at restoring tables enhances by default user groups
  • Adjust name of media folder of BwPostman to Joomla default
  • Personalization of managing mails introduced (i.e. confirmation mail)
  • Use of SimpleXML/DOM for creating and restoring tables and creating subscriber export
  • Inline javascript moved to files to improve security and loading time
  • Lot of code optimization (smaller methods, less code duplication, helper classes extended, …) as preparation for Joomla 4
  • Add menu parameters to frontend layouts
  • Version 2.3.1 released (2019-06-08)----
  • Bugfix
  • Multiple problems with language strings corrected
  • Version 2.3.0 released (2019-04-26)----
  • New
  • Message at front end, that new activation needed, if subscriber changed mail address
  • Plugin to show mailinglists/usergroups and optionally number of recipients of a newsletter at the footer of the newsletter
  • Language files moved to Transifex and except english and german removed from installation package to save installation package space and installation time. Installation separately.
  • Bugfix
  • Error after click on icon for multiple attachments at front end
  • Improvement
  • Trigger for events added for future use
  • Rendering of newsletter before preview and sending modularized (internal work)
  • BwLibRegister library file moved from component folder to plugin folder
  • Version 2.2.1 released (7-Feb-2019)----
  • New
  • Dutch language files
  • Bugfix
  • Mail to webmaster at unsubscription doesn't work
  • Wrong inheritance of sample user groups
  • Improvement
  • Switch update server to package naming
  • Version 2.2.0 released (25-Jan-2019)----
  • New
  • Export subscribers only from selected mailing list possible
  • Content templates for newsletters
  • Specific help links to online documentation at backend
  • Bugfix
  • SQL syntax error at newsletters list at front end
  • Restore of tables with zip file doesn't work
  • Export subscribers always exports all subscribers
  • Improvement
  • Up to 20 attachments possible
  • Version 2.1.2 released (14-Dez-2018)----
  • Improvement
  • Output checked for valid HTML
  • Table check at update moved to modal box
  • Comma at salutation at activation mail hard coded, sometimes a not needed space is set
  • Bugfix
  • Missing media images at installation package
  • Captcha doesn't work
  • Version 2.1.1 released (16-Nov-2018)----
  • New
  • All texts of options are multi-language capable
  • Modal box for disclaimer at front end, selectable at options of component
  • Bugfix
  • Update crashes, if one of the Plugins U2S or B2S is activated
  • Compression/Decompression of saved tables only works for Joomla! 3.8.1+
  • SQL error at newsletter overview at front end
  • Internal mailinglists are not accepted as recipients
  • Update from 1.3.2 to 2.0.x lets display unpublished articles of Joomla
  • Version 2.1.0 released (26-Oct-2018)----
  • New
  • Component option for 1-click-unsubscribe
  • Component option mail to webmaster at unsubscription
  • Button Save & Copy for all sections
  • Button Save & New for all sections
  • Possibility to print subscriber data at subscriber details (GDPR)
  • Component option to pack file at save tables (ZIP)
  • Export for templates added
  • Component option to publish newsletter by default after sending
  • Additional optional checkbox with individual text directly before subscribe button (for GDPR)
  • Bugfix
  • SQL error at newsletter list view at front end
  • Error at upload file at attachments at edit newsletter
  • Link to forum changed to new target
  • Improvement
  • Delete uploaded backup file after restoring tables
  • not needed images removed
  • Version 2.0.2 released (19-May-2018)
  • Bugfix
  • Routing after save changes of subscription at FE
  • Edit subscription only stored one mailing list
  • Everlasting spinner at permission change at newsletters and subscribers
  • Impossible to save assets of subscriber without gender selected
  • Display of calculated permissions if permission changed corrected on item level
  • Improvement
  • Description of mailing list can be shown if only one mailing list to select exists
  • Description of mailing lists can be shortened, full description with tool tip for component, module and plugin
  • Permission create now hidden on item level, makes no sense
  • selecting gender changed to select list with 3 specific values (male, female, not specified)
  • Version 2.0.1 released (2-May-2018)
  • Bugfix
  • Saving changed subscription with error
  • Version 2.0.0 released (1-May-2018)
  • With this version BwPostman only is distributed as package, that contains all that BwPostman contains for free. With this
  • version there is only this changelog available, separate change logs for modules and plugins are not longer updated.
  • New
  • Plugin for enhanced personalization
  • Plugin for subscription to a mailing list while creating a Joomla! account
  • Additional field "Custom CSS" at standard templates added
  • Buttons for enhanced personalization inserted at editing templates and newsletters
  • Bugfix
  • Link to Boldt Webservice now totally removed when selected not to show
  • Typos corrected at language files
  • Table check at attribute NULL corrected
  • Form check by javascript corrected
  • Saving gender without entry (=gender unknown) now possible
  • Change back to no gender now possible
  • Table campaigns_mailinglists was not deleted at uninstall
  • Check for module specific params corrected
  • Improvement
  • Collation of tables changed from utf8 to utf8mb4
  • Access management of component enhanced
  • Table column archived_by changed to integer
  • Email check at module subscription enhanced to meet new TLDs
  • CSS styles for radio buttons module subscription modified
  • Version 1.3.2 released (14-Apr-2016)
  • Improvement
  • Trigger for enhanced personalization modified.
  • Bugfix
  • Since Joomla 3.5.1 some problems while registering or change subscribers mail address
  • If folder for media was renamed, there occurred problems with attachment and thumbnails of templates
  • If a user was logged in, which has no subscription, there occurred problems at register form
  • Since Joomla 3.5.1 building of some language strings have changed
  • "male" was not shown in back end list of subscribers.
  • Version 1.3.1 released (7-Apr-2016)
  • New
  • Trigger for enhanced personalization inserted.
  • Bugfix
  • Since Joomla 3.5.1 sending newsletters failed
  • Since Joomla 3.5.1 some php warnings arise while creating or editing newsletters or campaigns
  • Handling of specific table permissions while updating BwPostman throws php warnings
  • Version 1.3.0 released (29-Mar-2016)
  • New
  • Possibility to import external created mail templates.
  • Selection for gender of subscriber, at options configurable.
  • Additional field for further purpose for subscriber, display and obligation configurable at options, label and description for label of additional field configurable also in options by language strings.
  • List of newsletter at back end displays, whether an attachment belongs to newsletter.
  • Assets of tables of BwPostman and their corresponding user groups will now be backed up and restored.
  • Improvement
  • Runtime at restoring tables up to 120 times faster.
  • Needed memory at update to new version of BwPostman drastically reduced by changing internal workflow.
  • Needed memory at restoring tables drastically reduced by changing internal workflow.
  • View of restoring and checking tables now continuously shows the working steps.
  • Asset handling at restoring tables revised.
  • Language files revised.
  • Bugfix
  • Selecting attachment while creating/editing a newsletter was not possible
  • Version 1.2.4 released (17-Dec-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • User-defined CSS file some times not read
  • Faulty calling of icon font for user-defined css file
  • Faulty function call in helper class
  • Unable to delegate actions in BwPostman to other user groups
  • Improvement
  • Select lists for available and selected content at creating/editing newsletters broadened
  • Error message at missing inputs while creating a newsletter specified
  • Version 1.2.3 released (22-Sep-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Edit form subscriber in front end: click on a button does nothing, if one of the fields first name or name is not obligatory.
  • On some installations updates to BwPostman were shown even update was already installed
  • improvement:
  • Javascript noscript message added
  • Version 1.2.2 released (2-Sep-2015)
  • Improvement:
  • CSS of html templates improved to better fit Outlook specifics
  • Version 1.2.1 released (17-Jul-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Adding subscriber without name is not possible, even option is set to no obligation
  • Version 1.2.0 released (9-Jul-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Newsletters, that only contains free content without articles from Joomla, did not use the template
  • Access control in view archive does not work properly
  • Pagination in back end view of newsletters did not work properly
  • Anchor links in newsletters did not work
  • New
  • Selecting campaign moved up to General Information at edit newsletter tab Generals
  • Recipients of campaigns now selectable at campaigns, not at newsletters
  • Publish up and publish down for newsletters, concerns visibility in frontend
  • Status, description and publishing times of sent newsletters editable
  • Delay time between sending of newsletter packages selectable
  • Access to attachment of a newsletter in front end, selectable by global option and menu item option
  • Extended options for view newsletters list in front end
  • Filter newsletters in front end list view by mailing lists, usergroups, campaigns, month and year enable by global option and menu item option
  • More additional filters in back end list views
  • improvement:
  • Improved loading time and stability while editing newsletter in back end
  • Improved work flow at import and export of subscribers
  • Progress bar while sending newsletters
  • Improved and modernized look in front end
  • CSS files for front end now contains all elements used by BwPostman (most of them empty to fill by user)
  • Version released (14-Apr-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Pagination does not work since Joomla 3.3.4
  • Confirmation date of subscriber was set on actual date on each saving
  • Newsletters to usergroups are not shown in front end
  • Improvement
  • Templates added to statistics
  • Styles for pagination in front end added
  • Version 1.1.0 released (21-Mar-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Newsletters without articles of Joomla have not used CSS styles
  • New
  • Template system for newsletters (Karl)
  • dropped support for Joomla 2.5
  • Improvement
  • Extended and improved filtering in back end
  • Version 1.0.8 released (Mar-05-2015)
  • *********************************************
  • *** last version that supports Joomla!2.5 ***
  • *********************************************
  • New
  • Filtering for mailing lists in view subscribers implemented
  • Batch processing for add, remove or move subscribers to/from/between mailinglists
  • Icon set for back end joomla menu entries extended
  • Improvement
  • Subject of a newsletter now may be used several times
  • Description for newsletter added
  • Version of BwPostman in file name of saved tables
  • List of newsletters in front end now ordered by date descending as default
  • List of mailing lists while creating/editing a newsletter now ordered by title ascending
  • Version 1.0.7 released (Feb-18-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Corrupt language file
  • Read more link in newsletter causes error 404 - file not found - if language of the article does not meet the language of the website on multi-language sites
  • Archived recipients were not deleted from queue
  • Improvement
  • Code is more valid
  • Icons in back end menus of Joomla
  • Version 1.0.6 released (Jan-05-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Editing newsletters step 3 preview not shown, sending of newsletters not possible
  • Version 1.0.5 released (Dec-18-2014)
  • Bugfix
  • User-defined css file not read
  • In some cases error 1052 while editing subscribers
  • Improvement
  • Checkall implemented in back-end subscribers at tab unconfirmed subscribers
  • Version 1.0.4 released (Oct-29-2014)
  • Bugfix
  • selecting attachment others than images is not possible
  • sorting newsletters list in front-end is not possible
  • In view newsletters in back-end at tab Sent newsletters nothing shown as marked at check all
  • Search phrase in newsletters list at front-end was not reset in some cases
  • Page title at front-end views not always set correctly
  • Version 1.0.3 released (Oct-14-2014)
  • Bugfix
  • problem while browsing pages with subscribers and newsletters in backend
  • false error message "invalid email address" while importing subscribers, no import possible
  • no items visible in queue
  • Value for "Number of newsletters per step" in tab "Step5: Send newsletter" was not used
  • some compatibility issues with javascript
  • editor not accessible in tab "Step2: HTML newsletter"
  • Version 1.0.2 released (Sep-20-2014)
  • Improvement
  • spam check revised
  • error messages revised
  • Bugfix
  • revised, corrected and updated language strings
  • sending newsletters to joomla usergroups was not possible
  • Version 1.0.1 released (Aug-07-2014)
  • New
  • works now with Joomla!3.3
  • maintenance with check and repair tables, save tables and restore tables
  • new icon set
  • integrated help accessible in toolbar
  • easy migration from one Joomla! installation to another conditionally possible
  • improvement:
  • better overview of basic settings by improved layout of options
  • disclaimer now also selectable from Joomla! articles or Joomla! menu
  • conversion from _all/_single file and class naming to Joomla! conventions
  • table engine changed to InnoDB
  • list(s) renamed to mailinglist(s) in tables, controllers, models and views
  • mostly revised and simplified code
  • Bugfix
  • Minor discrepancies in the client-side and server-side validation of form fields has been corrected.
  • Version released (Apr-13-2014)
  • Bugfix ERROR 500 - Unknown column 'attachment' in 'field list' SQL=INS…
  • Version 0.9.8 released (Apr-09-2014)
  • New
  • Significant is the improvement of protection against spam entries in the registration forms (component and module).
  • The administrator has now the option to integrate in the registration form:
  • a user-defined control question
  • or a captcha with a simple math question
  • Improvement
  • The display of the article author and the creation date in the newsletter can be controlled in the options.
  • Bugfix
  • Minor bugs in the client-side and server-side validation of form fields has been corrected.
  • Version 0.9.7 released (Mar-08-2014)
  • New
  • Sending an attachment with the newsletter is now possible
  • There is a new tab Advanced Settings added to options/settings for:
  • Legal information
  • A title in the activation mail
  • Various texts for the activation mail
  • You are able to set, that you will be informed at each confirmation per mail
  • A user-defined CSS-File named com_bwpostman.css, located in [your template]/css, will be used and overrides the css-styles predefined in BwPostman
  • Improvement
  • If name und first name are set to required, then the fields will be displayed at registration even if you forgot to set to display these fields
  • All elements shown in frontend are individually selectable by CSS now
  • Revised installation routine
  • Version released (Jan-23-2014)
  • Bugfix
  • Can't register in component register form, when only one mailing list is available
  • When component register form and module form are displayed at same time, one has to fill both forms to be able to register
  • Version released (Sept-07-2013)
  • Bugfix
  • for updating version number
  • Improvement
  • installation script revised
  • Version released (Sept-02-2013)
  • Bugfix
  • registering to newsletter
  • Version 0.9.6 released (Aug-22-2013)
  • New
  • css-asset for module added
  • Version 0.9.5 released (Aug-21-2013)
  • New
  • field 'firstname' inserted with separated option for show/required to field 'name'
  • personalization for HTML- als text-newsletters inserted
  • Bugfix
  • error while copying newsletter eliminated
  • Apr-05-2013 Romana Boldt, Version 0.9.1
  • general changes to Joomla! 2.5

View files

Version 3.1.9 Stable

Joomla 3.3.6+

Released on: Sunday, 19 December 2021
Maturity Stable
Released on Sunday, 19 December 2021
Viewed 0 times

Release notes

  • *********************************
  • Changelog for BwPostman Component
  • *********************************
  • This is a changelog for the Joomla!3.3.6+ component BwPostman
  • Many thanks to all those people who have contributed bug reports and code fixes.
  • Version 3.1.9 released (2021-12-19)----
  • Bugfix
  • Revert bugfix 'On some rare cases default setting for text columns at tables made installation/update error', made more problems than it solved
  • Version 3.1.8 released (2021-12-18)----
  • Bugfix
  • Package creation took too much media folders at plugins, package was too big
  • On some rare cases default setting for text columns at tables made installation/update error
  • Improvement
  • Ensure that a variable not countable at U2S don't produce errors
  • Enhance description of # of months of module overview at back end
  • Version 3.1.7 released (2021-10-02)----
  • Bugfix
  • Ensure BwTimeControl settings are written as CDATA to backup
  • Ensure CDATA parts of backup are parsed correctly, even if there is only one dataset
  • Base64 encode keys of BwTimeControl settings while creating backup and decode at restoring
  • Version 3.1.6 released (2021-08-21)----
  • Improvement
  • Smaller changes to manifest files of package and single parts to meet upgrade needs
  • Version 3.1.5 released (2021-06-11)----
  • New
  • Add option for selecting FE layout to component options
  • Bugfix
  • Repair pagination at FE
  • Correct calculating of start date (February 29/30 problem) at module overview
  • Correct tooltip for publish at sent newsletter
  • Correct typos at language strings, add missing strings, remove icon of BwLibRegister
  • Improvement
  • Install plugin BwLibregister as first element of installation package
  • Improve filter type at import of subscribers
  • Improve selecting of table columns to handle with CDATA at saving tables
  • Version 3.1.4 released (2021-03-05)----
  • Bugfix
  • Check of tables after update did not work with Joomla 3.9.25
  • Version 3.1.3 released (2021-02-26)----
  • Bugfix
  • In some rare cases tables are lost at check and restore of tables
  • Link to manual at screen after installation/update didn't work correctly
  • Version 3.1.2 released (2021-02-03)----
  • Bugfix
  • Moving subscribers to another mailing list by batch processing did not work
  • Version 3.1.1 released (2021-01-20)----
  • Bugfix
  • CSS files of component not copied to media folder
  • Version 3.1.0 released (2021-01-14)----
  • New
  • Small and large modal layout and bootstrap layouts for registration module added
  • Call of css file moved to layout to enable separated css files for each layout
  • Support for bootstrap 2 + 4 added to front end files
  • Version 3.0.3 released (2020-11-27)----
  • Bugfix
  • Modal window changes of disclaimer to bootstrap reverted
  • New
  • Provide custom header List-Unsubscribe for newsletter (email)
  • Version 3.0.2 released (2020-11-17)----
  • Bugfix
  • Make IDs of edit_mailformat and gender select list of registration module unique
  • Add required star to available mailinglists
  • Repair display of special field
  • Switch to get mailinglists by access level up to user access level (including lower levels)
  • Format gender select list
  • Repair saving of gender male
  • Version 3.0.1 released (2020-09-08)----
  • Bugfix
  • Correct query for attribute at restoring tables
  • Ignore and report unprocessable user groups at restore tables
  • Catch some exceptions to prevent white screen on dashboard
  • Improvement
  • Sending mails by BwPostman without correct sender now nearly impossible
  • Version 3.0.0 released (2020-09-05)----
  • New
  • Enhanced mail verification at registration and import of subscribers, both optionally
  • Block links at subscriber fields name, first name and special
  • Import of Joomla classes by php 'use'
  • Sending of newsletters switched to ajax handling, improved look and feel
  • Log level of BwPostman selectable at options of component
  • Bugfix
  • Avoid error message at deinstallation by not loading logger at deinstallation
  • Add own sql update method to ensure these updates are handled correctly
  • Error message at sending of newsletters resolved, if gzip compression is set at Joomla settings
  • Use of group ids in place of english group names at restoring tables
  • Reduce block size of writing assets at maintenance from 1000 to 200 to prevent memory error
  • Reduce writing of rules at assets to only needed ones to reduce file size and prevent memory error
  • Improvement
  • Memory usage, time consumption and error handling at restoring tables improved
  • Input data at front end and back end made more secure
  • Import of subscribes secured, information texts improved
  • Check of imported user groups at restoring tables enhances by default user groups
  • Adjust name of media folder of BwPostman to Joomla default
  • Personalization of managing mails introduced (i.e. confirmation mail)
  • Use of SimpleXML/DOM for creating and restoring tables and creating subscriber export
  • Inline javascript moved to files to improve security and loading time
  • Lot of code optimization (smaller methods, less code duplication, helper classes extended, …) as preparation for Joomla 4
  • Add menu parameters to frontend layouts
  • Version 2.3.1 released (2019-06-08)----
  • Bugfix
  • Multiple problems with language strings corrected
  • Version 2.3.0 released (2019-04-26)----
  • New
  • Message at front end, that new activation needed, if subscriber changed mail address
  • Plugin to show mailinglists/usergroups and optionally number of recipients of a newsletter at the footer of the newsletter
  • Language files moved to Transifex and except english and german removed from installation package to save installation package space and installation time. Installation separately.
  • Bugfix
  • Error after click on icon for multiple attachments at front end
  • Improvement
  • Trigger for events added for future use
  • Rendering of newsletter before preview and sending modularized (internal work)
  • BwLibRegister library file moved from component folder to plugin folder
  • Version 2.2.1 released (7-Feb-2019)----
  • New
  • Dutch language files
  • Bugfix
  • Mail to webmaster at unsubscription doesn't work
  • Wrong inheritance of sample user groups
  • Improvement
  • Switch update server to package naming
  • Version 2.2.0 released (25-Jan-2019)----
  • New
  • Export subscribers only from selected mailing list possible
  • Content templates for newsletters
  • Specific help links to online documentation at backend
  • Bugfix
  • SQL syntax error at newsletters list at front end
  • Restore of tables with zip file doesn't work
  • Export subscribers always exports all subscribers
  • Improvement
  • Up to 20 attachments possible
  • Version 2.1.2 released (14-Dez-2018)----
  • Improvement
  • Output checked for valid HTML
  • Table check at update moved to modal box
  • Comma at salutation at activation mail hard coded, sometimes a not needed space is set
  • Bugfix
  • Missing media images at installation package
  • Captcha doesn't work
  • Version 2.1.1 released (16-Nov-2018)----
  • New
  • All texts of options are multi-language capable
  • Modal box for disclaimer at front end, selectable at options of component
  • Bugfix
  • Update crashes, if one of the Plugins U2S or B2S is activated
  • Compression/Decompression of saved tables only works for Joomla! 3.8.1+
  • SQL error at newsletter overview at front end
  • Internal mailinglists are not accepted as recipients
  • Update from 1.3.2 to 2.0.x lets display unpublished articles of Joomla
  • Version 2.1.0 released (26-Oct-2018)----
  • New
  • Component option for 1-click-unsubscribe
  • Component option mail to webmaster at unsubscription
  • Button Save & Copy for all sections
  • Button Save & New for all sections
  • Possibility to print subscriber data at subscriber details (GDPR)
  • Component option to pack file at save tables (ZIP)
  • Export for templates added
  • Component option to publish newsletter by default after sending
  • Additional optional checkbox with individual text directly before subscribe button (for GDPR)
  • Bugfix
  • SQL error at newsletter list view at front end
  • Error at upload file at attachments at edit newsletter
  • Link to forum changed to new target
  • Improvement
  • Delete uploaded backup file after restoring tables
  • not needed images removed
  • Version 2.0.2 released (19-May-2018)
  • Bugfix
  • Routing after save changes of subscription at FE
  • Edit subscription only stored one mailing list
  • Everlasting spinner at permission change at newsletters and subscribers
  • Impossible to save assets of subscriber without gender selected
  • Display of calculated permissions if permission changed corrected on item level
  • Improvement
  • Description of mailing list can be shown if only one mailing list to select exists
  • Description of mailing lists can be shortened, full description with tool tip for component, module and plugin
  • Permission create now hidden on item level, makes no sense
  • selecting gender changed to select list with 3 specific values (male, female, not specified)
  • Version 2.0.1 released (2-May-2018)
  • Bugfix
  • Saving changed subscription with error
  • Version 2.0.0 released (1-May-2018)
  • With this version BwPostman only is distributed as package, that contains all that BwPostman contains for free. With this
  • version there is only this changelog available, separate change logs for modules and plugins are not longer updated.
  • New
  • Plugin for enhanced personalization
  • Plugin for subscription to a mailing list while creating a Joomla! account
  • Additional field "Custom CSS" at standard templates added
  • Buttons for enhanced personalization inserted at editing templates and newsletters
  • Bugfix
  • Link to Boldt Webservice now totally removed when selected not to show
  • Typos corrected at language files
  • Table check at attribute NULL corrected
  • Form check by javascript corrected
  • Saving gender without entry (=gender unknown) now possible
  • Change back to no gender now possible
  • Table campaigns_mailinglists was not deleted at uninstall
  • Check for module specific params corrected
  • Improvement
  • Collation of tables changed from utf8 to utf8mb4
  • Access management of component enhanced
  • Table column archived_by changed to integer
  • Email check at module subscription enhanced to meet new TLDs
  • CSS styles for radio buttons module subscription modified
  • Version 1.3.2 released (14-Apr-2016)
  • Improvement
  • Trigger for enhanced personalization modified.
  • Bugfix
  • Since Joomla 3.5.1 some problems while registering or change subscribers mail address
  • If folder for media was renamed, there occurred problems with attachment and thumbnails of templates
  • If a user was logged in, which has no subscription, there occurred problems at register form
  • Since Joomla 3.5.1 building of some language strings have changed
  • "male" was not shown in back end list of subscribers.
  • Version 1.3.1 released (7-Apr-2016)
  • New
  • Trigger for enhanced personalization inserted.
  • Bugfix
  • Since Joomla 3.5.1 sending newsletters failed
  • Since Joomla 3.5.1 some php warnings arise while creating or editing newsletters or campaigns
  • Handling of specific table permissions while updating BwPostman throws php warnings
  • Version 1.3.0 released (29-Mar-2016)
  • New
  • Possibility to import external created mail templates.
  • Selection for gender of subscriber, at options configurable.
  • Additional field for further purpose for subscriber, display and obligation configurable at options, label and description for label of additional field configurable also in options by language strings.
  • List of newsletter at back end displays, whether an attachment belongs to newsletter.
  • Assets of tables of BwPostman and their corresponding user groups will now be backed up and restored.
  • Improvement
  • Runtime at restoring tables up to 120 times faster.
  • Needed memory at update to new version of BwPostman drastically reduced by changing internal workflow.
  • Needed memory at restoring tables drastically reduced by changing internal workflow.
  • View of restoring and checking tables now continuously shows the working steps.
  • Asset handling at restoring tables revised.
  • Language files revised.
  • Bugfix
  • Selecting attachment while creating/editing a newsletter was not possible
  • Version 1.2.4 released (17-Dec-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • User-defined CSS file some times not read
  • Faulty calling of icon font for user-defined css file
  • Faulty function call in helper class
  • Unable to delegate actions in BwPostman to other user groups
  • Improvement
  • Select lists for available and selected content at creating/editing newsletters broadened
  • Error message at missing inputs while creating a newsletter specified
  • Version 1.2.3 released (22-Sep-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Edit form subscriber in front end: click on a button does nothing, if one of the fields first name or name is not obligatory.
  • On some installations updates to BwPostman were shown even update was already installed
  • improvement:
  • Javascript noscript message added
  • Version 1.2.2 released (2-Sep-2015)
  • Improvement:
  • CSS of html templates improved to better fit Outlook specifics
  • Version 1.2.1 released (17-Jul-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Adding subscriber without name is not possible, even option is set to no obligation
  • Version 1.2.0 released (9-Jul-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Newsletters, that only contains free content without articles from Joomla, did not use the template
  • Access control in view archive does not work properly
  • Pagination in back end view of newsletters did not work properly
  • Anchor links in newsletters did not work
  • New
  • Selecting campaign moved up to General Information at edit newsletter tab Generals
  • Recipients of campaigns now selectable at campaigns, not at newsletters
  • Publish up and publish down for newsletters, concerns visibility in frontend
  • Status, description and publishing times of sent newsletters editable
  • Delay time between sending of newsletter packages selectable
  • Access to attachment of a newsletter in front end, selectable by global option and menu item option
  • Extended options for view newsletters list in front end
  • Filter newsletters in front end list view by mailing lists, usergroups, campaigns, month and year enable by global option and menu item option
  • More additional filters in back end list views
  • improvement:
  • Improved loading time and stability while editing newsletter in back end
  • Improved work flow at import and export of subscribers
  • Progress bar while sending newsletters
  • Improved and modernized look in front end
  • CSS files for front end now contains all elements used by BwPostman (most of them empty to fill by user)
  • Version released (14-Apr-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Pagination does not work since Joomla 3.3.4
  • Confirmation date of subscriber was set on actual date on each saving
  • Newsletters to usergroups are not shown in front end
  • Improvement
  • Templates added to statistics
  • Styles for pagination in front end added
  • Version 1.1.0 released (21-Mar-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Newsletters without articles of Joomla have not used CSS styles
  • New
  • Template system for newsletters (Karl)
  • dropped support for Joomla 2.5
  • Improvement
  • Extended and improved filtering in back end
  • Version 1.0.8 released (Mar-05-2015)
  • *********************************************
  • *** last version that supports Joomla!2.5 ***
  • *********************************************
  • New
  • Filtering for mailing lists in view subscribers implemented
  • Batch processing for add, remove or move subscribers to/from/between mailinglists
  • Icon set for back end joomla menu entries extended
  • Improvement
  • Subject of a newsletter now may be used several times
  • Description for newsletter added
  • Version of BwPostman in file name of saved tables
  • List of newsletters in front end now ordered by date descending as default
  • List of mailing lists while creating/editing a newsletter now ordered by title ascending
  • Version 1.0.7 released (Feb-18-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Corrupt language file
  • Read more link in newsletter causes error 404 - file not found - if language of the article does not meet the language of the website on multi-language sites
  • Archived recipients were not deleted from queue
  • Improvement
  • Code is more valid
  • Icons in back end menus of Joomla
  • Version 1.0.6 released (Jan-05-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Editing newsletters step 3 preview not shown, sending of newsletters not possible
  • Version 1.0.5 released (Dec-18-2014)
  • Bugfix
  • User-defined css file not read
  • In some cases error 1052 while editing subscribers
  • Improvement
  • Checkall implemented in back-end subscribers at tab unconfirmed subscribers
  • Version 1.0.4 released (Oct-29-2014)
  • Bugfix
  • selecting attachment others than images is not possible
  • sorting newsletters list in front-end is not possible
  • In view newsletters in back-end at tab Sent newsletters nothing shown as marked at check all
  • Search phrase in newsletters list at front-end was not reset in some cases
  • Page title at front-end views not always set correctly
  • Version 1.0.3 released (Oct-14-2014)
  • Bugfix
  • problem while browsing pages with subscribers and newsletters in backend
  • false error message "invalid email address" while importing subscribers, no import possible
  • no items visible in queue
  • Value for "Number of newsletters per step" in tab "Step5: Send newsletter" was not used
  • some compatibility issues with javascript
  • editor not accessible in tab "Step2: HTML newsletter"
  • Version 1.0.2 released (Sep-20-2014)
  • Improvement
  • spam check revised
  • error messages revised
  • Bugfix
  • revised, corrected and updated language strings
  • sending newsletters to joomla usergroups was not possible
  • Version 1.0.1 released (Aug-07-2014)
  • New
  • works now with Joomla!3.3
  • maintenance with check and repair tables, save tables and restore tables
  • new icon set
  • integrated help accessible in toolbar
  • easy migration from one Joomla! installation to another conditionally possible
  • improvement:
  • better overview of basic settings by improved layout of options
  • disclaimer now also selectable from Joomla! articles or Joomla! menu
  • conversion from _all/_single file and class naming to Joomla! conventions
  • table engine changed to InnoDB
  • list(s) renamed to mailinglist(s) in tables, controllers, models and views
  • mostly revised and simplified code
  • Bugfix
  • Minor discrepancies in the client-side and server-side validation of form fields has been corrected.
  • Version released (Apr-13-2014)
  • Bugfix ERROR 500 - Unknown column 'attachment' in 'field list' SQL=INS…
  • Version 0.9.8 released (Apr-09-2014)
  • New
  • Significant is the improvement of protection against spam entries in the registration forms (component and module).
  • The administrator has now the option to integrate in the registration form:
  • a user-defined control question
  • or a captcha with a simple math question
  • Improvement
  • The display of the article author and the creation date in the newsletter can be controlled in the options.
  • Bugfix
  • Minor bugs in the client-side and server-side validation of form fields has been corrected.
  • Version 0.9.7 released (Mar-08-2014)
  • New
  • Sending an attachment with the newsletter is now possible
  • There is a new tab Advanced Settings added to options/settings for:
  • Legal information
  • A title in the activation mail
  • Various texts for the activation mail
  • You are able to set, that you will be informed at each confirmation per mail
  • A user-defined CSS-File named com_bwpostman.css, located in [your template]/css, will be used and overrides the css-styles predefined in BwPostman
  • Improvement
  • If name und first name are set to required, then the fields will be displayed at registration even if you forgot to set to display these fields
  • All elements shown in frontend are individually selectable by CSS now
  • Revised installation routine
  • Version released (Jan-23-2014)
  • Bugfix
  • Can't register in component register form, when only one mailing list is available
  • When component register form and module form are displayed at same time, one has to fill both forms to be able to register
  • Version released (Sept-07-2013)
  • Bugfix
  • for updating version number
  • Improvement
  • installation script revised
  • Version released (Sept-02-2013)
  • Bugfix
  • registering to newsletter
  • Version 0.9.6 released (Aug-22-2013)
  • New
  • css-asset for module added
  • Version 0.9.5 released (Aug-21-2013)
  • New
  • field 'firstname' inserted with separated option for show/required to field 'name'
  • personalization for HTML- als text-newsletters inserted
  • Bugfix
  • error while copying newsletter eliminated
  • Apr-05-2013 Romana Boldt, Version 0.9.1
  • general changes to Joomla! 2.5

View files

Version 3.1.8 Stable

Joomla 3.3.6+

Released on: Saturday, 18 December 2021
Maturity Stable
Released on Saturday, 18 December 2021
Viewed 0 times

Release notes

  • *********************************
  • Changelog for BwPostman Component
  • *********************************
  • This is a changelog for the Joomla!3.3.6+ component BwPostman
  • Many thanks to all those people who have contributed bug reports and code fixes.
  • Version 3.1.8 released (2021-12-18)----
  • Bugfix
  • Package creation took too much media folders at plugins, package was too big
  • On some rare cases default setting for text columns at tables made installation/update error
  • Improvement
  • Ensure that a variable not countable at U2S don't produce errors
  • Enhance description of # of months of module overview at back end
  • Version 3.1.7 released (2021-10-02)----
  • Bugfix
  • Ensure BwTimeControl settings are written as CDATA to backup
  • Ensure CDATA parts of backup are parsed correctly, even if there is only one dataset
  • Base64 encode keys of BwTimeControl settings while creating backup and decode at restoring
  • Version 3.1.6 released (2021-08-21)----
  • Improvement
  • Smaller changes to manifest files of package and single parts to meet upgrade needs
  • Version 3.1.5 released (2021-06-11)----
  • New
  • Add option for selecting FE layout to component options
  • Bugfix
  • Repair pagination at FE
  • Correct calculating of start date (February 29/30 problem) at module overview
  • Correct tooltip for publish at sent newsletter
  • Correct typos at language strings, add missing strings, remove icon of BwLibRegister
  • Improvement
  • Install plugin BwLibregister as first element of installation package
  • Improve filter type at import of subscribers
  • Improve selecting of table columns to handle with CDATA at saving tables
  • Version 3.1.4 released (2021-03-05)----
  • Bugfix
  • Check of tables after update did not work with Joomla 3.9.25
  • Version 3.1.3 released (2021-02-26)----
  • Bugfix
  • In some rare cases tables are lost at check and restore of tables
  • Link to manual at screen after installation/update didn't work correctly
  • Version 3.1.2 released (2021-02-03)----
  • Bugfix
  • Moving subscribers to another mailing list by batch processing did not work
  • Version 3.1.1 released (2021-01-20)----
  • Bugfix
  • CSS files of component not copied to media folder
  • Version 3.1.0 released (2021-01-14)----
  • New
  • Small and large modal layout and bootstrap layouts for registration module added
  • Call of css file moved to layout to enable separated css files for each layout
  • Support for bootstrap 2 + 4 added to front end files
  • Version 3.0.3 released (2020-11-27)----
  • Bugfix
  • Modal window changes of disclaimer to bootstrap reverted
  • New
  • Provide custom header List-Unsubscribe for newsletter (email)
  • Version 3.0.2 released (2020-11-17)----
  • Bugfix
  • Make IDs of edit_mailformat and gender select list of registration module unique
  • Add required star to available mailinglists
  • Repair display of special field
  • Switch to get mailinglists by access level up to user access level (including lower levels)
  • Format gender select list
  • Repair saving of gender male
  • Version 3.0.1 released (2020-09-08)----
  • Bugfix
  • Correct query for attribute at restoring tables
  • Ignore and report unprocessable user groups at restore tables
  • Catch some exceptions to prevent white screen on dashboard
  • Improvement
  • Sending mails by BwPostman without correct sender now nearly impossible
  • Version 3.0.0 released (2020-09-05)----
  • New
  • Enhanced mail verification at registration and import of subscribers, both optionally
  • Block links at subscriber fields name, first name and special
  • Import of Joomla classes by php 'use'
  • Sending of newsletters switched to ajax handling, improved look and feel
  • Log level of BwPostman selectable at options of component
  • Bugfix
  • Avoid error message at deinstallation by not loading logger at deinstallation
  • Add own sql update method to ensure these updates are handled correctly
  • Error message at sending of newsletters resolved, if gzip compression is set at Joomla settings
  • Use of group ids in place of english group names at restoring tables
  • Reduce block size of writing assets at maintenance from 1000 to 200 to prevent memory error
  • Reduce writing of rules at assets to only needed ones to reduce file size and prevent memory error
  • Improvement
  • Memory usage, time consumption and error handling at restoring tables improved
  • Input data at front end and back end made more secure
  • Import of subscribes secured, information texts improved
  • Check of imported user groups at restoring tables enhances by default user groups
  • Adjust name of media folder of BwPostman to Joomla default
  • Personalization of managing mails introduced (i.e. confirmation mail)
  • Use of SimpleXML/DOM for creating and restoring tables and creating subscriber export
  • Inline javascript moved to files to improve security and loading time
  • Lot of code optimization (smaller methods, less code duplication, helper classes extended, …) as preparation for Joomla 4
  • Add menu parameters to frontend layouts
  • Version 2.3.1 released (2019-06-08)----
  • Bugfix
  • Multiple problems with language strings corrected
  • Version 2.3.0 released (2019-04-26)----
  • New
  • Message at front end, that new activation needed, if subscriber changed mail address
  • Plugin to show mailinglists/usergroups and optionally number of recipients of a newsletter at the footer of the newsletter
  • Language files moved to Transifex and except english and german removed from installation package to save installation package space and installation time. Installation separately.
  • Bugfix
  • Error after click on icon for multiple attachments at front end
  • Improvement
  • Trigger for events added for future use
  • Rendering of newsletter before preview and sending modularized (internal work)
  • BwLibRegister library file moved from component folder to plugin folder
  • Version 2.2.1 released (7-Feb-2019)----
  • New
  • Dutch language files
  • Bugfix
  • Mail to webmaster at unsubscription doesn't work
  • Wrong inheritance of sample user groups
  • Improvement
  • Switch update server to package naming
  • Version 2.2.0 released (25-Jan-2019)----
  • New
  • Export subscribers only from selected mailing list possible
  • Content templates for newsletters
  • Specific help links to online documentation at backend
  • Bugfix
  • SQL syntax error at newsletters list at front end
  • Restore of tables with zip file doesn't work
  • Export subscribers always exports all subscribers
  • Improvement
  • Up to 20 attachments possible
  • Version 2.1.2 released (14-Dez-2018)----
  • Improvement
  • Output checked for valid HTML
  • Table check at update moved to modal box
  • Comma at salutation at activation mail hard coded, sometimes a not needed space is set
  • Bugfix
  • Missing media images at installation package
  • Captcha doesn't work
  • Version 2.1.1 released (16-Nov-2018)----
  • New
  • All texts of options are multi-language capable
  • Modal box for disclaimer at front end, selectable at options of component
  • Bugfix
  • Update crashes, if one of the Plugins U2S or B2S is activated
  • Compression/Decompression of saved tables only works for Joomla! 3.8.1+
  • SQL error at newsletter overview at front end
  • Internal mailinglists are not accepted as recipients
  • Update from 1.3.2 to 2.0.x lets display unpublished articles of Joomla
  • Version 2.1.0 released (26-Oct-2018)----
  • New
  • Component option for 1-click-unsubscribe
  • Component option mail to webmaster at unsubscription
  • Button Save & Copy for all sections
  • Button Save & New for all sections
  • Possibility to print subscriber data at subscriber details (GDPR)
  • Component option to pack file at save tables (ZIP)
  • Export for templates added
  • Component option to publish newsletter by default after sending
  • Additional optional checkbox with individual text directly before subscribe button (for GDPR)
  • Bugfix
  • SQL error at newsletter list view at front end
  • Error at upload file at attachments at edit newsletter
  • Link to forum changed to new target
  • Improvement
  • Delete uploaded backup file after restoring tables
  • not needed images removed
  • Version 2.0.2 released (19-May-2018)
  • Bugfix
  • Routing after save changes of subscription at FE
  • Edit subscription only stored one mailing list
  • Everlasting spinner at permission change at newsletters and subscribers
  • Impossible to save assets of subscriber without gender selected
  • Display of calculated permissions if permission changed corrected on item level
  • Improvement
  • Description of mailing list can be shown if only one mailing list to select exists
  • Description of mailing lists can be shortened, full description with tool tip for component, module and plugin
  • Permission create now hidden on item level, makes no sense
  • selecting gender changed to select list with 3 specific values (male, female, not specified)
  • Version 2.0.1 released (2-May-2018)
  • Bugfix
  • Saving changed subscription with error
  • Version 2.0.0 released (1-May-2018)
  • With this version BwPostman only is distributed as package, that contains all that BwPostman contains for free. With this
  • version there is only this changelog available, separate change logs for modules and plugins are not longer updated.
  • New
  • Plugin for enhanced personalization
  • Plugin for subscription to a mailing list while creating a Joomla! account
  • Additional field "Custom CSS" at standard templates added
  • Buttons for enhanced personalization inserted at editing templates and newsletters
  • Bugfix
  • Link to Boldt Webservice now totally removed when selected not to show
  • Typos corrected at language files
  • Table check at attribute NULL corrected
  • Form check by javascript corrected
  • Saving gender without entry (=gender unknown) now possible
  • Change back to no gender now possible
  • Table campaigns_mailinglists was not deleted at uninstall
  • Check for module specific params corrected
  • Improvement
  • Collation of tables changed from utf8 to utf8mb4
  • Access management of component enhanced
  • Table column archived_by changed to integer
  • Email check at module subscription enhanced to meet new TLDs
  • CSS styles for radio buttons module subscription modified
  • Version 1.3.2 released (14-Apr-2016)
  • Improvement
  • Trigger for enhanced personalization modified.
  • Bugfix
  • Since Joomla 3.5.1 some problems while registering or change subscribers mail address
  • If folder for media was renamed, there occurred problems with attachment and thumbnails of templates
  • If a user was logged in, which has no subscription, there occurred problems at register form
  • Since Joomla 3.5.1 building of some language strings have changed
  • "male" was not shown in back end list of subscribers.
  • Version 1.3.1 released (7-Apr-2016)
  • New
  • Trigger for enhanced personalization inserted.
  • Bugfix
  • Since Joomla 3.5.1 sending newsletters failed
  • Since Joomla 3.5.1 some php warnings arise while creating or editing newsletters or campaigns
  • Handling of specific table permissions while updating BwPostman throws php warnings
  • Version 1.3.0 released (29-Mar-2016)
  • New
  • Possibility to import external created mail templates.
  • Selection for gender of subscriber, at options configurable.
  • Additional field for further purpose for subscriber, display and obligation configurable at options, label and description for label of additional field configurable also in options by language strings.
  • List of newsletter at back end displays, whether an attachment belongs to newsletter.
  • Assets of tables of BwPostman and their corresponding user groups will now be backed up and restored.
  • Improvement
  • Runtime at restoring tables up to 120 times faster.
  • Needed memory at update to new version of BwPostman drastically reduced by changing internal workflow.
  • Needed memory at restoring tables drastically reduced by changing internal workflow.
  • View of restoring and checking tables now continuously shows the working steps.
  • Asset handling at restoring tables revised.
  • Language files revised.
  • Bugfix
  • Selecting attachment while creating/editing a newsletter was not possible
  • Version 1.2.4 released (17-Dec-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • User-defined CSS file some times not read
  • Faulty calling of icon font for user-defined css file
  • Faulty function call in helper class
  • Unable to delegate actions in BwPostman to other user groups
  • Improvement
  • Select lists for available and selected content at creating/editing newsletters broadened
  • Error message at missing inputs while creating a newsletter specified
  • Version 1.2.3 released (22-Sep-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Edit form subscriber in front end: click on a button does nothing, if one of the fields first name or name is not obligatory.
  • On some installations updates to BwPostman were shown even update was already installed
  • improvement:
  • Javascript noscript message added
  • Version 1.2.2 released (2-Sep-2015)
  • Improvement:
  • CSS of html templates improved to better fit Outlook specifics
  • Version 1.2.1 released (17-Jul-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Adding subscriber without name is not possible, even option is set to no obligation
  • Version 1.2.0 released (9-Jul-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Newsletters, that only contains free content without articles from Joomla, did not use the template
  • Access control in view archive does not work properly
  • Pagination in back end view of newsletters did not work properly
  • Anchor links in newsletters did not work
  • New
  • Selecting campaign moved up to General Information at edit newsletter tab Generals
  • Recipients of campaigns now selectable at campaigns, not at newsletters
  • Publish up and publish down for newsletters, concerns visibility in frontend
  • Status, description and publishing times of sent newsletters editable
  • Delay time between sending of newsletter packages selectable
  • Access to attachment of a newsletter in front end, selectable by global option and menu item option
  • Extended options for view newsletters list in front end
  • Filter newsletters in front end list view by mailing lists, usergroups, campaigns, month and year enable by global option and menu item option
  • More additional filters in back end list views
  • improvement:
  • Improved loading time and stability while editing newsletter in back end
  • Improved work flow at import and export of subscribers
  • Progress bar while sending newsletters
  • Improved and modernized look in front end
  • CSS files for front end now contains all elements used by BwPostman (most of them empty to fill by user)
  • Version released (14-Apr-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Pagination does not work since Joomla 3.3.4
  • Confirmation date of subscriber was set on actual date on each saving
  • Newsletters to usergroups are not shown in front end
  • Improvement
  • Templates added to statistics
  • Styles for pagination in front end added
  • Version 1.1.0 released (21-Mar-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Newsletters without articles of Joomla have not used CSS styles
  • New
  • Template system for newsletters (Karl)
  • dropped support for Joomla 2.5
  • Improvement
  • Extended and improved filtering in back end
  • Version 1.0.8 released (Mar-05-2015)
  • *********************************************
  • *** last version that supports Joomla!2.5 ***
  • *********************************************
  • New
  • Filtering for mailing lists in view subscribers implemented
  • Batch processing for add, remove or move subscribers to/from/between mailinglists
  • Icon set for back end joomla menu entries extended
  • Improvement
  • Subject of a newsletter now may be used several times
  • Description for newsletter added
  • Version of BwPostman in file name of saved tables
  • List of newsletters in front end now ordered by date descending as default
  • List of mailing lists while creating/editing a newsletter now ordered by title ascending
  • Version 1.0.7 released (Feb-18-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Corrupt language file
  • Read more link in newsletter causes error 404 - file not found - if language of the article does not meet the language of the website on multi-language sites
  • Archived recipients were not deleted from queue
  • Improvement
  • Code is more valid
  • Icons in back end menus of Joomla
  • Version 1.0.6 released (Jan-05-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Editing newsletters step 3 preview not shown, sending of newsletters not possible
  • Version 1.0.5 released (Dec-18-2014)
  • Bugfix
  • User-defined css file not read
  • In some cases error 1052 while editing subscribers
  • Improvement
  • Checkall implemented in back-end subscribers at tab unconfirmed subscribers
  • Version 1.0.4 released (Oct-29-2014)
  • Bugfix
  • selecting attachment others than images is not possible
  • sorting newsletters list in front-end is not possible
  • In view newsletters in back-end at tab Sent newsletters nothing shown as marked at check all
  • Search phrase in newsletters list at front-end was not reset in some cases
  • Page title at front-end views not always set correctly
  • Version 1.0.3 released (Oct-14-2014)
  • Bugfix
  • problem while browsing pages with subscribers and newsletters in backend
  • false error message "invalid email address" while importing subscribers, no import possible
  • no items visible in queue
  • Value for "Number of newsletters per step" in tab "Step5: Send newsletter" was not used
  • some compatibility issues with javascript
  • editor not accessible in tab "Step2: HTML newsletter"
  • Version 1.0.2 released (Sep-20-2014)
  • Improvement
  • spam check revised
  • error messages revised
  • Bugfix
  • revised, corrected and updated language strings
  • sending newsletters to joomla usergroups was not possible
  • Version 1.0.1 released (Aug-07-2014)
  • New
  • works now with Joomla!3.3
  • maintenance with check and repair tables, save tables and restore tables
  • new icon set
  • integrated help accessible in toolbar
  • easy migration from one Joomla! installation to another conditionally possible
  • improvement:
  • better overview of basic settings by improved layout of options
  • disclaimer now also selectable from Joomla! articles or Joomla! menu
  • conversion from _all/_single file and class naming to Joomla! conventions
  • table engine changed to InnoDB
  • list(s) renamed to mailinglist(s) in tables, controllers, models and views
  • mostly revised and simplified code
  • Bugfix
  • Minor discrepancies in the client-side and server-side validation of form fields has been corrected.
  • Version released (Apr-13-2014)
  • Bugfix ERROR 500 - Unknown column 'attachment' in 'field list' SQL=INS…
  • Version 0.9.8 released (Apr-09-2014)
  • New
  • Significant is the improvement of protection against spam entries in the registration forms (component and module).
  • The administrator has now the option to integrate in the registration form:
  • a user-defined control question
  • or a captcha with a simple math question
  • Improvement
  • The display of the article author and the creation date in the newsletter can be controlled in the options.
  • Bugfix
  • Minor bugs in the client-side and server-side validation of form fields has been corrected.
  • Version 0.9.7 released (Mar-08-2014)
  • New
  • Sending an attachment with the newsletter is now possible
  • There is a new tab Advanced Settings added to options/settings for:
  • Legal information
  • A title in the activation mail
  • Various texts for the activation mail
  • You are able to set, that you will be informed at each confirmation per mail
  • A user-defined CSS-File named com_bwpostman.css, located in [your template]/css, will be used and overrides the css-styles predefined in BwPostman
  • Improvement
  • If name und first name are set to required, then the fields will be displayed at registration even if you forgot to set to display these fields
  • All elements shown in frontend are individually selectable by CSS now
  • Revised installation routine
  • Version released (Jan-23-2014)
  • Bugfix
  • Can't register in component register form, when only one mailing list is available
  • When component register form and module form are displayed at same time, one has to fill both forms to be able to register
  • Version released (Sept-07-2013)
  • Bugfix
  • for updating version number
  • Improvement
  • installation script revised
  • Version released (Sept-02-2013)
  • Bugfix
  • registering to newsletter
  • Version 0.9.6 released (Aug-22-2013)
  • New
  • css-asset for module added
  • Version 0.9.5 released (Aug-21-2013)
  • New
  • field 'firstname' inserted with separated option for show/required to field 'name'
  • personalization for HTML- als text-newsletters inserted
  • Bugfix
  • error while copying newsletter eliminated
  • Apr-05-2013 Romana Boldt, Version 0.9.1
  • general changes to Joomla! 2.5

View files

Version 3.1.7 Stable

Joomla 3.3.6+

Released on: Saturday, 02 October 2021
Maturity Stable
Released on Saturday, 02 October 2021
Viewed 0 times

Release notes

  • *********************************
  • Changelog for BwPostman Component
  • *********************************
  • This is a changelog for the Joomla!3.3.6+ component BwPostman
  • Many thanks to all those people who have contributed bug reports and code fixes.
  • Version 3.1.7 released (2021-10-02)----
  • Bugfix
  • Ensure BwTimeControl settings are written as CDATA to backup
  • Ensure CDATA parts of backup are parsed correctly, even if there is only one dataset
  • Base64 encode keys of BwTimeControl settings while creating backup and decode at restoring
  • Version 3.1.6 released (2021-08-21)----
  • Improvement
  • Smaller changes to manifest files of package and single parts to meet upgrade needs
  • Version 3.1.5 released (2021-06-11)----
  • New
  • Add option for selecting FE layout to component options
  • Bugfix
  • Repair pagination at FE
  • Correct calculating of start date (February 29/30 problem) at module overview
  • Correct tooltip for publish at sent newsletter
  • Correct typos at language strings, add missing strings, remove icon of BwLibRegister
  • Improvement
  • Install plugin BwLibregister as first element of installation package
  • Improve filter type at import of subscribers
  • Improve selecting of table columns to handle with CDATA at saving tables
  • Version 3.1.4 released (2021-03-05)----
  • Bugfix
  • Check of tables after update did not work with Joomla 3.9.25
  • Version 3.1.3 released (2021-02-26)----
  • Bugfix
  • In some rare cases tables are lost at check and restore of tables
  • Link to manual at screen after installation/update didn't work correctly
  • Version 3.1.2 released (2021-02-03)----
  • Bugfix
  • Moving subscribers to another mailing list by batch processing did not work
  • Version 3.1.1 released (2021-01-20)----
  • Bugfix
  • CSS files of component not copied to media folder
  • Version 3.1.0 released (2021-01-14)----
  • New
  • Small and large modal layout and bootstrap layouts for registration module added
  • Call of css file moved to layout to enable separated css files for each layout
  • Support for bootstrap 2 + 4 added to front end files
  • Version 3.0.3 released (2020-11-27)----
  • Bugfix
  • Modal window changes of disclaimer to bootstrap reverted
  • New
  • Provide custom header List-Unsubscribe for newsletter (email)
  • Version 3.0.2 released (2020-11-17)----
  • Bugfix
  • Make IDs of edit_mailformat and gender select list of registration module unique
  • Add required star to available mailinglists
  • Repair display of special field
  • Switch to get mailinglists by access level up to user access level (including lower levels)
  • Format gender select list
  • Repair saving of gender male
  • Version 3.0.1 released (2020-09-08)----
  • Bugfix
  • Correct query for attribute at restoring tables
  • Ignore and report unprocessable user groups at restore tables
  • Catch some exceptions to prevent white screen on dashboard
  • Improvement
  • Sending mails by BwPostman without correct sender now nearly impossible
  • Version 3.0.0 released (2020-09-05)----
  • New
  • Enhanced mail verification at registration and import of subscribers, both optionally
  • Block links at subscriber fields name, first name and special
  • Import of Joomla classes by php 'use'
  • Sending of newsletters switched to ajax handling, improved look and feel
  • Log level of BwPostman selectable at options of component
  • Bugfix
  • Avoid error message at deinstallation by not loading logger at deinstallation
  • Add own sql update method to ensure these updates are handled correctly
  • Error message at sending of newsletters resolved, if gzip compression is set at Joomla settings
  • Use of group ids in place of english group names at restoring tables
  • Reduce block size of writing assets at maintenance from 1000 to 200 to prevent memory error
  • Reduce writing of rules at assets to only needed ones to reduce file size and prevent memory error
  • Improvement
  • Memory usage, time consumption and error handling at restoring tables improved
  • Input data at front end and back end made more secure
  • Import of subscribes secured, information texts improved
  • Check of imported user groups at restoring tables enhances by default user groups
  • Adjust name of media folder of BwPostman to Joomla default
  • Personalization of managing mails introduced (i.e. confirmation mail)
  • Use of SimpleXML/DOM for creating and restoring tables and creating subscriber export
  • Inline javascript moved to files to improve security and loading time
  • Lot of code optimization (smaller methods, less code duplication, helper classes extended, …) as preparation for Joomla 4
  • Add menu parameters to frontend layouts
  • Version 2.3.1 released (2019-06-08)----
  • Bugfix
  • Multiple problems with language strings corrected
  • Version 2.3.0 released (2019-04-26)----
  • New
  • Message at front end, that new activation needed, if subscriber changed mail address
  • Plugin to show mailinglists/usergroups and optionally number of recipients of a newsletter at the footer of the newsletter
  • Language files moved to Transifex and except english and german removed from installation package to save installation package space and installation time. Installation separately.
  • Bugfix
  • Error after click on icon for multiple attachments at front end
  • Improvement
  • Trigger for events added for future use
  • Rendering of newsletter before preview and sending modularized (internal work)
  • BwLibRegister library file moved from component folder to plugin folder
  • Version 2.2.1 released (7-Feb-2019)----
  • New
  • Dutch language files
  • Bugfix
  • Mail to webmaster at unsubscription doesn't work
  • Wrong inheritance of sample user groups
  • Improvement
  • Switch update server to package naming
  • Version 2.2.0 released (25-Jan-2019)----
  • New
  • Export subscribers only from selected mailing list possible
  • Content templates for newsletters
  • Specific help links to online documentation at backend
  • Bugfix
  • SQL syntax error at newsletters list at front end
  • Restore of tables with zip file doesn't work
  • Export subscribers always exports all subscribers
  • Improvement
  • Up to 20 attachments possible
  • Version 2.1.2 released (14-Dez-2018)----
  • Improvement
  • Output checked for valid HTML
  • Table check at update moved to modal box
  • Comma at salutation at activation mail hard coded, sometimes a not needed space is set
  • Bugfix
  • Missing media images at installation package
  • Captcha doesn't work
  • Version 2.1.1 released (16-Nov-2018)----
  • New
  • All texts of options are multi-language capable
  • Modal box for disclaimer at front end, selectable at options of component
  • Bugfix
  • Update crashes, if one of the Plugins U2S or B2S is activated
  • Compression/Decompression of saved tables only works for Joomla! 3.8.1+
  • SQL error at newsletter overview at front end
  • Internal mailinglists are not accepted as recipients
  • Update from 1.3.2 to 2.0.x lets display unpublished articles of Joomla
  • Version 2.1.0 released (26-Oct-2018)----
  • New
  • Component option for 1-click-unsubscribe
  • Component option mail to webmaster at unsubscription
  • Button Save & Copy for all sections
  • Button Save & New for all sections
  • Possibility to print subscriber data at subscriber details (GDPR)
  • Component option to pack file at save tables (ZIP)
  • Export for templates added
  • Component option to publish newsletter by default after sending
  • Additional optional checkbox with individual text directly before subscribe button (for GDPR)
  • Bugfix
  • SQL error at newsletter list view at front end
  • Error at upload file at attachments at edit newsletter
  • Link to forum changed to new target
  • Improvement
  • Delete uploaded backup file after restoring tables
  • not needed images removed
  • Version 2.0.2 released (19-May-2018)
  • Bugfix
  • Routing after save changes of subscription at FE
  • Edit subscription only stored one mailing list
  • Everlasting spinner at permission change at newsletters and subscribers
  • Impossible to save assets of subscriber without gender selected
  • Display of calculated permissions if permission changed corrected on item level
  • Improvement
  • Description of mailing list can be shown if only one mailing list to select exists
  • Description of mailing lists can be shortened, full description with tool tip for component, module and plugin
  • Permission create now hidden on item level, makes no sense
  • selecting gender changed to select list with 3 specific values (male, female, not specified)
  • Version 2.0.1 released (2-May-2018)
  • Bugfix
  • Saving changed subscription with error
  • Version 2.0.0 released (1-May-2018)
  • With this version BwPostman only is distributed as package, that contains all that BwPostman contains for free. With this
  • version there is only this changelog available, separate change logs for modules and plugins are not longer updated.
  • New
  • Plugin for enhanced personalization
  • Plugin for subscription to a mailing list while creating a Joomla! account
  • Additional field "Custom CSS" at standard templates added
  • Buttons for enhanced personalization inserted at editing templates and newsletters
  • Bugfix
  • Link to Boldt Webservice now totally removed when selected not to show
  • Typos corrected at language files
  • Table check at attribute NULL corrected
  • Form check by javascript corrected
  • Saving gender without entry (=gender unknown) now possible
  • Change back to no gender now possible
  • Table campaigns_mailinglists was not deleted at uninstall
  • Check for module specific params corrected
  • Improvement
  • Collation of tables changed from utf8 to utf8mb4
  • Access management of component enhanced
  • Table column archived_by changed to integer
  • Email check at module subscription enhanced to meet new TLDs
  • CSS styles for radio buttons module subscription modified
  • Version 1.3.2 released (14-Apr-2016)
  • Improvement
  • Trigger for enhanced personalization modified.
  • Bugfix
  • Since Joomla 3.5.1 some problems while registering or change subscribers mail address
  • If folder for media was renamed, there occurred problems with attachment and thumbnails of templates
  • If a user was logged in, which has no subscription, there occurred problems at register form
  • Since Joomla 3.5.1 building of some language strings have changed
  • "male" was not shown in back end list of subscribers.
  • Version 1.3.1 released (7-Apr-2016)
  • New
  • Trigger for enhanced personalization inserted.
  • Bugfix
  • Since Joomla 3.5.1 sending newsletters failed
  • Since Joomla 3.5.1 some php warnings arise while creating or editing newsletters or campaigns
  • Handling of specific table permissions while updating BwPostman throws php warnings
  • Version 1.3.0 released (29-Mar-2016)
  • New
  • Possibility to import external created mail templates.
  • Selection for gender of subscriber, at options configurable.
  • Additional field for further purpose for subscriber, display and obligation configurable at options, label and description for label of additional field configurable also in options by language strings.
  • List of newsletter at back end displays, whether an attachment belongs to newsletter.
  • Assets of tables of BwPostman and their corresponding user groups will now be backed up and restored.
  • Improvement
  • Runtime at restoring tables up to 120 times faster.
  • Needed memory at update to new version of BwPostman drastically reduced by changing internal workflow.
  • Needed memory at restoring tables drastically reduced by changing internal workflow.
  • View of restoring and checking tables now continuously shows the working steps.
  • Asset handling at restoring tables revised.
  • Language files revised.
  • Bugfix
  • Selecting attachment while creating/editing a newsletter was not possible
  • Version 1.2.4 released (17-Dec-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • User-defined CSS file some times not read
  • Faulty calling of icon font for user-defined css file
  • Faulty function call in helper class
  • Unable to delegate actions in BwPostman to other user groups
  • Improvement
  • Select lists for available and selected content at creating/editing newsletters broadened
  • Error message at missing inputs while creating a newsletter specified
  • Version 1.2.3 released (22-Sep-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Edit form subscriber in front end: click on a button does nothing, if one of the fields first name or name is not obligatory.
  • On some installations updates to BwPostman were shown even update was already installed
  • improvement:
  • Javascript noscript message added
  • Version 1.2.2 released (2-Sep-2015)
  • Improvement:
  • CSS of html templates improved to better fit Outlook specifics
  • Version 1.2.1 released (17-Jul-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Adding subscriber without name is not possible, even option is set to no obligation
  • Version 1.2.0 released (9-Jul-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Newsletters, that only contains free content without articles from Joomla, did not use the template
  • Access control in view archive does not work properly
  • Pagination in back end view of newsletters did not work properly
  • Anchor links in newsletters did not work
  • New
  • Selecting campaign moved up to General Information at edit newsletter tab Generals
  • Recipients of campaigns now selectable at campaigns, not at newsletters
  • Publish up and publish down for newsletters, concerns visibility in frontend
  • Status, description and publishing times of sent newsletters editable
  • Delay time between sending of newsletter packages selectable
  • Access to attachment of a newsletter in front end, selectable by global option and menu item option
  • Extended options for view newsletters list in front end
  • Filter newsletters in front end list view by mailing lists, usergroups, campaigns, month and year enable by global option and menu item option
  • More additional filters in back end list views
  • improvement:
  • Improved loading time and stability while editing newsletter in back end
  • Improved work flow at import and export of subscribers
  • Progress bar while sending newsletters
  • Improved and modernized look in front end
  • CSS files for front end now contains all elements used by BwPostman (most of them empty to fill by user)
  • Version released (14-Apr-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Pagination does not work since Joomla 3.3.4
  • Confirmation date of subscriber was set on actual date on each saving
  • Newsletters to usergroups are not shown in front end
  • Improvement
  • Templates added to statistics
  • Styles for pagination in front end added
  • Version 1.1.0 released (21-Mar-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Newsletters without articles of Joomla have not used CSS styles
  • New
  • Template system for newsletters (Karl)
  • dropped support for Joomla 2.5
  • Improvement
  • Extended and improved filtering in back end
  • Version 1.0.8 released (Mar-05-2015)
  • *********************************************
  • *** last version that supports Joomla!2.5 ***
  • *********************************************
  • New
  • Filtering for mailing lists in view subscribers implemented
  • Batch processing for add, remove or move subscribers to/from/between mailinglists
  • Icon set for back end joomla menu entries extended
  • Improvement
  • Subject of a newsletter now may be used several times
  • Description for newsletter added
  • Version of BwPostman in file name of saved tables
  • List of newsletters in front end now ordered by date descending as default
  • List of mailing lists while creating/editing a newsletter now ordered by title ascending
  • Version 1.0.7 released (Feb-18-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Corrupt language file
  • Read more link in newsletter causes error 404 - file not found - if language of the article does not meet the language of the website on multi-language sites
  • Archived recipients were not deleted from queue
  • Improvement
  • Code is more valid
  • Icons in back end menus of Joomla
  • Version 1.0.6 released (Jan-05-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Editing newsletters step 3 preview not shown, sending of newsletters not possible
  • Version 1.0.5 released (Dec-18-2014)
  • Bugfix
  • User-defined css file not read
  • In some cases error 1052 while editing subscribers
  • Improvement
  • Checkall implemented in back-end subscribers at tab unconfirmed subscribers
  • Version 1.0.4 released (Oct-29-2014)
  • Bugfix
  • selecting attachment others than images is not possible
  • sorting newsletters list in front-end is not possible
  • In view newsletters in back-end at tab Sent newsletters nothing shown as marked at check all
  • Search phrase in newsletters list at front-end was not reset in some cases
  • Page title at front-end views not always set correctly
  • Version 1.0.3 released (Oct-14-2014)
  • Bugfix
  • problem while browsing pages with subscribers and newsletters in backend
  • false error message "invalid email address" while importing subscribers, no import possible
  • no items visible in queue
  • Value for "Number of newsletters per step" in tab "Step5: Send newsletter" was not used
  • some compatibility issues with javascript
  • editor not accessible in tab "Step2: HTML newsletter"
  • Version 1.0.2 released (Sep-20-2014)
  • Improvement
  • spam check revised
  • error messages revised
  • Bugfix
  • revised, corrected and updated language strings
  • sending newsletters to joomla usergroups was not possible
  • Version 1.0.1 released (Aug-07-2014)
  • New
  • works now with Joomla!3.3
  • maintenance with check and repair tables, save tables and restore tables
  • new icon set
  • integrated help accessible in toolbar
  • easy migration from one Joomla! installation to another conditionally possible
  • improvement:
  • better overview of basic settings by improved layout of options
  • disclaimer now also selectable from Joomla! articles or Joomla! menu
  • conversion from _all/_single file and class naming to Joomla! conventions
  • table engine changed to InnoDB
  • list(s) renamed to mailinglist(s) in tables, controllers, models and views
  • mostly revised and simplified code
  • Bugfix
  • Minor discrepancies in the client-side and server-side validation of form fields has been corrected.
  • Version released (Apr-13-2014)
  • Bugfix ERROR 500 - Unknown column 'attachment' in 'field list' SQL=INS…
  • Version 0.9.8 released (Apr-09-2014)
  • New
  • Significant is the improvement of protection against spam entries in the registration forms (component and module).
  • The administrator has now the option to integrate in the registration form:
  • a user-defined control question
  • or a captcha with a simple math question
  • Improvement
  • The display of the article author and the creation date in the newsletter can be controlled in the options.
  • Bugfix
  • Minor bugs in the client-side and server-side validation of form fields has been corrected.
  • Version 0.9.7 released (Mar-08-2014)
  • New
  • Sending an attachment with the newsletter is now possible
  • There is a new tab Advanced Settings added to options/settings for:
  • Legal information
  • A title in the activation mail
  • Various texts for the activation mail
  • You are able to set, that you will be informed at each confirmation per mail
  • A user-defined CSS-File named com_bwpostman.css, located in [your template]/css, will be used and overrides the css-styles predefined in BwPostman
  • Improvement
  • If name und first name are set to required, then the fields will be displayed at registration even if you forgot to set to display these fields
  • All elements shown in frontend are individually selectable by CSS now
  • Revised installation routine
  • Version released (Jan-23-2014)
  • Bugfix
  • Can't register in component register form, when only one mailing list is available
  • When component register form and module form are displayed at same time, one has to fill both forms to be able to register
  • Version released (Sept-07-2013)
  • Bugfix
  • for updating version number
  • Improvement
  • installation script revised
  • Version released (Sept-02-2013)
  • Bugfix
  • registering to newsletter
  • Version 0.9.6 released (Aug-22-2013)
  • New
  • css-asset for module added
  • Version 0.9.5 released (Aug-21-2013)
  • New
  • field 'firstname' inserted with separated option for show/required to field 'name'
  • personalization for HTML- als text-newsletters inserted
  • Bugfix
  • error while copying newsletter eliminated
  • Apr-05-2013 Romana Boldt, Version 0.9.1
  • general changes to Joomla! 2.5

View files

Version 3.1.5 Stable

Joomla 3.3.6+

Released on: Friday, 11 June 2021
Maturity Stable
Released on Friday, 11 June 2021
Viewed 0 times

Release notes

  • *********************************
  • Changelog for BwPostman Component
  • *********************************
  • This is a changelog for the Joomla!3.3.6+ component BwPostman
  • Many thanks to all those people who have contributed bug reports and code fixes.
  • Version 3.1.5 released (2021-06-11)----
  • New
  • Add option for selecting FE layout to component options
  • Bugfix
  • Repair pagination at FE
  • Correct calculating of start date (February 29/30 problem) at module overview
  • Correct tooltip for publish at sent newsletter
  • Correct typos at language strings, add missing strings, remove icon of BwLibRegister
  • Improvement
  • Install plugin BwLibregister as first element of installation package
  • Improve filter type at import of subscribers
  • Improve selecting of table columns to handle with CDATA at saving tables
  • Version 3.1.4 released (2021-03-05)----
  • Bugfix
  • Check of tables after update did not work with Joomla 3.9.25
  • Version 3.1.3 released (2021-02-26)----
  • Bugfix
  • In some rare cases tables are lost at check and restore of tables
  • Link to manual at screen after installation/update didn't work correctly
  • Version 3.1.2 released (2021-02-03)----
  • Bugfix
  • Moving subscribers to another mailing list by batch processing did not work
  • Version 3.1.1 released (2021-01-20)----
  • Bugfix
  • CSS files of component not copied to media folder
  • Version 3.1.0 released (2021-01-14)----
  • New
  • Small and large modal layout and bootstrap layouts for registration module added
  • Call of css file moved to layout to enable separated css files for each layout
  • Support for bootstrap 2 + 4 added to front end files
  • Version 3.0.3 released (2020-11-27)----
  • Bugfix
  • Modal window changes of disclaimer to bootstrap reverted
  • New
  • Provide custom header List-Unsubscribe for newsletter (email)
  • Version 3.0.2 released (2020-11-17)----
  • Bugfix
  • Make IDs of edit_mailformat and gender select list of registration module unique
  • Add required star to available mailinglists
  • Repair display of special field
  • Switch to get mailinglists by access level up to user access level (including lower levels)
  • Format gender select list
  • Repair saving of gender male
  • Version 3.0.1 released (2020-09-08)----
  • Bugfix
  • Correct query for attribute at restoring tables
  • Ignore and report unprocessable user groups at restore tables
  • Catch some exceptions to prevent white screen on dashboard
  • Improvement
  • Sending mails by BwPostman without correct sender now nearly impossible
  • Version 3.0.0 released (2020-09-05)----
  • New
  • Enhanced mail verification at registration and import of subscribers, both optionally
  • Block links at subscriber fields name, first name and special
  • Import of Joomla classes by php 'use'
  • Sending of newsletters switched to ajax handling, improved look and feel
  • Log level of BwPostman selectable at options of component
  • Bugfix
  • Avoid error message at deinstallation by not loading logger at deinstallation
  • Add own sql update method to ensure these updates are handled correctly
  • Error message at sending of newsletters resolved, if gzip compression is set at Joomla settings
  • Use of group ids in place of english group names at restoring tables
  • Reduce block size of writing assets at maintenance from 1000 to 200 to prevent memory error
  • Reduce writing of rules at assets to only needed ones to reduce file size and prevent memory error
  • Improvement
  • Memory usage, time consumption and error handling at restoring tables improved
  • Input data at front end and back end made more secure
  • Import of subscribes secured, information texts improved
  • Check of imported user groups at restoring tables enhances by default user groups
  • Adjust name of media folder of BwPostman to Joomla default
  • Personalization of managing mails introduced (i.e. confirmation mail)
  • Use of SimpleXML/DOM for creating and restoring tables and creating subscriber export
  • Inline javascript moved to files to improve security and loading time
  • Lot of code optimization (smaller methods, less code duplication, helper classes extended, …) as preparation for Joomla 4
  • Add menu parameters to frontend layouts
  • Version 2.3.1 released (2019-06-08)----
  • Bugfix
  • Multiple problems with language strings corrected
  • Version 2.3.0 released (2019-04-26)----
  • New
  • Message at front end, that new activation needed, if subscriber changed mail address
  • Plugin to show mailinglists/usergroups and optionally number of recipients of a newsletter at the footer of the newsletter
  • Language files moved to Transifex and except english and german removed from installation package to save installation package space and installation time. Installation separately.
  • Bugfix
  • Error after click on icon for multiple attachments at front end
  • Improvement
  • Trigger for events added for future use
  • Rendering of newsletter before preview and sending modularized (internal work)
  • BwLibRegister library file moved from component folder to plugin folder
  • Version 2.2.1 released (7-Feb-2019)----
  • New
  • Dutch language files
  • Bugfix
  • Mail to webmaster at unsubscription doesn't work
  • Wrong inheritance of sample user groups
  • Improvement
  • Switch update server to package naming
  • Version 2.2.0 released (25-Jan-2019)----
  • New
  • Export subscribers only from selected mailing list possible
  • Content templates for newsletters
  • Specific help links to online documentation at backend
  • Bugfix
  • SQL syntax error at newsletters list at front end
  • Restore of tables with zip file doesn't work
  • Export subscribers always exports all subscribers
  • Improvement
  • Up to 20 attachments possible
  • Version 2.1.2 released (14-Dez-2018)----
  • Improvement
  • Output checked for valid HTML
  • Table check at update moved to modal box
  • Comma at salutation at activation mail hard coded, sometimes a not needed space is set
  • Bugfix
  • Missing media images at installation package
  • Captcha doesn't work
  • Version 2.1.1 released (16-Nov-2018)----
  • New
  • All texts of options are multi-language capable
  • Modal box for disclaimer at front end, selectable at options of component
  • Bugfix
  • Update crashes, if one of the Plugins U2S or B2S is activated
  • Compression/Decompression of saved tables only works for Joomla! 3.8.1+
  • SQL error at newsletter overview at front end
  • Internal mailinglists are not accepted as recipients
  • Update from 1.3.2 to 2.0.x lets display unpublished articles of Joomla
  • Version 2.1.0 released (26-Oct-2018)----
  • New
  • Component option for 1-click-unsubscribe
  • Component option mail to webmaster at unsubscription
  • Button Save & Copy for all sections
  • Button Save & New for all sections
  • Possibility to print subscriber data at subscriber details (GDPR)
  • Component option to pack file at save tables (ZIP)
  • Export for templates added
  • Component option to publish newsletter by default after sending
  • Additional optional checkbox with individual text directly before subscribe button (for GDPR)
  • Bugfix
  • SQL error at newsletter list view at front end
  • Error at upload file at attachments at edit newsletter
  • Link to forum changed to new target
  • Improvement
  • Delete uploaded backup file after restoring tables
  • not needed images removed
  • Version 2.0.2 released (19-May-2018)
  • Bugfix
  • Routing after save changes of subscription at FE
  • Edit subscription only stored one mailing list
  • Everlasting spinner at permission change at newsletters and subscribers
  • Impossible to save assets of subscriber without gender selected
  • Display of calculated permissions if permission changed corrected on item level
  • Improvement
  • Description of mailing list can be shown if only one mailing list to select exists
  • Description of mailing lists can be shortened, full description with tool tip for component, module and plugin
  • Permission create now hidden on item level, makes no sense
  • selecting gender changed to select list with 3 specific values (male, female, not specified)
  • Version 2.0.1 released (2-May-2018)
  • Bugfix
  • Saving changed subscription with error
  • Version 2.0.0 released (1-May-2018)
  • With this version BwPostman only is distributed as package, that contains all that BwPostman contains for free. With this
  • version there is only this changelog available, separate change logs for modules and plugins are not longer updated.
  • New
  • Plugin for enhanced personalization
  • Plugin for subscription to a mailing list while creating a Joomla! account
  • Additional field "Custom CSS" at standard templates added
  • Buttons for enhanced personalization inserted at editing templates and newsletters
  • Bugfix
  • Link to Boldt Webservice now totally removed when selected not to show
  • Typos corrected at language files
  • Table check at attribute NULL corrected
  • Form check by javascript corrected
  • Saving gender without entry (=gender unknown) now possible
  • Change back to no gender now possible
  • Table campaigns_mailinglists was not deleted at uninstall
  • Check for module specific params corrected
  • Improvement
  • Collation of tables changed from utf8 to utf8mb4
  • Access management of component enhanced
  • Table column archived_by changed to integer
  • Email check at module subscription enhanced to meet new TLDs
  • CSS styles for radio buttons module subscription modified
  • Version 1.3.2 released (14-Apr-2016)
  • Improvement
  • Trigger for enhanced personalization modified.
  • Bugfix
  • Since Joomla 3.5.1 some problems while registering or change subscribers mail address
  • If folder for media was renamed, there occurred problems with attachment and thumbnails of templates
  • If a user was logged in, which has no subscription, there occurred problems at register form
  • Since Joomla 3.5.1 building of some language strings have changed
  • "male" was not shown in back end list of subscribers.
  • Version 1.3.1 released (7-Apr-2016)
  • New
  • Trigger for enhanced personalization inserted.
  • Bugfix
  • Since Joomla 3.5.1 sending newsletters failed
  • Since Joomla 3.5.1 some php warnings arise while creating or editing newsletters or campaigns
  • Handling of specific table permissions while updating BwPostman throws php warnings
  • Version 1.3.0 released (29-Mar-2016)
  • New
  • Possibility to import external created mail templates.
  • Selection for gender of subscriber, at options configurable.
  • Additional field for further purpose for subscriber, display and obligation configurable at options, label and description for label of additional field configurable also in options by language strings.
  • List of newsletter at back end displays, whether an attachment belongs to newsletter.
  • Assets of tables of BwPostman and their corresponding user groups will now be backed up and restored.
  • Improvement
  • Runtime at restoring tables up to 120 times faster.
  • Needed memory at update to new version of BwPostman drastically reduced by changing internal workflow.
  • Needed memory at restoring tables drastically reduced by changing internal workflow.
  • View of restoring and checking tables now continuously shows the working steps.
  • Asset handling at restoring tables revised.
  • Language files revised.
  • Bugfix
  • Selecting attachment while creating/editing a newsletter was not possible
  • Version 1.2.4 released (17-Dec-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • User-defined CSS file some times not read
  • Faulty calling of icon font for user-defined css file
  • Faulty function call in helper class
  • Unable to delegate actions in BwPostman to other user groups
  • Improvement
  • Select lists for available and selected content at creating/editing newsletters broadened
  • Error message at missing inputs while creating a newsletter specified
  • Version 1.2.3 released (22-Sep-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Edit form subscriber in front end: click on a button does nothing, if one of the fields first name or name is not obligatory.
  • On some installations updates to BwPostman were shown even update was already installed
  • improvement:
  • Javascript noscript message added
  • Version 1.2.2 released (2-Sep-2015)
  • Improvement:
  • CSS of html templates improved to better fit Outlook specifics
  • Version 1.2.1 released (17-Jul-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Adding subscriber without name is not possible, even option is set to no obligation
  • Version 1.2.0 released (9-Jul-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Newsletters, that only contains free content without articles from Joomla, did not use the template
  • Access control in view archive does not work properly
  • Pagination in back end view of newsletters did not work properly
  • Anchor links in newsletters did not work
  • New
  • Selecting campaign moved up to General Information at edit newsletter tab Generals
  • Recipients of campaigns now selectable at campaigns, not at newsletters
  • Publish up and publish down for newsletters, concerns visibility in frontend
  • Status, description and publishing times of sent newsletters editable
  • Delay time between sending of newsletter packages selectable
  • Access to attachment of a newsletter in front end, selectable by global option and menu item option
  • Extended options for view newsletters list in front end
  • Filter newsletters in front end list view by mailing lists, usergroups, campaigns, month and year enable by global option and menu item option
  • More additional filters in back end list views
  • improvement:
  • Improved loading time and stability while editing newsletter in back end
  • Improved work flow at import and export of subscribers
  • Progress bar while sending newsletters
  • Improved and modernized look in front end
  • CSS files for front end now contains all elements used by BwPostman (most of them empty to fill by user)
  • Version released (14-Apr-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Pagination does not work since Joomla 3.3.4
  • Confirmation date of subscriber was set on actual date on each saving
  • Newsletters to usergroups are not shown in front end
  • Improvement
  • Templates added to statistics
  • Styles for pagination in front end added
  • Version 1.1.0 released (21-Mar-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Newsletters without articles of Joomla have not used CSS styles
  • New
  • Template system for newsletters (Karl)
  • dropped support for Joomla 2.5
  • Improvement
  • Extended and improved filtering in back end
  • Version 1.0.8 released (Mar-05-2015)
  • *********************************************
  • *** last version that supports Joomla!2.5 ***
  • *********************************************
  • New
  • Filtering for mailing lists in view subscribers implemented
  • Batch processing for add, remove or move subscribers to/from/between mailinglists
  • Icon set for back end joomla menu entries extended
  • Improvement
  • Subject of a newsletter now may be used several times
  • Description for newsletter added
  • Version of BwPostman in file name of saved tables
  • List of newsletters in front end now ordered by date descending as default
  • List of mailing lists while creating/editing a newsletter now ordered by title ascending
  • Version 1.0.7 released (Feb-18-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Corrupt language file
  • Read more link in newsletter causes error 404 - file not found - if language of the article does not meet the language of the website on multi-language sites
  • Archived recipients were not deleted from queue
  • Improvement
  • Code is more valid
  • Icons in back end menus of Joomla
  • Version 1.0.6 released (Jan-05-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Editing newsletters step 3 preview not shown, sending of newsletters not possible
  • Version 1.0.5 released (Dec-18-2014)
  • Bugfix
  • User-defined css file not read
  • In some cases error 1052 while editing subscribers
  • Improvement
  • Checkall implemented in back-end subscribers at tab unconfirmed subscribers
  • Version 1.0.4 released (Oct-29-2014)
  • Bugfix
  • selecting attachment others than images is not possible
  • sorting newsletters list in front-end is not possible
  • In view newsletters in back-end at tab Sent newsletters nothing shown as marked at check all
  • Search phrase in newsletters list at front-end was not reset in some cases
  • Page title at front-end views not always set correctly
  • Version 1.0.3 released (Oct-14-2014)
  • Bugfix
  • problem while browsing pages with subscribers and newsletters in backend
  • false error message "invalid email address" while importing subscribers, no import possible
  • no items visible in queue
  • Value for "Number of newsletters per step" in tab "Step5: Send newsletter" was not used
  • some compatibility issues with javascript
  • editor not accessible in tab "Step2: HTML newsletter"
  • Version 1.0.2 released (Sep-20-2014)
  • Improvement
  • spam check revised
  • error messages revised
  • Bugfix
  • revised, corrected and updated language strings
  • sending newsletters to joomla usergroups was not possible
  • Version 1.0.1 released (Aug-07-2014)
  • New
  • works now with Joomla!3.3
  • maintenance with check and repair tables, save tables and restore tables
  • new icon set
  • integrated help accessible in toolbar
  • easy migration from one Joomla! installation to another conditionally possible
  • improvement:
  • better overview of basic settings by improved layout of options
  • disclaimer now also selectable from Joomla! articles or Joomla! menu
  • conversion from _all/_single file and class naming to Joomla! conventions
  • table engine changed to InnoDB
  • list(s) renamed to mailinglist(s) in tables, controllers, models and views
  • mostly revised and simplified code
  • Bugfix
  • Minor discrepancies in the client-side and server-side validation of form fields has been corrected.
  • Version released (Apr-13-2014)
  • Bugfix ERROR 500 - Unknown column 'attachment' in 'field list' SQL=INS…
  • Version 0.9.8 released (Apr-09-2014)
  • New
  • Significant is the improvement of protection against spam entries in the registration forms (component and module).
  • The administrator has now the option to integrate in the registration form:
  • a user-defined control question
  • or a captcha with a simple math question
  • Improvement
  • The display of the article author and the creation date in the newsletter can be controlled in the options.
  • Bugfix
  • Minor bugs in the client-side and server-side validation of form fields has been corrected.
  • Version 0.9.7 released (Mar-08-2014)
  • New
  • Sending an attachment with the newsletter is now possible
  • There is a new tab Advanced Settings added to options/settings for:
  • Legal information
  • A title in the activation mail
  • Various texts for the activation mail
  • You are able to set, that you will be informed at each confirmation per mail
  • A user-defined CSS-File named com_bwpostman.css, located in [your template]/css, will be used and overrides the css-styles predefined in BwPostman
  • Improvement
  • If name und first name are set to required, then the fields will be displayed at registration even if you forgot to set to display these fields
  • All elements shown in frontend are individually selectable by CSS now
  • Revised installation routine
  • Version released (Jan-23-2014)
  • Bugfix
  • Can't register in component register form, when only one mailing list is available
  • When component register form and module form are displayed at same time, one has to fill both forms to be able to register
  • Version released (Sept-07-2013)
  • Bugfix
  • for updating version number
  • Improvement
  • installation script revised
  • Version released (Sept-02-2013)
  • Bugfix
  • registering to newsletter
  • Version 0.9.6 released (Aug-22-2013)
  • New
  • css-asset for module added
  • Version 0.9.5 released (Aug-21-2013)
  • New
  • field 'firstname' inserted with separated option for show/required to field 'name'
  • personalization for HTML- als text-newsletters inserted
  • Bugfix
  • error while copying newsletter eliminated
  • Apr-05-2013 Romana Boldt, Version 0.9.1
  • general changes to Joomla! 2.5

View files

Version 3.1.4 Stable

Joomla 3.3.6+

Released on: Friday, 05 March 2021
Maturity Stable
Released on Friday, 05 March 2021
Viewed 0 times

Release notes

  • *********************************
  • Changelog for BwPostman Component
  • *********************************
  • This is a changelog for the Joomla!3.3.6+ component BwPostman
  • Many thanks to all those people who have contributed bug reports and code fixes.
  • Version 3.1.4 released (2021-03-05)----
  • Bugfix
  • Check of tables after update did not work with Joomla 3.9.25
  • Version 3.1.3 released (2021-02-26)----
  • Bugfix
  • In some rare cases tables are lost at check and restore of tables
  • Link to manual at screen after installation/update didn't work correctly
  • Version 3.1.2 released (2021-02-03)----
  • Bugfix
  • Moving subscribers to another mailing list by batch processing did not work
  • Version 3.1.1 released (2021-01-20)----
  • Bugfix
  • CSS files of component not copied to media folder
  • Version 3.1.0 released (2021-01-14)----
  • New
  • Small and large modal layout and bootstrap layouts for registration module added
  • Call of css file moved to layout to enable separated css files for each layout
  • Support for bootstrap 2 + 4 added to front end files
  • Version 3.0.3 released (2020-11-27)----
  • Bugfix
  • Modal window changes of disclaimer to bootstrap reverted
  • New
  • Provide custom header List-Unsubscribe for newsletter (email)
  • Version 3.0.2 released (2020-11-17)----
  • Bugfix
  • Make IDs of edit_mailformat and gender select list of registration module unique
  • Add required star to available mailinglists
  • Repair display of special field
  • Switch to get mailinglists by access level up to user access level (including lower levels)
  • Format gender select list
  • Repair saving of gender male
  • Version 3.0.1 released (2020-09-08)----
  • Bugfix
  • Correct query for attribute at restoring tables
  • Ignore and report unprocessable user groups at restore tables
  • Catch some exceptions to prevent white screen on dashboard
  • Improvement
  • Sending mails by BwPostman without correct sender now nearly impossible
  • Version 3.0.0 released (2020-09-05)----
  • New
  • Enhanced mail verification at registration and import of subscribers, both optionally
  • Block links at subscriber fields name, first name and special
  • Import of Joomla classes by php 'use'
  • Sending of newsletters switched to ajax handling, improved look and feel
  • Log level of BwPostman selectable at options of component
  • Bugfix
  • Avoid error message at deinstallation by not loading logger at deinstallation
  • Add own sql update method to ensure these updates are handled correctly
  • Error message at sending of newsletters resolved, if gzip compression is set at Joomla settings
  • Use of group ids in place of english group names at restoring tables
  • Reduce block size of writing assets at maintenance from 1000 to 200 to prevent memory error
  • Reduce writing of rules at assets to only needed ones to reduce file size and prevent memory error
  • Improvement
  • Memory usage, time consumption and error handling at restoring tables improved
  • Input data at front end and back end made more secure
  • Import of subscribes secured, information texts improved
  • Check of imported user groups at restoring tables enhances by default user groups
  • Adjust name of media folder of BwPostman to Joomla default
  • Personalization of managing mails introduced (i.e. confirmation mail)
  • Use of SimpleXML/DOM for creating and restoring tables and creating subscriber export
  • Inline javascript moved to files to improve security and loading time
  • Lot of code optimization (smaller methods, less code duplication, helper classes extended, …) as preparation for Joomla 4
  • Add menu parameters to frontend layouts
  • Version 2.3.1 released (2019-06-08)----
  • Bugfix
  • Multiple problems with language strings corrected
  • Version 2.3.0 released (2019-04-26)----
  • New
  • Message at front end, that new activation needed, if subscriber changed mail address
  • Plugin to show mailinglists/usergroups and optionally number of recipients of a newsletter at the footer of the newsletter
  • Language files moved to Transifex and except english and german removed from installation package to save installation package space and installation time. Installation separately.
  • Bugfix
  • Error after click on icon for multiple attachments at front end
  • Improvement
  • Trigger for events added for future use
  • Rendering of newsletter before preview and sending modularized (internal work)
  • BwLibRegister library file moved from component folder to plugin folder
  • Version 2.2.1 released (7-Feb-2019)----
  • New
  • Dutch language files
  • Bugfix
  • Mail to webmaster at unsubscription doesn't work
  • Wrong inheritance of sample user groups
  • Improvement
  • Switch update server to package naming
  • Version 2.2.0 released (25-Jan-2019)----
  • New
  • Export subscribers only from selected mailing list possible
  • Content templates for newsletters
  • Specific help links to online documentation at backend
  • Bugfix
  • SQL syntax error at newsletters list at front end
  • Restore of tables with zip file doesn't work
  • Export subscribers always exports all subscribers
  • Improvement
  • Up to 20 attachments possible
  • Version 2.1.2 released (14-Dez-2018)----
  • Improvement
  • Output checked for valid HTML
  • Table check at update moved to modal box
  • Comma at salutation at activation mail hard coded, sometimes a not needed space is set
  • Bugfix
  • Missing media images at installation package
  • Captcha doesn't work
  • Version 2.1.1 released (16-Nov-2018)----
  • New
  • All texts of options are multi-language capable
  • Modal box for disclaimer at front end, selectable at options of component
  • Bugfix
  • Update crashes, if one of the Plugins U2S or B2S is activated
  • Compression/Decompression of saved tables only works for Joomla! 3.8.1+
  • SQL error at newsletter overview at front end
  • Internal mailinglists are not accepted as recipients
  • Update from 1.3.2 to 2.0.x lets display unpublished articles of Joomla
  • Version 2.1.0 released (26-Oct-2018)----
  • New
  • Component option for 1-click-unsubscribe
  • Component option mail to webmaster at unsubscription
  • Button Save & Copy for all sections
  • Button Save & New for all sections
  • Possibility to print subscriber data at subscriber details (GDPR)
  • Component option to pack file at save tables (ZIP)
  • Export for templates added
  • Component option to publish newsletter by default after sending
  • Additional optional checkbox with individual text directly before subscribe button (for GDPR)
  • Bugfix
  • SQL error at newsletter list view at front end
  • Error at upload file at attachments at edit newsletter
  • Link to forum changed to new target
  • Improvement
  • Delete uploaded backup file after restoring tables
  • not needed images removed
  • Version 2.0.2 released (19-May-2018)
  • Bugfix
  • Routing after save changes of subscription at FE
  • Edit subscription only stored one mailing list
  • Everlasting spinner at permission change at newsletters and subscribers
  • Impossible to save assets of subscriber without gender selected
  • Display of calculated permissions if permission changed corrected on item level
  • Improvement
  • Description of mailing list can be shown if only one mailing list to select exists
  • Description of mailing lists can be shortened, full description with tool tip for component, module and plugin
  • Permission create now hidden on item level, makes no sense
  • selecting gender changed to select list with 3 specific values (male, female, not specified)
  • Version 2.0.1 released (2-May-2018)
  • Bugfix
  • Saving changed subscription with error
  • Version 2.0.0 released (1-May-2018)
  • With this version BwPostman only is distributed as package, that contains all that BwPostman contains for free. With this
  • version there is only this changelog available, separate change logs for modules and plugins are not longer updated.
  • New
  • Plugin for enhanced personalization
  • Plugin for subscription to a mailing list while creating a Joomla! account
  • Additional field "Custom CSS" at standard templates added
  • Buttons for enhanced personalization inserted at editing templates and newsletters
  • Bugfix
  • Link to Boldt Webservice now totally removed when selected not to show
  • Typos corrected at language files
  • Table check at attribute NULL corrected
  • Form check by javascript corrected
  • Saving gender without entry (=gender unknown) now possible
  • Change back to no gender now possible
  • Table campaigns_mailinglists was not deleted at uninstall
  • Check for module specific params corrected
  • Improvement
  • Collation of tables changed from utf8 to utf8mb4
  • Access management of component enhanced
  • Table column archived_by changed to integer
  • Email check at module subscription enhanced to meet new TLDs
  • CSS styles for radio buttons module subscription modified
  • Version 1.3.2 released (14-Apr-2016)
  • Improvement
  • Trigger for enhanced personalization modified.
  • Bugfix
  • Since Joomla 3.5.1 some problems while registering or change subscribers mail address
  • If folder for media was renamed, there occurred problems with attachment and thumbnails of templates
  • If a user was logged in, which has no subscription, there occurred problems at register form
  • Since Joomla 3.5.1 building of some language strings have changed
  • "male" was not shown in back end list of subscribers.
  • Version 1.3.1 released (7-Apr-2016)
  • New
  • Trigger for enhanced personalization inserted.
  • Bugfix
  • Since Joomla 3.5.1 sending newsletters failed
  • Since Joomla 3.5.1 some php warnings arise while creating or editing newsletters or campaigns
  • Handling of specific table permissions while updating BwPostman throws php warnings
  • Version 1.3.0 released (29-Mar-2016)
  • New
  • Possibility to import external created mail templates.
  • Selection for gender of subscriber, at options configurable.
  • Additional field for further purpose for subscriber, display and obligation configurable at options, label and description for label of additional field configurable also in options by language strings.
  • List of newsletter at back end displays, whether an attachment belongs to newsletter.
  • Assets of tables of BwPostman and their corresponding user groups will now be backed up and restored.
  • Improvement
  • Runtime at restoring tables up to 120 times faster.
  • Needed memory at update to new version of BwPostman drastically reduced by changing internal workflow.
  • Needed memory at restoring tables drastically reduced by changing internal workflow.
  • View of restoring and checking tables now continuously shows the working steps.
  • Asset handling at restoring tables revised.
  • Language files revised.
  • Bugfix
  • Selecting attachment while creating/editing a newsletter was not possible
  • Version 1.2.4 released (17-Dec-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • User-defined CSS file some times not read
  • Faulty calling of icon font for user-defined css file
  • Faulty function call in helper class
  • Unable to delegate actions in BwPostman to other user groups
  • Improvement
  • Select lists for available and selected content at creating/editing newsletters broadened
  • Error message at missing inputs while creating a newsletter specified
  • Version 1.2.3 released (22-Sep-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Edit form subscriber in front end: click on a button does nothing, if one of the fields first name or name is not obligatory.
  • On some installations updates to BwPostman were shown even update was already installed
  • improvement:
  • Javascript noscript message added
  • Version 1.2.2 released (2-Sep-2015)
  • Improvement:
  • CSS of html templates improved to better fit Outlook specifics
  • Version 1.2.1 released (17-Jul-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Adding subscriber without name is not possible, even option is set to no obligation
  • Version 1.2.0 released (9-Jul-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Newsletters, that only contains free content without articles from Joomla, did not use the template
  • Access control in view archive does not work properly
  • Pagination in back end view of newsletters did not work properly
  • Anchor links in newsletters did not work
  • New
  • Selecting campaign moved up to General Information at edit newsletter tab Generals
  • Recipients of campaigns now selectable at campaigns, not at newsletters
  • Publish up and publish down for newsletters, concerns visibility in frontend
  • Status, description and publishing times of sent newsletters editable
  • Delay time between sending of newsletter packages selectable
  • Access to attachment of a newsletter in front end, selectable by global option and menu item option
  • Extended options for view newsletters list in front end
  • Filter newsletters in front end list view by mailing lists, usergroups, campaigns, month and year enable by global option and menu item option
  • More additional filters in back end list views
  • improvement:
  • Improved loading time and stability while editing newsletter in back end
  • Improved work flow at import and export of subscribers
  • Progress bar while sending newsletters
  • Improved and modernized look in front end
  • CSS files for front end now contains all elements used by BwPostman (most of them empty to fill by user)
  • Version released (14-Apr-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Pagination does not work since Joomla 3.3.4
  • Confirmation date of subscriber was set on actual date on each saving
  • Newsletters to usergroups are not shown in front end
  • Improvement
  • Templates added to statistics
  • Styles for pagination in front end added
  • Version 1.1.0 released (21-Mar-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Newsletters without articles of Joomla have not used CSS styles
  • New
  • Template system for newsletters (Karl)
  • dropped support for Joomla 2.5
  • Improvement
  • Extended and improved filtering in back end
  • Version 1.0.8 released (Mar-05-2015)
  • *********************************************
  • *** last version that supports Joomla!2.5 ***
  • *********************************************
  • New
  • Filtering for mailing lists in view subscribers implemented
  • Batch processing for add, remove or move subscribers to/from/between mailinglists
  • Icon set for back end joomla menu entries extended
  • Improvement
  • Subject of a newsletter now may be used several times
  • Description for newsletter added
  • Version of BwPostman in file name of saved tables
  • List of newsletters in front end now ordered by date descending as default
  • List of mailing lists while creating/editing a newsletter now ordered by title ascending
  • Version 1.0.7 released (Feb-18-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Corrupt language file
  • Read more link in newsletter causes error 404 - file not found - if language of the article does not meet the language of the website on multi-language sites
  • Archived recipients were not deleted from queue
  • Improvement
  • Code is more valid
  • Icons in back end menus of Joomla
  • Version 1.0.6 released (Jan-05-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Editing newsletters step 3 preview not shown, sending of newsletters not possible
  • Version 1.0.5 released (Dec-18-2014)
  • Bugfix
  • User-defined css file not read
  • In some cases error 1052 while editing subscribers
  • Improvement
  • Checkall implemented in back-end subscribers at tab unconfirmed subscribers
  • Version 1.0.4 released (Oct-29-2014)
  • Bugfix
  • selecting attachment others than images is not possible
  • sorting newsletters list in front-end is not possible
  • In view newsletters in back-end at tab Sent newsletters nothing shown as marked at check all
  • Search phrase in newsletters list at front-end was not reset in some cases
  • Page title at front-end views not always set correctly
  • Version 1.0.3 released (Oct-14-2014)
  • Bugfix
  • problem while browsing pages with subscribers and newsletters in backend
  • false error message "invalid email address" while importing subscribers, no import possible
  • no items visible in queue
  • Value for "Number of newsletters per step" in tab "Step5: Send newsletter" was not used
  • some compatibility issues with javascript
  • editor not accessible in tab "Step2: HTML newsletter"
  • Version 1.0.2 released (Sep-20-2014)
  • Improvement
  • spam check revised
  • error messages revised
  • Bugfix
  • revised, corrected and updated language strings
  • sending newsletters to joomla usergroups was not possible
  • Version 1.0.1 released (Aug-07-2014)
  • New
  • works now with Joomla!3.3
  • maintenance with check and repair tables, save tables and restore tables
  • new icon set
  • integrated help accessible in toolbar
  • easy migration from one Joomla! installation to another conditionally possible
  • improvement:
  • better overview of basic settings by improved layout of options
  • disclaimer now also selectable from Joomla! articles or Joomla! menu
  • conversion from _all/_single file and class naming to Joomla! conventions
  • table engine changed to InnoDB
  • list(s) renamed to mailinglist(s) in tables, controllers, models and views
  • mostly revised and simplified code
  • Bugfix
  • Minor discrepancies in the client-side and server-side validation of form fields has been corrected.
  • Version released (Apr-13-2014)
  • Bugfix ERROR 500 - Unknown column 'attachment' in 'field list' SQL=INS…
  • Version 0.9.8 released (Apr-09-2014)
  • New
  • Significant is the improvement of protection against spam entries in the registration forms (component and module).
  • The administrator has now the option to integrate in the registration form:
  • a user-defined control question
  • or a captcha with a simple math question
  • Improvement
  • The display of the article author and the creation date in the newsletter can be controlled in the options.
  • Bugfix
  • Minor bugs in the client-side and server-side validation of form fields has been corrected.
  • Version 0.9.7 released (Mar-08-2014)
  • New
  • Sending an attachment with the newsletter is now possible
  • There is a new tab Advanced Settings added to options/settings for:
  • Legal information
  • A title in the activation mail
  • Various texts for the activation mail
  • You are able to set, that you will be informed at each confirmation per mail
  • A user-defined CSS-File named com_bwpostman.css, located in [your template]/css, will be used and overrides the css-styles predefined in BwPostman
  • Improvement
  • If name und first name are set to required, then the fields will be displayed at registration even if you forgot to set to display these fields
  • All elements shown in frontend are individually selectable by CSS now
  • Revised installation routine
  • Version released (Jan-23-2014)
  • Bugfix
  • Can't register in component register form, when only one mailing list is available
  • When component register form and module form are displayed at same time, one has to fill both forms to be able to register
  • Version released (Sept-07-2013)
  • Bugfix
  • for updating version number
  • Improvement
  • installation script revised
  • Version released (Sept-02-2013)
  • Bugfix
  • registering to newsletter
  • Version 0.9.6 released (Aug-22-2013)
  • New
  • css-asset for module added
  • Version 0.9.5 released (Aug-21-2013)
  • New
  • field 'firstname' inserted with separated option for show/required to field 'name'
  • personalization for HTML- als text-newsletters inserted
  • Bugfix
  • error while copying newsletter eliminated
  • Apr-05-2013 Romana Boldt, Version 0.9.1
  • general changes to Joomla! 2.5

View files

Version 3.1.3 Stable

Joomla 3.3.6+

Released on: Friday, 26 February 2021
Maturity Stable
Released on Friday, 26 February 2021
Viewed 0 times

Release notes

  • *********************************
  • Changelog for BwPostman Component
  • *********************************
  • This is a changelog for the Joomla!3.3.6+ component BwPostman
  • Many thanks to all those people who have contributed bug reports and code fixes.
  • Version 3.1.3 released (2021-02-26)----
  • Bugfix
  • In some rare cases tables are lost at check and restore of tables
  • Link to manual at screen after installation/update didn't work correctly
  • Version 3.1.2 released (2021-02-03)----
  • Bugfix
  • Moving subscribers to another mailing list by batch processing did not work
  • Version 3.1.1 released (2021-01-20)----
  • Bugfix
  • CSS files of component not copied to media folder
  • Version 3.1.0 released (2021-01-14)----
  • New
  • Small and large modal layout and bootstrap layouts for registration module added
  • Call of css file moved to layout to enable separated css files for each layout
  • Support for bootstrap 2 + 4 added to front end files
  • Version 3.0.3 released (2020-11-27)----
  • Bugfix
  • Modal window changes of disclaimer to bootstrap reverted
  • New
  • Provide custom header List-Unsubscribe for newsletter (email)
  • Version 3.0.2 released (2020-11-17)----
  • Bugfix
  • Make IDs of edit_mailformat and gender select list of registration module unique
  • Add required star to available mailinglists
  • Repair display of special field
  • Switch to get mailinglists by access level up to user access level (including lower levels)
  • Format gender select list
  • Repair saving of gender male
  • Version 3.0.1 released (2020-09-08)----
  • Bugfix
  • Correct query for attribute at restoring tables
  • Ignore and report unprocessable user groups at restore tables
  • Catch some exceptions to prevent white screen on dashboard
  • Improvement
  • Sending mails by BwPostman without correct sender now nearly impossible
  • Version 3.0.0 released (2020-09-05)----
  • New
  • Enhanced mail verification at registration and import of subscribers, both optionally
  • Block links at subscriber fields name, first name and special
  • Import of Joomla classes by php 'use'
  • Sending of newsletters switched to ajax handling, improved look and feel
  • Log level of BwPostman selectable at options of component
  • Bugfix
  • Avoid error message at deinstallation by not loading logger at deinstallation
  • Add own sql update method to ensure these updates are handled correctly
  • Error message at sending of newsletters resolved, if gzip compression is set at Joomla settings
  • Use of group ids in place of english group names at restoring tables
  • Reduce block size of writing assets at maintenance from 1000 to 200 to prevent memory error
  • Reduce writing of rules at assets to only needed ones to reduce file size and prevent memory error
  • Improvement
  • Memory usage, time consumption and error handling at restoring tables improved
  • Input data at front end and back end made more secure
  • Import of subscribes secured, information texts improved
  • Check of imported user groups at restoring tables enhances by default user groups
  • Adjust name of media folder of BwPostman to Joomla default
  • Personalization of managing mails introduced (i.e. confirmation mail)
  • Use of SimpleXML/DOM for creating and restoring tables and creating subscriber export
  • Inline javascript moved to files to improve security and loading time
  • Lot of code optimization (smaller methods, less code duplication, helper classes extended, …) as preparation for Joomla 4
  • Add menu parameters to frontend layouts
  • Version 2.3.1 released (2019-06-08)----
  • Bugfix
  • Multiple problems with language strings corrected
  • Version 2.3.0 released (2019-04-26)----
  • New
  • Message at front end, that new activation needed, if subscriber changed mail address
  • Plugin to show mailinglists/usergroups and optionally number of recipients of a newsletter at the footer of the newsletter
  • Language files moved to Transifex and except english and german removed from installation package to save installation package space and installation time. Installation separately.
  • Bugfix
  • Error after click on icon for multiple attachments at front end
  • Improvement
  • Trigger for events added for future use
  • Rendering of newsletter before preview and sending modularized (internal work)
  • BwLibRegister library file moved from component folder to plugin folder
  • Version 2.2.1 released (7-Feb-2019)----
  • New
  • Dutch language files
  • Bugfix
  • Mail to webmaster at unsubscription doesn't work
  • Wrong inheritance of sample user groups
  • Improvement
  • Switch update server to package naming
  • Version 2.2.0 released (25-Jan-2019)----
  • New
  • Export subscribers only from selected mailing list possible
  • Content templates for newsletters
  • Specific help links to online documentation at backend
  • Bugfix
  • SQL syntax error at newsletters list at front end
  • Restore of tables with zip file doesn't work
  • Export subscribers always exports all subscribers
  • Improvement
  • Up to 20 attachments possible
  • Version 2.1.2 released (14-Dez-2018)----
  • Improvement
  • Output checked for valid HTML
  • Table check at update moved to modal box
  • Comma at salutation at activation mail hard coded, sometimes a not needed space is set
  • Bugfix
  • Missing media images at installation package
  • Captcha doesn't work
  • Version 2.1.1 released (16-Nov-2018)----
  • New
  • All texts of options are multi-language capable
  • Modal box for disclaimer at front end, selectable at options of component
  • Bugfix
  • Update crashes, if one of the Plugins U2S or B2S is activated
  • Compression/Decompression of saved tables only works for Joomla! 3.8.1+
  • SQL error at newsletter overview at front end
  • Internal mailinglists are not accepted as recipients
  • Update from 1.3.2 to 2.0.x lets display unpublished articles of Joomla
  • Version 2.1.0 released (26-Oct-2018)----
  • New
  • Component option for 1-click-unsubscribe
  • Component option mail to webmaster at unsubscription
  • Button Save & Copy for all sections
  • Button Save & New for all sections
  • Possibility to print subscriber data at subscriber details (GDPR)
  • Component option to pack file at save tables (ZIP)
  • Export for templates added
  • Component option to publish newsletter by default after sending
  • Additional optional checkbox with individual text directly before subscribe button (for GDPR)
  • Bugfix
  • SQL error at newsletter list view at front end
  • Error at upload file at attachments at edit newsletter
  • Link to forum changed to new target
  • Improvement
  • Delete uploaded backup file after restoring tables
  • not needed images removed
  • Version 2.0.2 released (19-May-2018)
  • Bugfix
  • Routing after save changes of subscription at FE
  • Edit subscription only stored one mailing list
  • Everlasting spinner at permission change at newsletters and subscribers
  • Impossible to save assets of subscriber without gender selected
  • Display of calculated permissions if permission changed corrected on item level
  • Improvement
  • Description of mailing list can be shown if only one mailing list to select exists
  • Description of mailing lists can be shortened, full description with tool tip for component, module and plugin
  • Permission create now hidden on item level, makes no sense
  • selecting gender changed to select list with 3 specific values (male, female, not specified)
  • Version 2.0.1 released (2-May-2018)
  • Bugfix
  • Saving changed subscription with error
  • Version 2.0.0 released (1-May-2018)
  • With this version BwPostman only is distributed as package, that contains all that BwPostman contains for free. With this
  • version there is only this changelog available, separate change logs for modules and plugins are not longer updated.
  • New
  • Plugin for enhanced personalization
  • Plugin for subscription to a mailing list while creating a Joomla! account
  • Additional field "Custom CSS" at standard templates added
  • Buttons for enhanced personalization inserted at editing templates and newsletters
  • Bugfix
  • Link to Boldt Webservice now totally removed when selected not to show
  • Typos corrected at language files
  • Table check at attribute NULL corrected
  • Form check by javascript corrected
  • Saving gender without entry (=gender unknown) now possible
  • Change back to no gender now possible
  • Table campaigns_mailinglists was not deleted at uninstall
  • Check for module specific params corrected
  • Improvement
  • Collation of tables changed from utf8 to utf8mb4
  • Access management of component enhanced
  • Table column archived_by changed to integer
  • Email check at module subscription enhanced to meet new TLDs
  • CSS styles for radio buttons module subscription modified
  • Version 1.3.2 released (14-Apr-2016)
  • Improvement
  • Trigger for enhanced personalization modified.
  • Bugfix
  • Since Joomla 3.5.1 some problems while registering or change subscribers mail address
  • If folder for media was renamed, there occurred problems with attachment and thumbnails of templates
  • If a user was logged in, which has no subscription, there occurred problems at register form
  • Since Joomla 3.5.1 building of some language strings have changed
  • "male" was not shown in back end list of subscribers.
  • Version 1.3.1 released (7-Apr-2016)
  • New
  • Trigger for enhanced personalization inserted.
  • Bugfix
  • Since Joomla 3.5.1 sending newsletters failed
  • Since Joomla 3.5.1 some php warnings arise while creating or editing newsletters or campaigns
  • Handling of specific table permissions while updating BwPostman throws php warnings
  • Version 1.3.0 released (29-Mar-2016)
  • New
  • Possibility to import external created mail templates.
  • Selection for gender of subscriber, at options configurable.
  • Additional field for further purpose for subscriber, display and obligation configurable at options, label and description for label of additional field configurable also in options by language strings.
  • List of newsletter at back end displays, whether an attachment belongs to newsletter.
  • Assets of tables of BwPostman and their corresponding user groups will now be backed up and restored.
  • Improvement
  • Runtime at restoring tables up to 120 times faster.
  • Needed memory at update to new version of BwPostman drastically reduced by changing internal workflow.
  • Needed memory at restoring tables drastically reduced by changing internal workflow.
  • View of restoring and checking tables now continuously shows the working steps.
  • Asset handling at restoring tables revised.
  • Language files revised.
  • Bugfix
  • Selecting attachment while creating/editing a newsletter was not possible
  • Version 1.2.4 released (17-Dec-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • User-defined CSS file some times not read
  • Faulty calling of icon font for user-defined css file
  • Faulty function call in helper class
  • Unable to delegate actions in BwPostman to other user groups
  • Improvement
  • Select lists for available and selected content at creating/editing newsletters broadened
  • Error message at missing inputs while creating a newsletter specified
  • Version 1.2.3 released (22-Sep-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Edit form subscriber in front end: click on a button does nothing, if one of the fields first name or name is not obligatory.
  • On some installations updates to BwPostman were shown even update was already installed
  • improvement:
  • Javascript noscript message added
  • Version 1.2.2 released (2-Sep-2015)
  • Improvement:
  • CSS of html templates improved to better fit Outlook specifics
  • Version 1.2.1 released (17-Jul-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Adding subscriber without name is not possible, even option is set to no obligation
  • Version 1.2.0 released (9-Jul-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Newsletters, that only contains free content without articles from Joomla, did not use the template
  • Access control in view archive does not work properly
  • Pagination in back end view of newsletters did not work properly
  • Anchor links in newsletters did not work
  • New
  • Selecting campaign moved up to General Information at edit newsletter tab Generals
  • Recipients of campaigns now selectable at campaigns, not at newsletters
  • Publish up and publish down for newsletters, concerns visibility in frontend
  • Status, description and publishing times of sent newsletters editable
  • Delay time between sending of newsletter packages selectable
  • Access to attachment of a newsletter in front end, selectable by global option and menu item option
  • Extended options for view newsletters list in front end
  • Filter newsletters in front end list view by mailing lists, usergroups, campaigns, month and year enable by global option and menu item option
  • More additional filters in back end list views
  • improvement:
  • Improved loading time and stability while editing newsletter in back end
  • Improved work flow at import and export of subscribers
  • Progress bar while sending newsletters
  • Improved and modernized look in front end
  • CSS files for front end now contains all elements used by BwPostman (most of them empty to fill by user)
  • Version released (14-Apr-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Pagination does not work since Joomla 3.3.4
  • Confirmation date of subscriber was set on actual date on each saving
  • Newsletters to usergroups are not shown in front end
  • Improvement
  • Templates added to statistics
  • Styles for pagination in front end added
  • Version 1.1.0 released (21-Mar-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Newsletters without articles of Joomla have not used CSS styles
  • New
  • Template system for newsletters (Karl)
  • dropped support for Joomla 2.5
  • Improvement
  • Extended and improved filtering in back end
  • Version 1.0.8 released (Mar-05-2015)
  • *********************************************
  • *** last version that supports Joomla!2.5 ***
  • *********************************************
  • New
  • Filtering for mailing lists in view subscribers implemented
  • Batch processing for add, remove or move subscribers to/from/between mailinglists
  • Icon set for back end joomla menu entries extended
  • Improvement
  • Subject of a newsletter now may be used several times
  • Description for newsletter added
  • Version of BwPostman in file name of saved tables
  • List of newsletters in front end now ordered by date descending as default
  • List of mailing lists while creating/editing a newsletter now ordered by title ascending
  • Version 1.0.7 released (Feb-18-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Corrupt language file
  • Read more link in newsletter causes error 404 - file not found - if language of the article does not meet the language of the website on multi-language sites
  • Archived recipients were not deleted from queue
  • Improvement
  • Code is more valid
  • Icons in back end menus of Joomla
  • Version 1.0.6 released (Jan-05-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Editing newsletters step 3 preview not shown, sending of newsletters not possible
  • Version 1.0.5 released (Dec-18-2014)
  • Bugfix
  • User-defined css file not read
  • In some cases error 1052 while editing subscribers
  • Improvement
  • Checkall implemented in back-end subscribers at tab unconfirmed subscribers
  • Version 1.0.4 released (Oct-29-2014)
  • Bugfix
  • selecting attachment others than images is not possible
  • sorting newsletters list in front-end is not possible
  • In view newsletters in back-end at tab Sent newsletters nothing shown as marked at check all
  • Search phrase in newsletters list at front-end was not reset in some cases
  • Page title at front-end views not always set correctly
  • Version 1.0.3 released (Oct-14-2014)
  • Bugfix
  • problem while browsing pages with subscribers and newsletters in backend
  • false error message "invalid email address" while importing subscribers, no import possible
  • no items visible in queue
  • Value for "Number of newsletters per step" in tab "Step5: Send newsletter" was not used
  • some compatibility issues with javascript
  • editor not accessible in tab "Step2: HTML newsletter"
  • Version 1.0.2 released (Sep-20-2014)
  • Improvement
  • spam check revised
  • error messages revised
  • Bugfix
  • revised, corrected and updated language strings
  • sending newsletters to joomla usergroups was not possible
  • Version 1.0.1 released (Aug-07-2014)
  • New
  • works now with Joomla!3.3
  • maintenance with check and repair tables, save tables and restore tables
  • new icon set
  • integrated help accessible in toolbar
  • easy migration from one Joomla! installation to another conditionally possible
  • improvement:
  • better overview of basic settings by improved layout of options
  • disclaimer now also selectable from Joomla! articles or Joomla! menu
  • conversion from _all/_single file and class naming to Joomla! conventions
  • table engine changed to InnoDB
  • list(s) renamed to mailinglist(s) in tables, controllers, models and views
  • mostly revised and simplified code
  • Bugfix
  • Minor discrepancies in the client-side and server-side validation of form fields has been corrected.
  • Version released (Apr-13-2014)
  • Bugfix ERROR 500 - Unknown column 'attachment' in 'field list' SQL=INS…
  • Version 0.9.8 released (Apr-09-2014)
  • New
  • Significant is the improvement of protection against spam entries in the registration forms (component and module).
  • The administrator has now the option to integrate in the registration form:
  • a user-defined control question
  • or a captcha with a simple math question
  • Improvement
  • The display of the article author and the creation date in the newsletter can be controlled in the options.
  • Bugfix
  • Minor bugs in the client-side and server-side validation of form fields has been corrected.
  • Version 0.9.7 released (Mar-08-2014)
  • New
  • Sending an attachment with the newsletter is now possible
  • There is a new tab Advanced Settings added to options/settings for:
  • Legal information
  • A title in the activation mail
  • Various texts for the activation mail
  • You are able to set, that you will be informed at each confirmation per mail
  • A user-defined CSS-File named com_bwpostman.css, located in [your template]/css, will be used and overrides the css-styles predefined in BwPostman
  • Improvement
  • If name und first name are set to required, then the fields will be displayed at registration even if you forgot to set to display these fields
  • All elements shown in frontend are individually selectable by CSS now
  • Revised installation routine
  • Version released (Jan-23-2014)
  • Bugfix
  • Can't register in component register form, when only one mailing list is available
  • When component register form and module form are displayed at same time, one has to fill both forms to be able to register
  • Version released (Sept-07-2013)
  • Bugfix
  • for updating version number
  • Improvement
  • installation script revised
  • Version released (Sept-02-2013)
  • Bugfix
  • registering to newsletter
  • Version 0.9.6 released (Aug-22-2013)
  • New
  • css-asset for module added
  • Version 0.9.5 released (Aug-21-2013)
  • New
  • field 'firstname' inserted with separated option for show/required to field 'name'
  • personalization for HTML- als text-newsletters inserted
  • Bugfix
  • error while copying newsletter eliminated
  • Apr-05-2013 Romana Boldt, Version 0.9.1
  • general changes to Joomla! 2.5

View files

Version 3.1.2 Stable

Joomla 3.3.6+

Released on: Wednesday, 03 February 2021
Maturity Stable
Released on Wednesday, 03 February 2021
Viewed 0 times

Release notes

  • *********************************
  • Changelog for BwPostman Component
  • *********************************
  • This is a changelog for the Joomla!3.3.6+ component BwPostman
  • Many thanks to all those people who have contributed bug reports and code fixes.
  • Version 3.1.2 released (2021-02-03)----
  • Bugfix
  • Moving subscribers to another mailing list by batch processing did not work
  • Version 3.1.1 released (2021-01-20)----
  • Bugfix
  • CSS files of component not copied to media folder
  • Version 3.1.0 released (2021-01-14)----
  • New
  • Small and large modal layout and bootstrap layouts for registration module added
  • Call of css file moved to layout to enable separated css files for each layout
  • Support for bootstrap 2 + 4 added to front end files
  • Version 3.0.3 released (2020-11-27)----
  • Bugfix
  • Modal window changes of disclaimer to bootstrap reverted
  • New
  • Provide custom header List-Unsubscribe for newsletter (email)
  • Version 3.0.2 released (2020-11-17)----
  • Bugfix
  • Make IDs of edit_mailformat and gender select list of registration module unique
  • Add required star to available mailinglists
  • Repair display of special field
  • Switch to get mailinglists by access level up to user access level (including lower levels)
  • Format gender select list
  • Repair saving of gender male
  • Version 3.0.1 released (2020-09-08)----
  • Bugfix
  • Correct query for attribute at restoring tables
  • Ignore and report unprocessable user groups at restore tables
  • Catch some exceptions to prevent white screen on dashboard
  • Improvement
  • Sending mails by BwPostman without correct sender now nearly impossible
  • Version 3.0.0 released (2020-09-05)----
  • New
  • Enhanced mail verification at registration and import of subscribers, both optionally
  • Block links at subscriber fields name, first name and special
  • Import of Joomla classes by php 'use'
  • Sending of newsletters switched to ajax handling, improved look and feel
  • Log level of BwPostman selectable at options of component
  • Bugfix
  • Avoid error message at deinstallation by not loading logger at deinstallation
  • Add own sql update method to ensure these updates are handled correctly
  • Error message at sending of newsletters resolved, if gzip compression is set at Joomla settings
  • Use of group ids in place of english group names at restoring tables
  • Reduce block size of writing assets at maintenance from 1000 to 200 to prevent memory error
  • Reduce writing of rules at assets to only needed ones to reduce file size and prevent memory error
  • Improvement
  • Memory usage, time consumption and error handling at restoring tables improved
  • Input data at front end and back end made more secure
  • Import of subscribes secured, information texts improved
  • Check of imported user groups at restoring tables enhances by default user groups
  • Adjust name of media folder of BwPostman to Joomla default
  • Personalization of managing mails introduced (i.e. confirmation mail)
  • Use of SimpleXML/DOM for creating and restoring tables and creating subscriber export
  • Inline javascript moved to files to improve security and loading time
  • Lot of code optimization (smaller methods, less code duplication, helper classes extended, …) as preparation for Joomla 4
  • Add menu parameters to frontend layouts
  • Version 2.3.1 released (2019-06-08)----
  • Bugfix
  • Multiple problems with language strings corrected
  • Version 2.3.0 released (2019-04-26)----
  • New
  • Message at front end, that new activation needed, if subscriber changed mail address
  • Plugin to show mailinglists/usergroups and optionally number of recipients of a newsletter at the footer of the newsletter
  • Language files moved to Transifex and except english and german removed from installation package to save installation package space and installation time. Installation separately.
  • Bugfix
  • Error after click on icon for multiple attachments at front end
  • Improvement
  • Trigger for events added for future use
  • Rendering of newsletter before preview and sending modularized (internal work)
  • BwLibRegister library file moved from component folder to plugin folder
  • Version 2.2.1 released (7-Feb-2019)----
  • New
  • Dutch language files
  • Bugfix
  • Mail to webmaster at unsubscription doesn't work
  • Wrong inheritance of sample user groups
  • Improvement
  • Switch update server to package naming
  • Version 2.2.0 released (25-Jan-2019)----
  • New
  • Export subscribers only from selected mailing list possible
  • Content templates for newsletters
  • Specific help links to online documentation at backend
  • Bugfix
  • SQL syntax error at newsletters list at front end
  • Restore of tables with zip file doesn't work
  • Export subscribers always exports all subscribers
  • Improvement
  • Up to 20 attachments possible
  • Version 2.1.2 released (14-Dez-2018)----
  • Improvement
  • Output checked for valid HTML
  • Table check at update moved to modal box
  • Comma at salutation at activation mail hard coded, sometimes a not needed space is set
  • Bugfix
  • Missing media images at installation package
  • Captcha doesn't work
  • Version 2.1.1 released (16-Nov-2018)----
  • New
  • All texts of options are multi-language capable
  • Modal box for disclaimer at front end, selectable at options of component
  • Bugfix
  • Update crashes, if one of the Plugins U2S or B2S is activated
  • Compression/Decompression of saved tables only works for Joomla! 3.8.1+
  • SQL error at newsletter overview at front end
  • Internal mailinglists are not accepted as recipients
  • Update from 1.3.2 to 2.0.x lets display unpublished articles of Joomla
  • Version 2.1.0 released (26-Oct-2018)----
  • New
  • Component option for 1-click-unsubscribe
  • Component option mail to webmaster at unsubscription
  • Button Save & Copy for all sections
  • Button Save & New for all sections
  • Possibility to print subscriber data at subscriber details (GDPR)
  • Component option to pack file at save tables (ZIP)
  • Export for templates added
  • Component option to publish newsletter by default after sending
  • Additional optional checkbox with individual text directly before subscribe button (for GDPR)
  • Bugfix
  • SQL error at newsletter list view at front end
  • Error at upload file at attachments at edit newsletter
  • Link to forum changed to new target
  • Improvement
  • Delete uploaded backup file after restoring tables
  • not needed images removed
  • Version 2.0.2 released (19-May-2018)
  • Bugfix
  • Routing after save changes of subscription at FE
  • Edit subscription only stored one mailing list
  • Everlasting spinner at permission change at newsletters and subscribers
  • Impossible to save assets of subscriber without gender selected
  • Display of calculated permissions if permission changed corrected on item level
  • Improvement
  • Description of mailing list can be shown if only one mailing list to select exists
  • Description of mailing lists can be shortened, full description with tool tip for component, module and plugin
  • Permission create now hidden on item level, makes no sense
  • selecting gender changed to select list with 3 specific values (male, female, not specified)
  • Version 2.0.1 released (2-May-2018)
  • Bugfix
  • Saving changed subscription with error
  • Version 2.0.0 released (1-May-2018)
  • With this version BwPostman only is distributed as package, that contains all that BwPostman contains for free. With this
  • version there is only this changelog available, separate change logs for modules and plugins are not longer updated.
  • New
  • Plugin for enhanced personalization
  • Plugin for subscription to a mailing list while creating a Joomla! account
  • Additional field "Custom CSS" at standard templates added
  • Buttons for enhanced personalization inserted at editing templates and newsletters
  • Bugfix
  • Link to Boldt Webservice now totally removed when selected not to show
  • Typos corrected at language files
  • Table check at attribute NULL corrected
  • Form check by javascript corrected
  • Saving gender without entry (=gender unknown) now possible
  • Change back to no gender now possible
  • Table campaigns_mailinglists was not deleted at uninstall
  • Check for module specific params corrected
  • Improvement
  • Collation of tables changed from utf8 to utf8mb4
  • Access management of component enhanced
  • Table column archived_by changed to integer
  • Email check at module subscription enhanced to meet new TLDs
  • CSS styles for radio buttons module subscription modified
  • Version 1.3.2 released (14-Apr-2016)
  • Improvement
  • Trigger for enhanced personalization modified.
  • Bugfix
  • Since Joomla 3.5.1 some problems while registering or change subscribers mail address
  • If folder for media was renamed, there occurred problems with attachment and thumbnails of templates
  • If a user was logged in, which has no subscription, there occurred problems at register form
  • Since Joomla 3.5.1 building of some language strings have changed
  • "male" was not shown in back end list of subscribers.
  • Version 1.3.1 released (7-Apr-2016)
  • New
  • Trigger for enhanced personalization inserted.
  • Bugfix
  • Since Joomla 3.5.1 sending newsletters failed
  • Since Joomla 3.5.1 some php warnings arise while creating or editing newsletters or campaigns
  • Handling of specific table permissions while updating BwPostman throws php warnings
  • Version 1.3.0 released (29-Mar-2016)
  • New
  • Possibility to import external created mail templates.
  • Selection for gender of subscriber, at options configurable.
  • Additional field for further purpose for subscriber, display and obligation configurable at options, label and description for label of additional field configurable also in options by language strings.
  • List of newsletter at back end displays, whether an attachment belongs to newsletter.
  • Assets of tables of BwPostman and their corresponding user groups will now be backed up and restored.
  • Improvement
  • Runtime at restoring tables up to 120 times faster.
  • Needed memory at update to new version of BwPostman drastically reduced by changing internal workflow.
  • Needed memory at restoring tables drastically reduced by changing internal workflow.
  • View of restoring and checking tables now continuously shows the working steps.
  • Asset handling at restoring tables revised.
  • Language files revised.
  • Bugfix
  • Selecting attachment while creating/editing a newsletter was not possible
  • Version 1.2.4 released (17-Dec-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • User-defined CSS file some times not read
  • Faulty calling of icon font for user-defined css file
  • Faulty function call in helper class
  • Unable to delegate actions in BwPostman to other user groups
  • Improvement
  • Select lists for available and selected content at creating/editing newsletters broadened
  • Error message at missing inputs while creating a newsletter specified
  • Version 1.2.3 released (22-Sep-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Edit form subscriber in front end: click on a button does nothing, if one of the fields first name or name is not obligatory.
  • On some installations updates to BwPostman were shown even update was already installed
  • improvement:
  • Javascript noscript message added
  • Version 1.2.2 released (2-Sep-2015)
  • Improvement:
  • CSS of html templates improved to better fit Outlook specifics
  • Version 1.2.1 released (17-Jul-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Adding subscriber without name is not possible, even option is set to no obligation
  • Version 1.2.0 released (9-Jul-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Newsletters, that only contains free content without articles from Joomla, did not use the template
  • Access control in view archive does not work properly
  • Pagination in back end view of newsletters did not work properly
  • Anchor links in newsletters did not work
  • New
  • Selecting campaign moved up to General Information at edit newsletter tab Generals
  • Recipients of campaigns now selectable at campaigns, not at newsletters
  • Publish up and publish down for newsletters, concerns visibility in frontend
  • Status, description and publishing times of sent newsletters editable
  • Delay time between sending of newsletter packages selectable
  • Access to attachment of a newsletter in front end, selectable by global option and menu item option
  • Extended options for view newsletters list in front end
  • Filter newsletters in front end list view by mailing lists, usergroups, campaigns, month and year enable by global option and menu item option
  • More additional filters in back end list views
  • improvement:
  • Improved loading time and stability while editing newsletter in back end
  • Improved work flow at import and export of subscribers
  • Progress bar while sending newsletters
  • Improved and modernized look in front end
  • CSS files for front end now contains all elements used by BwPostman (most of them empty to fill by user)
  • Version released (14-Apr-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Pagination does not work since Joomla 3.3.4
  • Confirmation date of subscriber was set on actual date on each saving
  • Newsletters to usergroups are not shown in front end
  • Improvement
  • Templates added to statistics
  • Styles for pagination in front end added
  • Version 1.1.0 released (21-Mar-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Newsletters without articles of Joomla have not used CSS styles
  • New
  • Template system for newsletters (Karl)
  • dropped support for Joomla 2.5
  • Improvement
  • Extended and improved filtering in back end
  • Version 1.0.8 released (Mar-05-2015)
  • *********************************************
  • *** last version that supports Joomla!2.5 ***
  • *********************************************
  • New
  • Filtering for mailing lists in view subscribers implemented
  • Batch processing for add, remove or move subscribers to/from/between mailinglists
  • Icon set for back end joomla menu entries extended
  • Improvement
  • Subject of a newsletter now may be used several times
  • Description for newsletter added
  • Version of BwPostman in file name of saved tables
  • List of newsletters in front end now ordered by date descending as default
  • List of mailing lists while creating/editing a newsletter now ordered by title ascending
  • Version 1.0.7 released (Feb-18-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Corrupt language file
  • Read more link in newsletter causes error 404 - file not found - if language of the article does not meet the language of the website on multi-language sites
  • Archived recipients were not deleted from queue
  • Improvement
  • Code is more valid
  • Icons in back end menus of Joomla
  • Version 1.0.6 released (Jan-05-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Editing newsletters step 3 preview not shown, sending of newsletters not possible
  • Version 1.0.5 released (Dec-18-2014)
  • Bugfix
  • User-defined css file not read
  • In some cases error 1052 while editing subscribers
  • Improvement
  • Checkall implemented in back-end subscribers at tab unconfirmed subscribers
  • Version 1.0.4 released (Oct-29-2014)
  • Bugfix
  • selecting attachment others than images is not possible
  • sorting newsletters list in front-end is not possible
  • In view newsletters in back-end at tab Sent newsletters nothing shown as marked at check all
  • Search phrase in newsletters list at front-end was not reset in some cases
  • Page title at front-end views not always set correctly
  • Version 1.0.3 released (Oct-14-2014)
  • Bugfix
  • problem while browsing pages with subscribers and newsletters in backend
  • false error message "invalid email address" while importing subscribers, no import possible
  • no items visible in queue
  • Value for "Number of newsletters per step" in tab "Step5: Send newsletter" was not used
  • some compatibility issues with javascript
  • editor not accessible in tab "Step2: HTML newsletter"
  • Version 1.0.2 released (Sep-20-2014)
  • Improvement
  • spam check revised
  • error messages revised
  • Bugfix
  • revised, corrected and updated language strings
  • sending newsletters to joomla usergroups was not possible
  • Version 1.0.1 released (Aug-07-2014)
  • New
  • works now with Joomla!3.3
  • maintenance with check and repair tables, save tables and restore tables
  • new icon set
  • integrated help accessible in toolbar
  • easy migration from one Joomla! installation to another conditionally possible
  • improvement:
  • better overview of basic settings by improved layout of options
  • disclaimer now also selectable from Joomla! articles or Joomla! menu
  • conversion from _all/_single file and class naming to Joomla! conventions
  • table engine changed to InnoDB
  • list(s) renamed to mailinglist(s) in tables, controllers, models and views
  • mostly revised and simplified code
  • Bugfix
  • Minor discrepancies in the client-side and server-side validation of form fields has been corrected.
  • Version released (Apr-13-2014)
  • Bugfix ERROR 500 - Unknown column 'attachment' in 'field list' SQL=INS…
  • Version 0.9.8 released (Apr-09-2014)
  • New
  • Significant is the improvement of protection against spam entries in the registration forms (component and module).
  • The administrator has now the option to integrate in the registration form:
  • a user-defined control question
  • or a captcha with a simple math question
  • Improvement
  • The display of the article author and the creation date in the newsletter can be controlled in the options.
  • Bugfix
  • Minor bugs in the client-side and server-side validation of form fields has been corrected.
  • Version 0.9.7 released (Mar-08-2014)
  • New
  • Sending an attachment with the newsletter is now possible
  • There is a new tab Advanced Settings added to options/settings for:
  • Legal information
  • A title in the activation mail
  • Various texts for the activation mail
  • You are able to set, that you will be informed at each confirmation per mail
  • A user-defined CSS-File named com_bwpostman.css, located in [your template]/css, will be used and overrides the css-styles predefined in BwPostman
  • Improvement
  • If name und first name are set to required, then the fields will be displayed at registration even if you forgot to set to display these fields
  • All elements shown in frontend are individually selectable by CSS now
  • Revised installation routine
  • Version released (Jan-23-2014)
  • Bugfix
  • Can't register in component register form, when only one mailing list is available
  • When component register form and module form are displayed at same time, one has to fill both forms to be able to register
  • Version released (Sept-07-2013)
  • Bugfix
  • for updating version number
  • Improvement
  • installation script revised
  • Version released (Sept-02-2013)
  • Bugfix
  • registering to newsletter
  • Version 0.9.6 released (Aug-22-2013)
  • New
  • css-asset for module added
  • Version 0.9.5 released (Aug-21-2013)
  • New
  • field 'firstname' inserted with separated option for show/required to field 'name'
  • personalization for HTML- als text-newsletters inserted
  • Bugfix
  • error while copying newsletter eliminated
  • Apr-05-2013 Romana Boldt, Version 0.9.1
  • general changes to Joomla! 2.5

View files

Version 3.1.1 Stable

Joomla 3.3.6+

Released on: Wednesday, 20 January 2021
Maturity Stable
Released on Wednesday, 20 January 2021
Viewed 0 times

Release notes

  • *********************************
  • Changelog for BwPostman Component
  • *********************************
  • This is a changelog for the Joomla!3.3.6+ component BwPostman
  • Many thanks to all those people who have contributed bug reports and code fixes.
  • Version 3.1.1 released (2021-01-20)----
  • Bugfix
  • CSS files of component not copied to media folder
  • Version 3.1.0 released (2021-01-14)----
  • New
  • Small and large modal layout and bootstrap layouts for registration module added
  • Call of css file moved to layout to enable separated css files for each layout
  • Support for bootstrap 2 + 4 added to front end files
  • Version 3.0.3 released (2020-11-27)----
  • Bugfix
  • Modal window changes of disclaimer to bootstrap reverted
  • New
  • Provide custom header List-Unsubscribe for newsletter (email)
  • Version 3.0.2 released (2020-11-17)----
  • Bugfix
  • Make IDs of edit_mailformat and gender select list of registration module unique
  • Add required star to available mailinglists
  • Repair display of special field
  • Switch to get mailinglists by access level up to user access level (including lower levels)
  • Format gender select list
  • Repair saving of gender male
  • Version 3.0.1 released (2020-09-08)----
  • Bugfix
  • Correct query for attribute at restoring tables
  • Ignore and report unprocessable user groups at restore tables
  • Catch some exceptions to prevent white screen on dashboard
  • Improvement
  • Sending mails by BwPostman without correct sender now nearly impossible
  • Version 3.0.0 released (2020-09-05)----
  • New
  • Enhanced mail verification at registration and import of subscribers, both optionally
  • Block links at subscriber fields name, first name and special
  • Import of Joomla classes by php 'use'
  • Sending of newsletters switched to ajax handling, improved look and feel
  • Log level of BwPostman selectable at options of component
  • Bugfix
  • Avoid error message at deinstallation by not loading logger at deinstallation
  • Add own sql update method to ensure these updates are handled correctly
  • Error message at sending of newsletters resolved, if gzip compression is set at Joomla settings
  • Use of group ids in place of english group names at restoring tables
  • Reduce block size of writing assets at maintenance from 1000 to 200 to prevent memory error
  • Reduce writing of rules at assets to only needed ones to reduce file size and prevent memory error
  • Improvement
  • Memory usage, time consumption and error handling at restoring tables improved
  • Input data at front end and back end made more secure
  • Import of subscribes secured, information texts improved
  • Check of imported user groups at restoring tables enhances by default user groups
  • Adjust name of media folder of BwPostman to Joomla default
  • Personalization of managing mails introduced (i.e. confirmation mail)
  • Use of SimpleXML/DOM for creating and restoring tables and creating subscriber export
  • Inline javascript moved to files to improve security and loading time
  • Lot of code optimization (smaller methods, less code duplication, helper classes extended, …) as preparation for Joomla 4
  • Add menu parameters to frontend layouts
  • Version 2.3.1 released (2019-06-08)----
  • Bugfix
  • Multiple problems with language strings corrected
  • Version 2.3.0 released (2019-04-26)----
  • New
  • Message at front end, that new activation needed, if subscriber changed mail address
  • Plugin to show mailinglists/usergroups and optionally number of recipients of a newsletter at the footer of the newsletter
  • Language files moved to Transifex and except english and german removed from installation package to save installation package space and installation time. Installation separately.
  • Bugfix
  • Error after click on icon for multiple attachments at front end
  • Improvement
  • Trigger for events added for future use
  • Rendering of newsletter before preview and sending modularized (internal work)
  • BwLibRegister library file moved from component folder to plugin folder
  • Version 2.2.1 released (7-Feb-2019)----
  • New
  • Dutch language files
  • Bugfix
  • Mail to webmaster at unsubscription doesn't work
  • Wrong inheritance of sample user groups
  • Improvement
  • Switch update server to package naming
  • Version 2.2.0 released (25-Jan-2019)----
  • New
  • Export subscribers only from selected mailing list possible
  • Content templates for newsletters
  • Specific help links to online documentation at backend
  • Bugfix
  • SQL syntax error at newsletters list at front end
  • Restore of tables with zip file doesn't work
  • Export subscribers always exports all subscribers
  • Improvement
  • Up to 20 attachments possible
  • Version 2.1.2 released (14-Dez-2018)----
  • Improvement
  • Output checked for valid HTML
  • Table check at update moved to modal box
  • Comma at salutation at activation mail hard coded, sometimes a not needed space is set
  • Bugfix
  • Missing media images at installation package
  • Captcha doesn't work
  • Version 2.1.1 released (16-Nov-2018)----
  • New
  • All texts of options are multi-language capable
  • Modal box for disclaimer at front end, selectable at options of component
  • Bugfix
  • Update crashes, if one of the Plugins U2S or B2S is activated
  • Compression/Decompression of saved tables only works for Joomla! 3.8.1+
  • SQL error at newsletter overview at front end
  • Internal mailinglists are not accepted as recipients
  • Update from 1.3.2 to 2.0.x lets display unpublished articles of Joomla
  • Version 2.1.0 released (26-Oct-2018)----
  • New
  • Component option for 1-click-unsubscribe
  • Component option mail to webmaster at unsubscription
  • Button Save & Copy for all sections
  • Button Save & New for all sections
  • Possibility to print subscriber data at subscriber details (GDPR)
  • Component option to pack file at save tables (ZIP)
  • Export for templates added
  • Component option to publish newsletter by default after sending
  • Additional optional checkbox with individual text directly before subscribe button (for GDPR)
  • Bugfix
  • SQL error at newsletter list view at front end
  • Error at upload file at attachments at edit newsletter
  • Link to forum changed to new target
  • Improvement
  • Delete uploaded backup file after restoring tables
  • not needed images removed
  • Version 2.0.2 released (19-May-2018)
  • Bugfix
  • Routing after save changes of subscription at FE
  • Edit subscription only stored one mailing list
  • Everlasting spinner at permission change at newsletters and subscribers
  • Impossible to save assets of subscriber without gender selected
  • Display of calculated permissions if permission changed corrected on item level
  • Improvement
  • Description of mailing list can be shown if only one mailing list to select exists
  • Description of mailing lists can be shortened, full description with tool tip for component, module and plugin
  • Permission create now hidden on item level, makes no sense
  • selecting gender changed to select list with 3 specific values (male, female, not specified)
  • Version 2.0.1 released (2-May-2018)
  • Bugfix
  • Saving changed subscription with error
  • Version 2.0.0 released (1-May-2018)
  • With this version BwPostman only is distributed as package, that contains all that BwPostman contains for free. With this
  • version there is only this changelog available, separate change logs for modules and plugins are not longer updated.
  • New
  • Plugin for enhanced personalization
  • Plugin for subscription to a mailing list while creating a Joomla! account
  • Additional field "Custom CSS" at standard templates added
  • Buttons for enhanced personalization inserted at editing templates and newsletters
  • Bugfix
  • Link to Boldt Webservice now totally removed when selected not to show
  • Typos corrected at language files
  • Table check at attribute NULL corrected
  • Form check by javascript corrected
  • Saving gender without entry (=gender unknown) now possible
  • Change back to no gender now possible
  • Table campaigns_mailinglists was not deleted at uninstall
  • Check for module specific params corrected
  • Improvement
  • Collation of tables changed from utf8 to utf8mb4
  • Access management of component enhanced
  • Table column archived_by changed to integer
  • Email check at module subscription enhanced to meet new TLDs
  • CSS styles for radio buttons module subscription modified
  • Version 1.3.2 released (14-Apr-2016)
  • Improvement
  • Trigger for enhanced personalization modified.
  • Bugfix
  • Since Joomla 3.5.1 some problems while registering or change subscribers mail address
  • If folder for media was renamed, there occurred problems with attachment and thumbnails of templates
  • If a user was logged in, which has no subscription, there occurred problems at register form
  • Since Joomla 3.5.1 building of some language strings have changed
  • "male" was not shown in back end list of subscribers.
  • Version 1.3.1 released (7-Apr-2016)
  • New
  • Trigger for enhanced personalization inserted.
  • Bugfix
  • Since Joomla 3.5.1 sending newsletters failed
  • Since Joomla 3.5.1 some php warnings arise while creating or editing newsletters or campaigns
  • Handling of specific table permissions while updating BwPostman throws php warnings
  • Version 1.3.0 released (29-Mar-2016)
  • New
  • Possibility to import external created mail templates.
  • Selection for gender of subscriber, at options configurable.
  • Additional field for further purpose for subscriber, display and obligation configurable at options, label and description for label of additional field configurable also in options by language strings.
  • List of newsletter at back end displays, whether an attachment belongs to newsletter.
  • Assets of tables of BwPostman and their corresponding user groups will now be backed up and restored.
  • Improvement
  • Runtime at restoring tables up to 120 times faster.
  • Needed memory at update to new version of BwPostman drastically reduced by changing internal workflow.
  • Needed memory at restoring tables drastically reduced by changing internal workflow.
  • View of restoring and checking tables now continuously shows the working steps.
  • Asset handling at restoring tables revised.
  • Language files revised.
  • Bugfix
  • Selecting attachment while creating/editing a newsletter was not possible
  • Version 1.2.4 released (17-Dec-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • User-defined CSS file some times not read
  • Faulty calling of icon font for user-defined css file
  • Faulty function call in helper class
  • Unable to delegate actions in BwPostman to other user groups
  • Improvement
  • Select lists for available and selected content at creating/editing newsletters broadened
  • Error message at missing inputs while creating a newsletter specified
  • Version 1.2.3 released (22-Sep-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Edit form subscriber in front end: click on a button does nothing, if one of the fields first name or name is not obligatory.
  • On some installations updates to BwPostman were shown even update was already installed
  • improvement:
  • Javascript noscript message added
  • Version 1.2.2 released (2-Sep-2015)
  • Improvement:
  • CSS of html templates improved to better fit Outlook specifics
  • Version 1.2.1 released (17-Jul-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Adding subscriber without name is not possible, even option is set to no obligation
  • Version 1.2.0 released (9-Jul-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Newsletters, that only contains free content without articles from Joomla, did not use the template
  • Access control in view archive does not work properly
  • Pagination in back end view of newsletters did not work properly
  • Anchor links in newsletters did not work
  • New
  • Selecting campaign moved up to General Information at edit newsletter tab Generals
  • Recipients of campaigns now selectable at campaigns, not at newsletters
  • Publish up and publish down for newsletters, concerns visibility in frontend
  • Status, description and publishing times of sent newsletters editable
  • Delay time between sending of newsletter packages selectable
  • Access to attachment of a newsletter in front end, selectable by global option and menu item option
  • Extended options for view newsletters list in front end
  • Filter newsletters in front end list view by mailing lists, usergroups, campaigns, month and year enable by global option and menu item option
  • More additional filters in back end list views
  • improvement:
  • Improved loading time and stability while editing newsletter in back end
  • Improved work flow at import and export of subscribers
  • Progress bar while sending newsletters
  • Improved and modernized look in front end
  • CSS files for front end now contains all elements used by BwPostman (most of them empty to fill by user)
  • Version released (14-Apr-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Pagination does not work since Joomla 3.3.4
  • Confirmation date of subscriber was set on actual date on each saving
  • Newsletters to usergroups are not shown in front end
  • Improvement
  • Templates added to statistics
  • Styles for pagination in front end added
  • Version 1.1.0 released (21-Mar-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Newsletters without articles of Joomla have not used CSS styles
  • New
  • Template system for newsletters (Karl)
  • dropped support for Joomla 2.5
  • Improvement
  • Extended and improved filtering in back end
  • Version 1.0.8 released (Mar-05-2015)
  • *********************************************
  • *** last version that supports Joomla!2.5 ***
  • *********************************************
  • New
  • Filtering for mailing lists in view subscribers implemented
  • Batch processing for add, remove or move subscribers to/from/between mailinglists
  • Icon set for back end joomla menu entries extended
  • Improvement
  • Subject of a newsletter now may be used several times
  • Description for newsletter added
  • Version of BwPostman in file name of saved tables
  • List of newsletters in front end now ordered by date descending as default
  • List of mailing lists while creating/editing a newsletter now ordered by title ascending
  • Version 1.0.7 released (Feb-18-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Corrupt language file
  • Read more link in newsletter causes error 404 - file not found - if language of the article does not meet the language of the website on multi-language sites
  • Archived recipients were not deleted from queue
  • Improvement
  • Code is more valid
  • Icons in back end menus of Joomla
  • Version 1.0.6 released (Jan-05-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Editing newsletters step 3 preview not shown, sending of newsletters not possible
  • Version 1.0.5 released (Dec-18-2014)
  • Bugfix
  • User-defined css file not read
  • In some cases error 1052 while editing subscribers
  • Improvement
  • Checkall implemented in back-end subscribers at tab unconfirmed subscribers
  • Version 1.0.4 released (Oct-29-2014)
  • Bugfix
  • selecting attachment others than images is not possible
  • sorting newsletters list in front-end is not possible
  • In view newsletters in back-end at tab Sent newsletters nothing shown as marked at check all
  • Search phrase in newsletters list at front-end was not reset in some cases
  • Page title at front-end views not always set correctly
  • Version 1.0.3 released (Oct-14-2014)
  • Bugfix
  • problem while browsing pages with subscribers and newsletters in backend
  • false error message "invalid email address" while importing subscribers, no import possible
  • no items visible in queue
  • Value for "Number of newsletters per step" in tab "Step5: Send newsletter" was not used
  • some compatibility issues with javascript
  • editor not accessible in tab "Step2: HTML newsletter"
  • Version 1.0.2 released (Sep-20-2014)
  • Improvement
  • spam check revised
  • error messages revised
  • Bugfix
  • revised, corrected and updated language strings
  • sending newsletters to joomla usergroups was not possible
  • Version 1.0.1 released (Aug-07-2014)
  • New
  • works now with Joomla!3.3
  • maintenance with check and repair tables, save tables and restore tables
  • new icon set
  • integrated help accessible in toolbar
  • easy migration from one Joomla! installation to another conditionally possible
  • improvement:
  • better overview of basic settings by improved layout of options
  • disclaimer now also selectable from Joomla! articles or Joomla! menu
  • conversion from _all/_single file and class naming to Joomla! conventions
  • table engine changed to InnoDB
  • list(s) renamed to mailinglist(s) in tables, controllers, models and views
  • mostly revised and simplified code
  • Bugfix
  • Minor discrepancies in the client-side and server-side validation of form fields has been corrected.
  • Version released (Apr-13-2014)
  • Bugfix ERROR 500 - Unknown column 'attachment' in 'field list' SQL=INS…
  • Version 0.9.8 released (Apr-09-2014)
  • New
  • Significant is the improvement of protection against spam entries in the registration forms (component and module).
  • The administrator has now the option to integrate in the registration form:
  • a user-defined control question
  • or a captcha with a simple math question
  • Improvement
  • The display of the article author and the creation date in the newsletter can be controlled in the options.
  • Bugfix
  • Minor bugs in the client-side and server-side validation of form fields has been corrected.
  • Version 0.9.7 released (Mar-08-2014)
  • New
  • Sending an attachment with the newsletter is now possible
  • There is a new tab Advanced Settings added to options/settings for:
  • Legal information
  • A title in the activation mail
  • Various texts for the activation mail
  • You are able to set, that you will be informed at each confirmation per mail
  • A user-defined CSS-File named com_bwpostman.css, located in [your template]/css, will be used and overrides the css-styles predefined in BwPostman
  • Improvement
  • If name und first name are set to required, then the fields will be displayed at registration even if you forgot to set to display these fields
  • All elements shown in frontend are individually selectable by CSS now
  • Revised installation routine
  • Version released (Jan-23-2014)
  • Bugfix
  • Can't register in component register form, when only one mailing list is available
  • When component register form and module form are displayed at same time, one has to fill both forms to be able to register
  • Version released (Sept-07-2013)
  • Bugfix
  • for updating version number
  • Improvement
  • installation script revised
  • Version released (Sept-02-2013)
  • Bugfix
  • registering to newsletter
  • Version 0.9.6 released (Aug-22-2013)
  • New
  • css-asset for module added
  • Version 0.9.5 released (Aug-21-2013)
  • New
  • field 'firstname' inserted with separated option for show/required to field 'name'
  • personalization for HTML- als text-newsletters inserted
  • Bugfix
  • error while copying newsletter eliminated
  • Apr-05-2013 Romana Boldt, Version 0.9.1
  • general changes to Joomla! 2.5

View files

Version 3.1.0 Stable

Joomla 3.3.6+

Released on: Thursday, 14 January 2021
Maturity Stable
Released on Thursday, 14 January 2021
Viewed 0 times

Release notes

  • *********************************
  • Changelog for BwPostman Component
  • *********************************
  • This is a changelog for the Joomla!3.3.6+ component BwPostman
  • Many thanks to all those people who have contributed bug reports and code fixes.
  • Version 3.1.0 released (2021-01-14)----
  • New
  • Small and large modal layout and bootstrap layouts for registration module added
  • Call of css file moved to layout to enable separated css files for each layout
  • Support for bootstrap 2 + 4 added to front end files
  • Version 3.0.3 released (2020-11-27)----
  • Bugfix
  • Modal window changes of disclaimer to bootstrap reverted
  • New
  • Provide custom header List-Unsubscribe for newsletter (email)
  • Version 3.0.2 released (2020-11-17)----
  • Bugfix
  • Make IDs of edit_mailformat and gender select list of registration module unique
  • Add required star to available mailinglists
  • Repair display of special field
  • Switch to get mailinglists by access level up to user access level (including lower levels)
  • Format gender select list
  • Repair saving of gender male
  • Version 3.0.1 released (2020-09-08)----
  • Bugfix
  • Correct query for attribute at restoring tables
  • Ignore and report unprocessable user groups at restore tables
  • Catch some exceptions to prevent white screen on dashboard
  • Improvement
  • Sending mails by BwPostman without correct sender now nearly impossible
  • Version 3.0.0 released (2020-09-05)----
  • New
  • Enhanced mail verification at registration and import of subscribers, both optionally
  • Block links at subscriber fields name, first name and special
  • Import of Joomla classes by php 'use'
  • Sending of newsletters switched to ajax handling, improved look and feel
  • Log level of BwPostman selectable at options of component
  • Bugfix
  • Avoid error message at deinstallation by not loading logger at deinstallation
  • Add own sql update method to ensure these updates are handled correctly
  • Error message at sending of newsletters resolved, if gzip compression is set at Joomla settings
  • Use of group ids in place of english group names at restoring tables
  • Reduce block size of writing assets at maintenance from 1000 to 200 to prevent memory error
  • Reduce writing of rules at assets to only needed ones to reduce file size and prevent memory error
  • Improvement
  • Memory usage, time consumption and error handling at restoring tables improved
  • Input data at front end and back end made more secure
  • Import of subscribes secured, information texts improved
  • Check of imported user groups at restoring tables enhances by default user groups
  • Adjust name of media folder of BwPostman to Joomla default
  • Personalization of managing mails introduced (i.e. confirmation mail)
  • Use of SimpleXML/DOM for creating and restoring tables and creating subscriber export
  • Inline javascript moved to files to improve security and loading time
  • Lot of code optimization (smaller methods, less code duplication, helper classes extended, …) as preparation for Joomla 4
  • Add menu parameters to frontend layouts
  • Version 2.3.1 released (2019-06-08)----
  • Bugfix
  • Multiple problems with language strings corrected
  • Version 2.3.0 released (2019-04-26)----
  • New
  • Message at front end, that new activation needed, if subscriber changed mail address
  • Plugin to show mailinglists/usergroups and optionally number of recipients of a newsletter at the footer of the newsletter
  • Language files moved to Transifex and except english and german removed from installation package to save installation package space and installation time. Installation separately.
  • Bugfix
  • Error after click on icon for multiple attachments at front end
  • Improvement
  • Trigger for events added for future use
  • Rendering of newsletter before preview and sending modularized (internal work)
  • BwLibRegister library file moved from component folder to plugin folder
  • Version 2.2.1 released (7-Feb-2019)----
  • New
  • Dutch language files
  • Bugfix
  • Mail to webmaster at unsubscription doesn't work
  • Wrong inheritance of sample user groups
  • Improvement
  • Switch update server to package naming
  • Version 2.2.0 released (25-Jan-2019)----
  • New
  • Export subscribers only from selected mailing list possible
  • Content templates for newsletters
  • Specific help links to online documentation at backend
  • Bugfix
  • SQL syntax error at newsletters list at front end
  • Restore of tables with zip file doesn't work
  • Export subscribers always exports all subscribers
  • Improvement
  • Up to 20 attachments possible
  • Version 2.1.2 released (14-Dez-2018)----
  • Improvement
  • Output checked for valid HTML
  • Table check at update moved to modal box
  • Comma at salutation at activation mail hard coded, sometimes a not needed space is set
  • Bugfix
  • Missing media images at installation package
  • Captcha doesn't work
  • Version 2.1.1 released (16-Nov-2018)----
  • New
  • All texts of options are multi-language capable
  • Modal box for disclaimer at front end, selectable at options of component
  • Bugfix
  • Update crashes, if one of the Plugins U2S or B2S is activated
  • Compression/Decompression of saved tables only works for Joomla! 3.8.1+
  • SQL error at newsletter overview at front end
  • Internal mailinglists are not accepted as recipients
  • Update from 1.3.2 to 2.0.x lets display unpublished articles of Joomla
  • Version 2.1.0 released (26-Oct-2018)----
  • New
  • Component option for 1-click-unsubscribe
  • Component option mail to webmaster at unsubscription
  • Button Save & Copy for all sections
  • Button Save & New for all sections
  • Possibility to print subscriber data at subscriber details (GDPR)
  • Component option to pack file at save tables (ZIP)
  • Export for templates added
  • Component option to publish newsletter by default after sending
  • Additional optional checkbox with individual text directly before subscribe button (for GDPR)
  • Bugfix
  • SQL error at newsletter list view at front end
  • Error at upload file at attachments at edit newsletter
  • Link to forum changed to new target
  • Improvement
  • Delete uploaded backup file after restoring tables
  • not needed images removed
  • Version 2.0.2 released (19-May-2018)
  • Bugfix
  • Routing after save changes of subscription at FE
  • Edit subscription only stored one mailing list
  • Everlasting spinner at permission change at newsletters and subscribers
  • Impossible to save assets of subscriber without gender selected
  • Display of calculated permissions if permission changed corrected on item level
  • Improvement
  • Description of mailing list can be shown if only one mailing list to select exists
  • Description of mailing lists can be shortened, full description with tool tip for component, module and plugin
  • Permission create now hidden on item level, makes no sense
  • selecting gender changed to select list with 3 specific values (male, female, not specified)
  • Version 2.0.1 released (2-May-2018)
  • Bugfix
  • Saving changed subscription with error
  • Version 2.0.0 released (1-May-2018)
  • With this version BwPostman only is distributed as package, that contains all that BwPostman contains for free. With this
  • version there is only this changelog available, separate change logs for modules and plugins are not longer updated.
  • New
  • Plugin for enhanced personalization
  • Plugin for subscription to a mailing list while creating a Joomla! account
  • Additional field "Custom CSS" at standard templates added
  • Buttons for enhanced personalization inserted at editing templates and newsletters
  • Bugfix
  • Link to Boldt Webservice now totally removed when selected not to show
  • Typos corrected at language files
  • Table check at attribute NULL corrected
  • Form check by javascript corrected
  • Saving gender without entry (=gender unknown) now possible
  • Change back to no gender now possible
  • Table campaigns_mailinglists was not deleted at uninstall
  • Check for module specific params corrected
  • Improvement
  • Collation of tables changed from utf8 to utf8mb4
  • Access management of component enhanced
  • Table column archived_by changed to integer
  • Email check at module subscription enhanced to meet new TLDs
  • CSS styles for radio buttons module subscription modified
  • Version 1.3.2 released (14-Apr-2016)
  • Improvement
  • Trigger for enhanced personalization modified.
  • Bugfix
  • Since Joomla 3.5.1 some problems while registering or change subscribers mail address
  • If folder for media was renamed, there occurred problems with attachment and thumbnails of templates
  • If a user was logged in, which has no subscription, there occurred problems at register form
  • Since Joomla 3.5.1 building of some language strings have changed
  • "male" was not shown in back end list of subscribers.
  • Version 1.3.1 released (7-Apr-2016)
  • New
  • Trigger for enhanced personalization inserted.
  • Bugfix
  • Since Joomla 3.5.1 sending newsletters failed
  • Since Joomla 3.5.1 some php warnings arise while creating or editing newsletters or campaigns
  • Handling of specific table permissions while updating BwPostman throws php warnings
  • Version 1.3.0 released (29-Mar-2016)
  • New
  • Possibility to import external created mail templates.
  • Selection for gender of subscriber, at options configurable.
  • Additional field for further purpose for subscriber, display and obligation configurable at options, label and description for label of additional field configurable also in options by language strings.
  • List of newsletter at back end displays, whether an attachment belongs to newsletter.
  • Assets of tables of BwPostman and their corresponding user groups will now be backed up and restored.
  • Improvement
  • Runtime at restoring tables up to 120 times faster.
  • Needed memory at update to new version of BwPostman drastically reduced by changing internal workflow.
  • Needed memory at restoring tables drastically reduced by changing internal workflow.
  • View of restoring and checking tables now continuously shows the working steps.
  • Asset handling at restoring tables revised.
  • Language files revised.
  • Bugfix
  • Selecting attachment while creating/editing a newsletter was not possible
  • Version 1.2.4 released (17-Dec-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • User-defined CSS file some times not read
  • Faulty calling of icon font for user-defined css file
  • Faulty function call in helper class
  • Unable to delegate actions in BwPostman to other user groups
  • Improvement
  • Select lists for available and selected content at creating/editing newsletters broadened
  • Error message at missing inputs while creating a newsletter specified
  • Version 1.2.3 released (22-Sep-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Edit form subscriber in front end: click on a button does nothing, if one of the fields first name or name is not obligatory.
  • On some installations updates to BwPostman were shown even update was already installed
  • improvement:
  • Javascript noscript message added
  • Version 1.2.2 released (2-Sep-2015)
  • Improvement:
  • CSS of html templates improved to better fit Outlook specifics
  • Version 1.2.1 released (17-Jul-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Adding subscriber without name is not possible, even option is set to no obligation
  • Version 1.2.0 released (9-Jul-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Newsletters, that only contains free content without articles from Joomla, did not use the template
  • Access control in view archive does not work properly
  • Pagination in back end view of newsletters did not work properly
  • Anchor links in newsletters did not work
  • New
  • Selecting campaign moved up to General Information at edit newsletter tab Generals
  • Recipients of campaigns now selectable at campaigns, not at newsletters
  • Publish up and publish down for newsletters, concerns visibility in frontend
  • Status, description and publishing times of sent newsletters editable
  • Delay time between sending of newsletter packages selectable
  • Access to attachment of a newsletter in front end, selectable by global option and menu item option
  • Extended options for view newsletters list in front end
  • Filter newsletters in front end list view by mailing lists, usergroups, campaigns, month and year enable by global option and menu item option
  • More additional filters in back end list views
  • improvement:
  • Improved loading time and stability while editing newsletter in back end
  • Improved work flow at import and export of subscribers
  • Progress bar while sending newsletters
  • Improved and modernized look in front end
  • CSS files for front end now contains all elements used by BwPostman (most of them empty to fill by user)
  • Version released (14-Apr-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Pagination does not work since Joomla 3.3.4
  • Confirmation date of subscriber was set on actual date on each saving
  • Newsletters to usergroups are not shown in front end
  • Improvement
  • Templates added to statistics
  • Styles for pagination in front end added
  • Version 1.1.0 released (21-Mar-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Newsletters without articles of Joomla have not used CSS styles
  • New
  • Template system for newsletters (Karl)
  • dropped support for Joomla 2.5
  • Improvement
  • Extended and improved filtering in back end
  • Version 1.0.8 released (Mar-05-2015)
  • *********************************************
  • *** last version that supports Joomla!2.5 ***
  • *********************************************
  • New
  • Filtering for mailing lists in view subscribers implemented
  • Batch processing for add, remove or move subscribers to/from/between mailinglists
  • Icon set for back end joomla menu entries extended
  • Improvement
  • Subject of a newsletter now may be used several times
  • Description for newsletter added
  • Version of BwPostman in file name of saved tables
  • List of newsletters in front end now ordered by date descending as default
  • List of mailing lists while creating/editing a newsletter now ordered by title ascending
  • Version 1.0.7 released (Feb-18-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Corrupt language file
  • Read more link in newsletter causes error 404 - file not found - if language of the article does not meet the language of the website on multi-language sites
  • Archived recipients were not deleted from queue
  • Improvement
  • Code is more valid
  • Icons in back end menus of Joomla
  • Version 1.0.6 released (Jan-05-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Editing newsletters step 3 preview not shown, sending of newsletters not possible
  • Version 1.0.5 released (Dec-18-2014)
  • Bugfix
  • User-defined css file not read
  • In some cases error 1052 while editing subscribers
  • Improvement
  • Checkall implemented in back-end subscribers at tab unconfirmed subscribers
  • Version 1.0.4 released (Oct-29-2014)
  • Bugfix
  • selecting attachment others than images is not possible
  • sorting newsletters list in front-end is not possible
  • In view newsletters in back-end at tab Sent newsletters nothing shown as marked at check all
  • Search phrase in newsletters list at front-end was not reset in some cases
  • Page title at front-end views not always set correctly
  • Version 1.0.3 released (Oct-14-2014)
  • Bugfix
  • problem while browsing pages with subscribers and newsletters in backend
  • false error message "invalid email address" while importing subscribers, no import possible
  • no items visible in queue
  • Value for "Number of newsletters per step" in tab "Step5: Send newsletter" was not used
  • some compatibility issues with javascript
  • editor not accessible in tab "Step2: HTML newsletter"
  • Version 1.0.2 released (Sep-20-2014)
  • Improvement
  • spam check revised
  • error messages revised
  • Bugfix
  • revised, corrected and updated language strings
  • sending newsletters to joomla usergroups was not possible
  • Version 1.0.1 released (Aug-07-2014)
  • New
  • works now with Joomla!3.3
  • maintenance with check and repair tables, save tables and restore tables
  • new icon set
  • integrated help accessible in toolbar
  • easy migration from one Joomla! installation to another conditionally possible
  • improvement:
  • better overview of basic settings by improved layout of options
  • disclaimer now also selectable from Joomla! articles or Joomla! menu
  • conversion from _all/_single file and class naming to Joomla! conventions
  • table engine changed to InnoDB
  • list(s) renamed to mailinglist(s) in tables, controllers, models and views
  • mostly revised and simplified code
  • Bugfix
  • Minor discrepancies in the client-side and server-side validation of form fields has been corrected.
  • Version released (Apr-13-2014)
  • Bugfix ERROR 500 - Unknown column 'attachment' in 'field list' SQL=INS…
  • Version 0.9.8 released (Apr-09-2014)
  • New
  • Significant is the improvement of protection against spam entries in the registration forms (component and module).
  • The administrator has now the option to integrate in the registration form:
  • a user-defined control question
  • or a captcha with a simple math question
  • Improvement
  • The display of the article author and the creation date in the newsletter can be controlled in the options.
  • Bugfix
  • Minor bugs in the client-side and server-side validation of form fields has been corrected.
  • Version 0.9.7 released (Mar-08-2014)
  • New
  • Sending an attachment with the newsletter is now possible
  • There is a new tab Advanced Settings added to options/settings for:
  • Legal information
  • A title in the activation mail
  • Various texts for the activation mail
  • You are able to set, that you will be informed at each confirmation per mail
  • A user-defined CSS-File named com_bwpostman.css, located in [your template]/css, will be used and overrides the css-styles predefined in BwPostman
  • Improvement
  • If name und first name are set to required, then the fields will be displayed at registration even if you forgot to set to display these fields
  • All elements shown in frontend are individually selectable by CSS now
  • Revised installation routine
  • Version released (Jan-23-2014)
  • Bugfix
  • Can't register in component register form, when only one mailing list is available
  • When component register form and module form are displayed at same time, one has to fill both forms to be able to register
  • Version released (Sept-07-2013)
  • Bugfix
  • for updating version number
  • Improvement
  • installation script revised
  • Version released (Sept-02-2013)
  • Bugfix
  • registering to newsletter
  • Version 0.9.6 released (Aug-22-2013)
  • New
  • css-asset for module added
  • Version 0.9.5 released (Aug-21-2013)
  • New
  • field 'firstname' inserted with separated option for show/required to field 'name'
  • personalization for HTML- als text-newsletters inserted
  • Bugfix
  • error while copying newsletter eliminated
  • Apr-05-2013 Romana Boldt, Version 0.9.1
  • general changes to Joomla! 2.5

View files

Version 3.0.3 Stable

Joomla 3.3.6+

Released on: Thursday, 26 November 2020
Maturity Stable
Released on Thursday, 26 November 2020
Viewed 0 times

Release notes

  • *********************************
  • Changelog for BwPostman Component
  • *********************************
  • This is a changelog for the Joomla!3.3.6+ component BwPostman
  • Many thanks to all those people who have contributed bug reports and code fixes.
  • Version 3.0.3 released (2020-11-27)
  • New
  • Provide custom header List-Unsubscribe for newsletter (email)
  • Bugfix
  • Modal window changes of disclaimer to bootstrap reverted
  • Version 3.0.2 released (2020-11-19)
  • Bugfix
  • Make IDs of edit_mailformat and gender select list of registration module unique
  • Add required star to available mailinglists
  • Repair display of special field
  • Switch to get mailinglists by access level up to user access level (including lower levels)
  • Format gender select list
  • Repair saving of gender male
  • Version 3.0.1 released (2020-09-08)
  • Bugfix
  • Correct query for attribute at restoring tables
  • Ignore and report unprocessable user groups at restore tables
  • Catch some exceptions to prevent white screen on dashboard
  • Version 3.0.0 released (2020-09-05)----
  • New
  • Enhanced mail verification at registration and import of subscribers, both optionally
  • Block links at subscriber fields name, first name and special
  • Import of Joomla classes by php 'use'
  • Sending of newsletters switched to ajax handling, improved look and feel
  • Log level of BwPostman selectable at options of component
  • Bugfix
  • Avoid error message at deinstallation by not loading logger at deinstallation
  • Add own sql update method to ensure these updates are handled correctly
  • Error message at sending of newsletters resolved, if gzip compression is set at Joomla settings
  • Use of group ids in place of english group names at restoring tables
  • Reduce block size of writing assets at maintenance from 1000 to 200 to prevent memory error
  • Reduce writing of rules at assets to only needed ones to reduce file size and prevent memory error
  • Improvement
  • Memory usage, time consumption and error handling at restoring tables improved
  • Input data at front end and back end made more secure
  • Import of subscribes secured, information texts improved
  • Check of imported user groups at restoring tables enhances by default user groups
  • Adjust name of media folder of BwPostman to Joomla default
  • Personalization of managing mails introduced (i.e. confirmation mail)
  • Use of SimpleXML/DOM for creating and restoring tables and creating subscriber export
  • Inline javascript moved to files to improve security and loading time
  • Lot of code optimization (smaller methods, less code duplication, helper classes extended, …) as preparation for Joomla 4
  • Add menu parameters to frontend layouts
  • Version 2.3.1 released (2019-06-08)----
  • Bugfix
  • Multiple problems with language strings corrected
  • Version 2.3.0 released (2019-04-26)----
  • New
  • Message at front end, that new activation needed, if subscriber changed mail address
  • Plugin to show mailinglists/usergroups and optionally number of recipients of a newsletter at the footer of the newsletter
  • Language files moved to Transifex and except english and german removed from installation package to save installation package space and installation time. Installation separately.
  • Bugfix
  • Error after click on icon for multiple attachments at front end
  • Improvement
  • Trigger for events added for future use
  • Rendering of newsletter before preview and sending modularized (internal work)
  • BwLibRegister library file moved from component folder to plugin folder
  • Version 2.2.1 released (7-Feb-2019)----
  • New
  • Dutch language files
  • Bugfix
  • Mail to webmaster at unsubscription doesn't work
  • Wrong inheritance of sample user groups
  • Improvement
  • Switch update server to package naming
  • Version 2.2.0 released (25-Jan-2019)----
  • New
  • Export subscribers only from selected mailing list possible
  • Content templates for newsletters
  • Specific help links to online documentation at backend
  • Bugfix
  • SQL syntax error at newsletters list at front end
  • Restore of tables with zip file doesn't work
  • Export subscribers always exports all subscribers
  • Improvement
  • Up to 20 attachments possible
  • Version 2.1.2 released (14-Dez-2018)----
  • Improvement
  • Output checked for valid HTML
  • Table check at update moved to modal box
  • Comma at salutation at activation mail hard coded, sometimes a not needed space is set
  • Bugfix
  • Missing media images at installation package
  • Captcha doesn't work
  • Version 2.1.1 released (16-Nov-2018)----
  • New
  • All texts of options are multi-language capable
  • Modal box for disclaimer at front end, selectable at options of component
  • Bugfix
  • Update crashes, if one of the Plugins U2S or B2S is activated
  • Compression/Decompression of saved tables only works for Joomla! 3.8.1+
  • SQL error at newsletter overview at front end
  • Internal mailinglists are not accepted as recipients
  • Update from 1.3.2 to 2.0.x lets display unpublished articles of Joomla
  • Version 2.1.0 released (26-Oct-2018)----
  • New
  • Component option for 1-click-unsubscribe
  • Component option mail to webmaster at unsubscription
  • Button Save & Copy for all sections
  • Button Save & New for all sections
  • Possibility to print subscriber data at subscriber details (GDPR)
  • Component option to pack file at save tables (ZIP)
  • Export for templates added
  • Component option to publish newsletter by default after sending
  • Additional optional checkbox with individual text directly before subscribe button (for GDPR)
  • Bugfix
  • SQL error at newsletter list view at front end
  • Error at upload file at attachments at edit newsletter
  • Link to forum changed to new target
  • Improvement
  • Delete uploaded backup file after restoring tables
  • not needed images removed
  • Version 2.0.2 released (19-May-2018)
  • Bugfix
  • Routing after save changes of subscription at FE
  • Edit subscription only stored one mailing list
  • Everlasting spinner at permission change at newsletters and subscribers
  • Impossible to save assets of subscriber without gender selected
  • Display of calculated permissions if permission changed corrected on item level
  • Improvement
  • Description of mailing list can be shown if only one mailing list to select exists
  • Description of mailing lists can be shortened, full description with tool tip for component, module and plugin
  • Permission create now hidden on item level, makes no sense
  • selecting gender changed to select list with 3 specific values (male, female, not specified)
  • Version 2.0.1 released (2-May-2018)
  • Bugfix
  • Saving changed subscription with error
  • Version 2.0.0 released (1-May-2018)
  • With this version BwPostman only is distributed as package, that contains all that BwPostman contains for free. With this
  • version there is only this changelog available, separate change logs for modules and plugins are not longer updated.
  • New
  • Plugin for enhanced personalization
  • Plugin for subscription to a mailing list while creating a Joomla! account
  • Additional field "Custom CSS" at standard templates added
  • Buttons for enhanced personalization inserted at editing templates and newsletters
  • Bugfix
  • Link to Boldt Webservice now totally removed when selected not to show
  • Typos corrected at language files
  • Table check at attribute NULL corrected
  • Form check by javascript corrected
  • Saving gender without entry (=gender unknown) now possible
  • Change back to no gender now possible
  • Table campaigns_mailinglists was not deleted at uninstall
  • Check for module specific params corrected
  • Improvement
  • Collation of tables changed from utf8 to utf8mb4
  • Access management of component enhanced
  • Table column archived_by changed to integer
  • Email check at module subscription enhanced to meet new TLDs
  • CSS styles for radio buttons module subscription modified
  • Version 1.3.2 released (14-Apr-2016)
  • Improvement
  • Trigger for enhanced personalization modified.
  • Bugfix
  • Since Joomla 3.5.1 some problems while registering or change subscribers mail address
  • If folder for media was renamed, there occurred problems with attachment and thumbnails of templates
  • If a user was logged in, which has no subscription, there occurred problems at register form
  • Since Joomla 3.5.1 building of some language strings have changed
  • "male" was not shown in back end list of subscribers.
  • Version 1.3.1 released (7-Apr-2016)
  • New
  • Trigger for enhanced personalization inserted.
  • Bugfix
  • Since Joomla 3.5.1 sending newsletters failed
  • Since Joomla 3.5.1 some php warnings arise while creating or editing newsletters or campaigns
  • Handling of specific table permissions while updating BwPostman throws php warnings
  • Version 1.3.0 released (29-Mar-2016)
  • New
  • Possibility to import external created mail templates.
  • Selection for gender of subscriber, at options configurable.
  • Additional field for further purpose for subscriber, display and obligation configurable at options, label and description for label of additional field configurable also in options by language strings.
  • List of newsletter at back end displays, whether an attachment belongs to newsletter.
  • Assets of tables of BwPostman and their corresponding user groups will now be backed up and restored.
  • Improvement
  • Runtime at restoring tables up to 120 times faster.
  • Needed memory at update to new version of BwPostman drastically reduced by changing internal workflow.
  • Needed memory at restoring tables drastically reduced by changing internal workflow.
  • View of restoring and checking tables now continuously shows the working steps.
  • Asset handling at restoring tables revised.
  • Language files revised.
  • Bugfix
  • Selecting attachment while creating/editing a newsletter was not possible
  • Version 1.2.4 released (17-Dec-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • User-defined CSS file some times not read
  • Faulty calling of icon font for user-defined css file
  • Faulty function call in helper class
  • Unable to delegate actions in BwPostman to other user groups
  • Improvement
  • Select lists for available and selected content at creating/editing newsletters broadened
  • Error message at missing inputs while creating a newsletter specified
  • Version 1.2.3 released (22-Sep-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Edit form subscriber in front end: click on a button does nothing, if one of the fields first name or name is not obligatory.
  • On some installations updates to BwPostman were shown even update was already installed
  • improvement:
  • Javascript noscript message added
  • Version 1.2.2 released (2-Sep-2015)
  • Improvement:
  • CSS of html templates improved to better fit Outlook specifics
  • Version 1.2.1 released (17-Jul-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Adding subscriber without name is not possible, even option is set to no obligation
  • Version 1.2.0 released (9-Jul-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Newsletters, that only contains free content without articles from Joomla, did not use the template
  • Access control in view archive does not work properly
  • Pagination in back end view of newsletters did not work properly
  • Anchor links in newsletters did not work
  • New
  • Selecting campaign moved up to General Information at edit newsletter tab Generals
  • Recipients of campaigns now selectable at campaigns, not at newsletters
  • Publish up and publish down for newsletters, concerns visibility in frontend
  • Status, description and publishing times of sent newsletters editable
  • Delay time between sending of newsletter packages selectable
  • Access to attachment of a newsletter in front end, selectable by global option and menu item option
  • Extended options for view newsletters list in front end
  • Filter newsletters in front end list view by mailing lists, usergroups, campaigns, month and year enable by global option and menu item option
  • More additional filters in back end list views
  • improvement:
  • Improved loading time and stability while editing newsletter in back end
  • Improved work flow at import and export of subscribers
  • Progress bar while sending newsletters
  • Improved and modernized look in front end
  • CSS files for front end now contains all elements used by BwPostman (most of them empty to fill by user)
  • Version released (14-Apr-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Pagination does not work since Joomla 3.3.4
  • Confirmation date of subscriber was set on actual date on each saving
  • Newsletters to usergroups are not shown in front end
  • Improvement
  • Templates added to statistics
  • Styles for pagination in front end added
  • Version 1.1.0 released (21-Mar-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Newsletters without articles of Joomla have not used CSS styles
  • New
  • Template system for newsletters (Karl)
  • dropped support for Joomla 2.5
  • Improvement
  • Extended and improved filtering in back end
  • Version 1.0.8 released (Mar-05-2015)
  • *********************************************
  • *** last version that supports Joomla!2.5 ***
  • *********************************************
  • New
  • Filtering for mailing lists in view subscribers implemented
  • Batch processing for add, remove or move subscribers to/from/between mailinglists
  • Icon set for back end joomla menu entries extended
  • Improvement
  • Subject of a newsletter now may be used several times
  • Description for newsletter added
  • Version of BwPostman in file name of saved tables
  • List of newsletters in front end now ordered by date descending as default
  • List of mailing lists while creating/editing a newsletter now ordered by title ascending
  • Version 1.0.7 released (Feb-18-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Corrupt language file
  • Read more link in newsletter causes error 404 - file not found - if language of the article does not meet the language of the website on multi-language sites
  • Archived recipients were not deleted from queue
  • Improvement
  • Code is more valid
  • Icons in back end menus of Joomla
  • Version 1.0.6 released (Jan-05-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Editing newsletters step 3 preview not shown, sending of newsletters not possible
  • Version 1.0.5 released (Dec-18-2014)
  • Bugfix
  • User-defined css file not read
  • In some cases error 1052 while editing subscribers
  • Improvement
  • Checkall implemented in back-end subscribers at tab unconfirmed subscribers
  • Version 1.0.4 released (Oct-29-2014)
  • Bugfix
  • selecting attachment others than images is not possible
  • sorting newsletters list in front-end is not possible
  • In view newsletters in back-end at tab Sent newsletters nothing shown as marked at check all
  • Search phrase in newsletters list at front-end was not reset in some cases
  • Page title at front-end views not always set correctly
  • Version 1.0.3 released (Oct-14-2014)
  • Bugfix
  • problem while browsing pages with subscribers and newsletters in backend
  • false error message "invalid email address" while importing subscribers, no import possible
  • no items visible in queue
  • Value for "Number of newsletters per step" in tab "Step5: Send newsletter" was not used
  • some compatibility issues with javascript
  • editor not accessible in tab "Step2: HTML newsletter"
  • Version 1.0.2 released (Sep-20-2014)
  • Improvement
  • spam check revised
  • error messages revised
  • Bugfix
  • revised, corrected and updated language strings
  • sending newsletters to joomla usergroups was not possible
  • Version 1.0.1 released (Aug-07-2014)
  • New
  • works now with Joomla!3.3
  • maintenance with check and repair tables, save tables and restore tables
  • new icon set
  • integrated help accessible in toolbar
  • easy migration from one Joomla! installation to another conditionally possible
  • improvement:
  • better overview of basic settings by improved layout of options
  • disclaimer now also selectable from Joomla! articles or Joomla! menu
  • conversion from _all/_single file and class naming to Joomla! conventions
  • table engine changed to InnoDB
  • list(s) renamed to mailinglist(s) in tables, controllers, models and views
  • mostly revised and simplified code
  • Bugfix
  • Minor discrepancies in the client-side and server-side validation of form fields has been corrected.
  • Version released (Apr-13-2014)
  • Bugfix ERROR 500 - Unknown column 'attachment' in 'field list' SQL=INS…
  • Version 0.9.8 released (Apr-09-2014)
  • New
  • Significant is the improvement of protection against spam entries in the registration forms (component and module).
  • The administrator has now the option to integrate in the registration form:
  • a user-defined control question
  • or a captcha with a simple math question
  • Improvement
  • The display of the article author and the creation date in the newsletter can be controlled in the options.
  • Bugfix
  • Minor bugs in the client-side and server-side validation of form fields has been corrected.
  • Version 0.9.7 released (Mar-08-2014)
  • New
  • Sending an attachment with the newsletter is now possible
  • There is a new tab Advanced Settings added to options/settings for:
  • Legal information
  • A title in the activation mail
  • Various texts for the activation mail
  • You are able to set, that you will be informed at each confirmation per mail
  • A user-defined CSS-File named com_bwpostman.css, located in [your template]/css, will be used and overrides the css-styles predefined in BwPostman
  • Improvement
  • If name und first name are set to required, then the fields will be displayed at registration even if you forgot to set to display these fields
  • All elements shown in frontend are individually selectable by CSS now
  • Revised installation routine
  • Version released (Jan-23-2014)
  • Bugfix
  • Can't register in component register form, when only one mailing list is available
  • When component register form and module form are displayed at same time, one has to fill both forms to be able to register
  • Version released (Sept-07-2013)
  • Bugfix
  • for updating version number
  • Improvement
  • installation script revised
  • Version released (Sept-02-2013)
  • Bugfix
  • registering to newsletter
  • Version 0.9.6 released (Aug-22-2013)
  • New
  • css-asset for module added
  • Version 0.9.5 released (Aug-21-2013)
  • New
  • field 'firstname' inserted with separated option for show/required to field 'name'
  • personalization for HTML- als text-newsletters inserted
  • Bugfix
  • error while copying newsletter eliminated
  • Apr-05-2013 Romana Boldt, Version 0.9.1
  • general changes to Joomla! 2.5

View files

Version 3.0.2 Stable

Joomla 3.3.6+

Released on: Thursday, 19 November 2020
Maturity Stable
Released on Thursday, 19 November 2020
Viewed 0 times

Release notes

  • *********************************
  • Changelog for BwPostman Component
  • *********************************
  • This is a changelog for the Joomla!3.3.6+ component BwPostman
  • Many thanks to all those people who have contributed bug reports and code fixes.
  • Version 3.0.2 released (2020-11-19)
  • Bugfix
  • Make IDs of edit_mailformat and gender select list of registration module unique
  • Add required star to available mailinglists
  • Repair display of special field
  • Switch to get mailinglists by access level up to user access level (including lower levels)
  • Format gender select list
  • Repair saving of gender male
  • Version 3.0.1 released (2020-09-08)
  • Bugfix
  • Correct query for attribute at restoring tables
  • Ignore and report unprocessable user groups at restore tables
  • Catch some exceptions to prevent white screen on dashboard
  • Version 3.0.0 released (2020-09-05)----
  • New
  • Enhanced mail verification at registration and import of subscribers, both optionally
  • Block links at subscriber fields name, first name and special
  • Import of Joomla classes by php 'use'
  • Sending of newsletters switched to ajax handling, improved look and feel
  • Log level of BwPostman selectable at options of component
  • Bugfix
  • Avoid error message at deinstallation by not loading logger at deinstallation
  • Add own sql update method to ensure these updates are handled correctly
  • Error message at sending of newsletters resolved, if gzip compression is set at Joomla settings
  • Use of group ids in place of english group names at restoring tables
  • Reduce block size of writing assets at maintenance from 1000 to 200 to prevent memory error
  • Reduce writing of rules at assets to only needed ones to reduce file size and prevent memory error
  • Improvement
  • Memory usage, time consumption and error handling at restoring tables improved
  • Input data at front end and back end made more secure
  • Import of subscribes secured, information texts improved
  • Check of imported user groups at restoring tables enhances by default user groups
  • Adjust name of media folder of BwPostman to Joomla default
  • Personalization of managing mails introduced (i.e. confirmation mail)
  • Use of SimpleXML/DOM for creating and restoring tables and creating subscriber export
  • Inline javascript moved to files to improve security and loading time
  • Lot of code optimization (smaller methods, less code duplication, helper classes extended, …) as preparation for Joomla 4
  • Add menu parameters to frontend layouts
  • Version 2.3.1 released (2019-06-08)----
  • Bugfix
  • Multiple problems with language strings corrected
  • Version 2.3.0 released (2019-04-26)----
  • New
  • Message at front end, that new activation needed, if subscriber changed mail address
  • Plugin to show mailinglists/usergroups and optionally number of recipients of a newsletter at the footer of the newsletter
  • Language files moved to Transifex and except english and german removed from installation package to save installation package space and installation time. Installation separately.
  • Bugfix
  • Error after click on icon for multiple attachments at front end
  • Improvement
  • Trigger for events added for future use
  • Rendering of newsletter before preview and sending modularized (internal work)
  • BwLibRegister library file moved from component folder to plugin folder
  • Version 2.2.1 released (7-Feb-2019)----
  • New
  • Dutch language files
  • Bugfix
  • Mail to webmaster at unsubscription doesn't work
  • Wrong inheritance of sample user groups
  • Improvement
  • Switch update server to package naming
  • Version 2.2.0 released (25-Jan-2019)----
  • New
  • Export subscribers only from selected mailing list possible
  • Content templates for newsletters
  • Specific help links to online documentation at backend
  • Bugfix
  • SQL syntax error at newsletters list at front end
  • Restore of tables with zip file doesn't work
  • Export subscribers always exports all subscribers
  • Improvement
  • Up to 20 attachments possible
  • Version 2.1.2 released (14-Dez-2018)----
  • Improvement
  • Output checked for valid HTML
  • Table check at update moved to modal box
  • Comma at salutation at activation mail hard coded, sometimes a not needed space is set
  • Bugfix
  • Missing media images at installation package
  • Captcha doesn't work
  • Version 2.1.1 released (16-Nov-2018)----
  • New
  • All texts of options are multi-language capable
  • Modal box for disclaimer at front end, selectable at options of component
  • Bugfix
  • Update crashes, if one of the Plugins U2S or B2S is activated
  • Compression/Decompression of saved tables only works for Joomla! 3.8.1+
  • SQL error at newsletter overview at front end
  • Internal mailinglists are not accepted as recipients
  • Update from 1.3.2 to 2.0.x lets display unpublished articles of Joomla
  • Version 2.1.0 released (26-Oct-2018)----
  • New
  • Component option for 1-click-unsubscribe
  • Component option mail to webmaster at unsubscription
  • Button Save & Copy for all sections
  • Button Save & New for all sections
  • Possibility to print subscriber data at subscriber details (GDPR)
  • Component option to pack file at save tables (ZIP)
  • Export for templates added
  • Component option to publish newsletter by default after sending
  • Additional optional checkbox with individual text directly before subscribe button (for GDPR)
  • Bugfix
  • SQL error at newsletter list view at front end
  • Error at upload file at attachments at edit newsletter
  • Link to forum changed to new target
  • Improvement
  • Delete uploaded backup file after restoring tables
  • not needed images removed
  • Version 2.0.2 released (19-May-2018)
  • Bugfix
  • Routing after save changes of subscription at FE
  • Edit subscription only stored one mailing list
  • Everlasting spinner at permission change at newsletters and subscribers
  • Impossible to save assets of subscriber without gender selected
  • Display of calculated permissions if permission changed corrected on item level
  • Improvement
  • Description of mailing list can be shown if only one mailing list to select exists
  • Description of mailing lists can be shortened, full description with tool tip for component, module and plugin
  • Permission create now hidden on item level, makes no sense
  • selecting gender changed to select list with 3 specific values (male, female, not specified)
  • Version 2.0.1 released (2-May-2018)
  • Bugfix
  • Saving changed subscription with error
  • Version 2.0.0 released (1-May-2018)
  • With this version BwPostman only is distributed as package, that contains all that BwPostman contains for free. With this
  • version there is only this changelog available, separate change logs for modules and plugins are not longer updated.
  • New
  • Plugin for enhanced personalization
  • Plugin for subscription to a mailing list while creating a Joomla! account
  • Additional field "Custom CSS" at standard templates added
  • Buttons for enhanced personalization inserted at editing templates and newsletters
  • Bugfix
  • Link to Boldt Webservice now totally removed when selected not to show
  • Typos corrected at language files
  • Table check at attribute NULL corrected
  • Form check by javascript corrected
  • Saving gender without entry (=gender unknown) now possible
  • Change back to no gender now possible
  • Table campaigns_mailinglists was not deleted at uninstall
  • Check for module specific params corrected
  • Improvement
  • Collation of tables changed from utf8 to utf8mb4
  • Access management of component enhanced
  • Table column archived_by changed to integer
  • Email check at module subscription enhanced to meet new TLDs
  • CSS styles for radio buttons module subscription modified
  • Version 1.3.2 released (14-Apr-2016)
  • Improvement
  • Trigger for enhanced personalization modified.
  • Bugfix
  • Since Joomla 3.5.1 some problems while registering or change subscribers mail address
  • If folder for media was renamed, there occurred problems with attachment and thumbnails of templates
  • If a user was logged in, which has no subscription, there occurred problems at register form
  • Since Joomla 3.5.1 building of some language strings have changed
  • "male" was not shown in back end list of subscribers.
  • Version 1.3.1 released (7-Apr-2016)
  • New
  • Trigger for enhanced personalization inserted.
  • Bugfix
  • Since Joomla 3.5.1 sending newsletters failed
  • Since Joomla 3.5.1 some php warnings arise while creating or editing newsletters or campaigns
  • Handling of specific table permissions while updating BwPostman throws php warnings
  • Version 1.3.0 released (29-Mar-2016)
  • New
  • Possibility to import external created mail templates.
  • Selection for gender of subscriber, at options configurable.
  • Additional field for further purpose for subscriber, display and obligation configurable at options, label and description for label of additional field configurable also in options by language strings.
  • List of newsletter at back end displays, whether an attachment belongs to newsletter.
  • Assets of tables of BwPostman and their corresponding user groups will now be backed up and restored.
  • Improvement
  • Runtime at restoring tables up to 120 times faster.
  • Needed memory at update to new version of BwPostman drastically reduced by changing internal workflow.
  • Needed memory at restoring tables drastically reduced by changing internal workflow.
  • View of restoring and checking tables now continuously shows the working steps.
  • Asset handling at restoring tables revised.
  • Language files revised.
  • Bugfix
  • Selecting attachment while creating/editing a newsletter was not possible
  • Version 1.2.4 released (17-Dec-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • User-defined CSS file some times not read
  • Faulty calling of icon font for user-defined css file
  • Faulty function call in helper class
  • Unable to delegate actions in BwPostman to other user groups
  • Improvement
  • Select lists for available and selected content at creating/editing newsletters broadened
  • Error message at missing inputs while creating a newsletter specified
  • Version 1.2.3 released (22-Sep-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Edit form subscriber in front end: click on a button does nothing, if one of the fields first name or name is not obligatory.
  • On some installations updates to BwPostman were shown even update was already installed
  • improvement:
  • Javascript noscript message added
  • Version 1.2.2 released (2-Sep-2015)
  • Improvement:
  • CSS of html templates improved to better fit Outlook specifics
  • Version 1.2.1 released (17-Jul-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Adding subscriber without name is not possible, even option is set to no obligation
  • Version 1.2.0 released (9-Jul-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Newsletters, that only contains free content without articles from Joomla, did not use the template
  • Access control in view archive does not work properly
  • Pagination in back end view of newsletters did not work properly
  • Anchor links in newsletters did not work
  • New
  • Selecting campaign moved up to General Information at edit newsletter tab Generals
  • Recipients of campaigns now selectable at campaigns, not at newsletters
  • Publish up and publish down for newsletters, concerns visibility in frontend
  • Status, description and publishing times of sent newsletters editable
  • Delay time between sending of newsletter packages selectable
  • Access to attachment of a newsletter in front end, selectable by global option and menu item option
  • Extended options for view newsletters list in front end
  • Filter newsletters in front end list view by mailing lists, usergroups, campaigns, month and year enable by global option and menu item option
  • More additional filters in back end list views
  • improvement:
  • Improved loading time and stability while editing newsletter in back end
  • Improved work flow at import and export of subscribers
  • Progress bar while sending newsletters
  • Improved and modernized look in front end
  • CSS files for front end now contains all elements used by BwPostman (most of them empty to fill by user)
  • Version released (14-Apr-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Pagination does not work since Joomla 3.3.4
  • Confirmation date of subscriber was set on actual date on each saving
  • Newsletters to usergroups are not shown in front end
  • Improvement
  • Templates added to statistics
  • Styles for pagination in front end added
  • Version 1.1.0 released (21-Mar-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Newsletters without articles of Joomla have not used CSS styles
  • New
  • Template system for newsletters (Karl)
  • dropped support for Joomla 2.5
  • Improvement
  • Extended and improved filtering in back end
  • Version 1.0.8 released (Mar-05-2015)
  • *********************************************
  • *** last version that supports Joomla!2.5 ***
  • *********************************************
  • New
  • Filtering for mailing lists in view subscribers implemented
  • Batch processing for add, remove or move subscribers to/from/between mailinglists
  • Icon set for back end joomla menu entries extended
  • Improvement
  • Subject of a newsletter now may be used several times
  • Description for newsletter added
  • Version of BwPostman in file name of saved tables
  • List of newsletters in front end now ordered by date descending as default
  • List of mailing lists while creating/editing a newsletter now ordered by title ascending
  • Version 1.0.7 released (Feb-18-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Corrupt language file
  • Read more link in newsletter causes error 404 - file not found - if language of the article does not meet the language of the website on multi-language sites
  • Archived recipients were not deleted from queue
  • Improvement
  • Code is more valid
  • Icons in back end menus of Joomla
  • Version 1.0.6 released (Jan-05-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Editing newsletters step 3 preview not shown, sending of newsletters not possible
  • Version 1.0.5 released (Dec-18-2014)
  • Bugfix
  • User-defined css file not read
  • In some cases error 1052 while editing subscribers
  • Improvement
  • Checkall implemented in back-end subscribers at tab unconfirmed subscribers
  • Version 1.0.4 released (Oct-29-2014)
  • Bugfix
  • selecting attachment others than images is not possible
  • sorting newsletters list in front-end is not possible
  • In view newsletters in back-end at tab Sent newsletters nothing shown as marked at check all
  • Search phrase in newsletters list at front-end was not reset in some cases
  • Page title at front-end views not always set correctly
  • Version 1.0.3 released (Oct-14-2014)
  • Bugfix
  • problem while browsing pages with subscribers and newsletters in backend
  • false error message "invalid email address" while importing subscribers, no import possible
  • no items visible in queue
  • Value for "Number of newsletters per step" in tab "Step5: Send newsletter" was not used
  • some compatibility issues with javascript
  • editor not accessible in tab "Step2: HTML newsletter"
  • Version 1.0.2 released (Sep-20-2014)
  • Improvement
  • spam check revised
  • error messages revised
  • Bugfix
  • revised, corrected and updated language strings
  • sending newsletters to joomla usergroups was not possible
  • Version 1.0.1 released (Aug-07-2014)
  • New
  • works now with Joomla!3.3
  • maintenance with check and repair tables, save tables and restore tables
  • new icon set
  • integrated help accessible in toolbar
  • easy migration from one Joomla! installation to another conditionally possible
  • improvement:
  • better overview of basic settings by improved layout of options
  • disclaimer now also selectable from Joomla! articles or Joomla! menu
  • conversion from _all/_single file and class naming to Joomla! conventions
  • table engine changed to InnoDB
  • list(s) renamed to mailinglist(s) in tables, controllers, models and views
  • mostly revised and simplified code
  • Bugfix
  • Minor discrepancies in the client-side and server-side validation of form fields has been corrected.
  • Version released (Apr-13-2014)
  • Bugfix ERROR 500 - Unknown column 'attachment' in 'field list' SQL=INS…
  • Version 0.9.8 released (Apr-09-2014)
  • New
  • Significant is the improvement of protection against spam entries in the registration forms (component and module).
  • The administrator has now the option to integrate in the registration form:
  • a user-defined control question
  • or a captcha with a simple math question
  • Improvement
  • The display of the article author and the creation date in the newsletter can be controlled in the options.
  • Bugfix
  • Minor bugs in the client-side and server-side validation of form fields has been corrected.
  • Version 0.9.7 released (Mar-08-2014)
  • New
  • Sending an attachment with the newsletter is now possible
  • There is a new tab Advanced Settings added to options/settings for:
  • Legal information
  • A title in the activation mail
  • Various texts for the activation mail
  • You are able to set, that you will be informed at each confirmation per mail
  • A user-defined CSS-File named com_bwpostman.css, located in [your template]/css, will be used and overrides the css-styles predefined in BwPostman
  • Improvement
  • If name und first name are set to required, then the fields will be displayed at registration even if you forgot to set to display these fields
  • All elements shown in frontend are individually selectable by CSS now
  • Revised installation routine
  • Version released (Jan-23-2014)
  • Bugfix
  • Can't register in component register form, when only one mailing list is available
  • When component register form and module form are displayed at same time, one has to fill both forms to be able to register
  • Version released (Sept-07-2013)
  • Bugfix
  • for updating version number
  • Improvement
  • installation script revised
  • Version released (Sept-02-2013)
  • Bugfix
  • registering to newsletter
  • Version 0.9.6 released (Aug-22-2013)
  • New
  • css-asset for module added
  • Version 0.9.5 released (Aug-21-2013)
  • New
  • field 'firstname' inserted with separated option for show/required to field 'name'
  • personalization for HTML- als text-newsletters inserted
  • Bugfix
  • error while copying newsletter eliminated
  • Apr-05-2013 Romana Boldt, Version 0.9.1
  • general changes to Joomla! 2.5

View files

Version 3.0.1 Stable

Joomla 3.3.6+

Released on: Monday, 07 September 2020
Maturity Stable
Released on Monday, 07 September 2020
Viewed 0 times

Release notes

  • *********************************
  • Changelog for BwPostman Component
  • *********************************
  • This is a changelog for the Joomla!3.3.6+ component BwPostman
  • Many thanks to all those people who have contributed bug reports and code fixes.
  • Version 3.0.1 released (2020-09-08)----
  • Bugfix
  • Correct query for attribute at restoring tables
  • Ignore and report unprocessable user groups at restore tables
  • Catch some exceptions to prevent white screen on dashboard
  • Version 3.0.0 released (2020-09-05)----
  • New
  • Enhanced mail verification at registration and import of subscribers, both optionally
  • Block links at subscriber fields name, first name and special
  • Import of Joomla classes by php 'use'
  • Sending of newsletters switched to ajax handling, improved look and feel
  • Log level of BwPostman selectable at options of component
  • Bugfix
  • Avoid error message at deinstallation by not loading logger at deinstallation
  • Add own sql update method to ensure these updates are handled correctly
  • Error message at sending of newsletters resolved, if gzip compression is set at Joomla settings
  • Use of group ids in place of english group names at restoring tables
  • Reduce block size of writing assets at maintenance from 1000 to 200 to prevent memory error
  • Reduce writing of rules at assets to only needed ones to reduce file size and prevent memory error
  • Improvement
  • Memory usage, time consumption and error handling at restoring tables improved
  • Input data at front end and back end made more secure
  • Import of subscribes secured, information texts improved
  • Check of imported user groups at restoring tables enhances by default user groups
  • Adjust name of media folder of BwPostman to Joomla default
  • Personalization of managing mails introduced (i.e. confirmation mail)
  • Use of SimpleXML/DOM for creating and restoring tables and creating subscriber export
  • Inline javascript moved to files to improve security and loading time
  • Lot of code optimization (smaller methods, less code duplication, helper classes extended, …) as preparation for Joomla 4
  • Add menu parameters to frontend layouts
  • Version 2.3.1 released (2019-06-08)----
  • Bugfix
  • Multiple problems with language strings corrected
  • Version 2.3.0 released (2019-04-26)----
  • New
  • Message at front end, that new activation needed, if subscriber changed mail address
  • Plugin to show mailinglists/usergroups and optionally number of recipients of a newsletter at the footer of the newsletter
  • Language files moved to Transifex and except english and german removed from installation package to save installation package space and installation time. Installation separately.
  • Bugfix
  • Error after click on icon for multiple attachments at front end
  • Improvement
  • Trigger for events added for future use
  • Rendering of newsletter before preview and sending modularized (internal work)
  • BwLibRegister library file moved from component folder to plugin folder
  • Version 2.2.1 released (7-Feb-2019)----
  • New
  • Dutch language files
  • Bugfix
  • Mail to webmaster at unsubscription doesn't work
  • Wrong inheritance of sample user groups
  • Improvement
  • Switch update server to package naming
  • Version 2.2.0 released (25-Jan-2019)----
  • New
  • Export subscribers only from selected mailing list possible
  • Content templates for newsletters
  • Specific help links to online documentation at backend
  • Bugfix
  • SQL syntax error at newsletters list at front end
  • Restore of tables with zip file doesn't work
  • Export subscribers always exports all subscribers
  • Improvement
  • Up to 20 attachments possible
  • Version 2.1.2 released (14-Dez-2018)----
  • Improvement
  • Output checked for valid HTML
  • Table check at update moved to modal box
  • Comma at salutation at activation mail hard coded, sometimes a not needed space is set
  • Bugfix
  • Missing media images at installation package
  • Captcha doesn't work
  • Version 2.1.1 released (16-Nov-2018)----
  • New
  • All texts of options are multi-language capable
  • Modal box for disclaimer at front end, selectable at options of component
  • Bugfix
  • Update crashes, if one of the Plugins U2S or B2S is activated
  • Compression/Decompression of saved tables only works for Joomla! 3.8.1+
  • SQL error at newsletter overview at front end
  • Internal mailinglists are not accepted as recipients
  • Update from 1.3.2 to 2.0.x lets display unpublished articles of Joomla
  • Version 2.1.0 released (26-Oct-2018)----
  • New
  • Component option for 1-click-unsubscribe
  • Component option mail to webmaster at unsubscription
  • Button Save & Copy for all sections
  • Button Save & New for all sections
  • Possibility to print subscriber data at subscriber details (GDPR)
  • Component option to pack file at save tables (ZIP)
  • Export for templates added
  • Component option to publish newsletter by default after sending
  • Additional optional checkbox with individual text directly before subscribe button (for GDPR)
  • Bugfix
  • SQL error at newsletter list view at front end
  • Error at upload file at attachments at edit newsletter
  • Link to forum changed to new target
  • Improvement
  • Delete uploaded backup file after restoring tables
  • not needed images removed
  • Version 2.0.2 released (19-May-2018)
  • Bugfix
  • Routing after save changes of subscription at FE
  • Edit subscription only stored one mailing list
  • Everlasting spinner at permission change at newsletters and subscribers
  • Impossible to save assets of subscriber without gender selected
  • Display of calculated permissions if permission changed corrected on item level
  • Improvement
  • Description of mailing list can be shown if only one mailing list to select exists
  • Description of mailing lists can be shortened, full description with tool tip for component, module and plugin
  • Permission create now hidden on item level, makes no sense
  • selecting gender changed to select list with 3 specific values (male, female, not specified)
  • Version 2.0.1 released (2-May-2018)
  • Bugfix
  • Saving changed subscription with error
  • Version 2.0.0 released (1-May-2018)
  • With this version BwPostman only is distributed as package, that contains all that BwPostman contains for free. With this
  • version there is only this changelog available, separate change logs for modules and plugins are not longer updated.
  • New
  • Plugin for enhanced personalization
  • Plugin for subscription to a mailing list while creating a Joomla! account
  • Additional field "Custom CSS" at standard templates added
  • Buttons for enhanced personalization inserted at editing templates and newsletters
  • Bugfix
  • Link to Boldt Webservice now totally removed when selected not to show
  • Typos corrected at language files
  • Table check at attribute NULL corrected
  • Form check by javascript corrected
  • Saving gender without entry (=gender unknown) now possible
  • Change back to no gender now possible
  • Table campaigns_mailinglists was not deleted at uninstall
  • Check for module specific params corrected
  • Improvement
  • Collation of tables changed from utf8 to utf8mb4
  • Access management of component enhanced
  • Table column archived_by changed to integer
  • Email check at module subscription enhanced to meet new TLDs
  • CSS styles for radio buttons module subscription modified
  • Version 1.3.2 released (14-Apr-2016)
  • Improvement
  • Trigger for enhanced personalization modified.
  • Bugfix
  • Since Joomla 3.5.1 some problems while registering or change subscribers mail address
  • If folder for media was renamed, there occurred problems with attachment and thumbnails of templates
  • If a user was logged in, which has no subscription, there occurred problems at register form
  • Since Joomla 3.5.1 building of some language strings have changed
  • "male" was not shown in back end list of subscribers.
  • Version 1.3.1 released (7-Apr-2016)
  • New
  • Trigger for enhanced personalization inserted.
  • Bugfix
  • Since Joomla 3.5.1 sending newsletters failed
  • Since Joomla 3.5.1 some php warnings arise while creating or editing newsletters or campaigns
  • Handling of specific table permissions while updating BwPostman throws php warnings
  • Version 1.3.0 released (29-Mar-2016)
  • New
  • Possibility to import external created mail templates.
  • Selection for gender of subscriber, at options configurable.
  • Additional field for further purpose for subscriber, display and obligation configurable at options, label and description for label of additional field configurable also in options by language strings.
  • List of newsletter at back end displays, whether an attachment belongs to newsletter.
  • Assets of tables of BwPostman and their corresponding user groups will now be backed up and restored.
  • Improvement
  • Runtime at restoring tables up to 120 times faster.
  • Needed memory at update to new version of BwPostman drastically reduced by changing internal workflow.
  • Needed memory at restoring tables drastically reduced by changing internal workflow.
  • View of restoring and checking tables now continuously shows the working steps.
  • Asset handling at restoring tables revised.
  • Language files revised.
  • Bugfix
  • Selecting attachment while creating/editing a newsletter was not possible
  • Version 1.2.4 released (17-Dec-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • User-defined CSS file some times not read
  • Faulty calling of icon font for user-defined css file
  • Faulty function call in helper class
  • Unable to delegate actions in BwPostman to other user groups
  • Improvement
  • Select lists for available and selected content at creating/editing newsletters broadened
  • Error message at missing inputs while creating a newsletter specified
  • Version 1.2.3 released (22-Sep-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Edit form subscriber in front end: click on a button does nothing, if one of the fields first name or name is not obligatory.
  • On some installations updates to BwPostman were shown even update was already installed
  • improvement:
  • Javascript noscript message added
  • Version 1.2.2 released (2-Sep-2015)
  • Improvement:
  • CSS of html templates improved to better fit Outlook specifics
  • Version 1.2.1 released (17-Jul-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Adding subscriber without name is not possible, even option is set to no obligation
  • Version 1.2.0 released (9-Jul-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Newsletters, that only contains free content without articles from Joomla, did not use the template
  • Access control in view archive does not work properly
  • Pagination in back end view of newsletters did not work properly
  • Anchor links in newsletters did not work
  • New
  • Selecting campaign moved up to General Information at edit newsletter tab Generals
  • Recipients of campaigns now selectable at campaigns, not at newsletters
  • Publish up and publish down for newsletters, concerns visibility in frontend
  • Status, description and publishing times of sent newsletters editable
  • Delay time between sending of newsletter packages selectable
  • Access to attachment of a newsletter in front end, selectable by global option and menu item option
  • Extended options for view newsletters list in front end
  • Filter newsletters in front end list view by mailing lists, usergroups, campaigns, month and year enable by global option and menu item option
  • More additional filters in back end list views
  • improvement:
  • Improved loading time and stability while editing newsletter in back end
  • Improved work flow at import and export of subscribers
  • Progress bar while sending newsletters
  • Improved and modernized look in front end
  • CSS files for front end now contains all elements used by BwPostman (most of them empty to fill by user)
  • Version released (14-Apr-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Pagination does not work since Joomla 3.3.4
  • Confirmation date of subscriber was set on actual date on each saving
  • Newsletters to usergroups are not shown in front end
  • Improvement
  • Templates added to statistics
  • Styles for pagination in front end added
  • Version 1.1.0 released (21-Mar-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Newsletters without articles of Joomla have not used CSS styles
  • New
  • Template system for newsletters (Karl)
  • dropped support for Joomla 2.5
  • Improvement
  • Extended and improved filtering in back end
  • Version 1.0.8 released (Mar-05-2015)
  • *********************************************
  • *** last version that supports Joomla!2.5 ***
  • *********************************************
  • New
  • Filtering for mailing lists in view subscribers implemented
  • Batch processing for add, remove or move subscribers to/from/between mailinglists
  • Icon set for back end joomla menu entries extended
  • Improvement
  • Subject of a newsletter now may be used several times
  • Description for newsletter added
  • Version of BwPostman in file name of saved tables
  • List of newsletters in front end now ordered by date descending as default
  • List of mailing lists while creating/editing a newsletter now ordered by title ascending
  • Version 1.0.7 released (Feb-18-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Corrupt language file
  • Read more link in newsletter causes error 404 - file not found - if language of the article does not meet the language of the website on multi-language sites
  • Archived recipients were not deleted from queue
  • Improvement
  • Code is more valid
  • Icons in back end menus of Joomla
  • Version 1.0.6 released (Jan-05-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Editing newsletters step 3 preview not shown, sending of newsletters not possible
  • Version 1.0.5 released (Dec-18-2014)
  • Bugfix
  • User-defined css file not read
  • In some cases error 1052 while editing subscribers
  • Improvement
  • Checkall implemented in back-end subscribers at tab unconfirmed subscribers
  • Version 1.0.4 released (Oct-29-2014)
  • Bugfix
  • selecting attachment others than images is not possible
  • sorting newsletters list in front-end is not possible
  • In view newsletters in back-end at tab Sent newsletters nothing shown as marked at check all
  • Search phrase in newsletters list at front-end was not reset in some cases
  • Page title at front-end views not always set correctly
  • Version 1.0.3 released (Oct-14-2014)
  • Bugfix
  • problem while browsing pages with subscribers and newsletters in backend
  • false error message "invalid email address" while importing subscribers, no import possible
  • no items visible in queue
  • Value for "Number of newsletters per step" in tab "Step5: Send newsletter" was not used
  • some compatibility issues with javascript
  • editor not accessible in tab "Step2: HTML newsletter"
  • Version 1.0.2 released (Sep-20-2014)
  • Improvement
  • spam check revised
  • error messages revised
  • Bugfix
  • revised, corrected and updated language strings
  • sending newsletters to joomla usergroups was not possible
  • Version 1.0.1 released (Aug-07-2014)
  • New
  • works now with Joomla!3.3
  • maintenance with check and repair tables, save tables and restore tables
  • new icon set
  • integrated help accessible in toolbar
  • easy migration from one Joomla! installation to another conditionally possible
  • improvement:
  • better overview of basic settings by improved layout of options
  • disclaimer now also selectable from Joomla! articles or Joomla! menu
  • conversion from _all/_single file and class naming to Joomla! conventions
  • table engine changed to InnoDB
  • list(s) renamed to mailinglist(s) in tables, controllers, models and views
  • mostly revised and simplified code
  • Bugfix
  • Minor discrepancies in the client-side and server-side validation of form fields has been corrected.
  • Version released (Apr-13-2014)
  • Bugfix ERROR 500 - Unknown column 'attachment' in 'field list' SQL=INS…
  • Version 0.9.8 released (Apr-09-2014)
  • New
  • Significant is the improvement of protection against spam entries in the registration forms (component and module).
  • The administrator has now the option to integrate in the registration form:
  • a user-defined control question
  • or a captcha with a simple math question
  • Improvement
  • The display of the article author and the creation date in the newsletter can be controlled in the options.
  • Bugfix
  • Minor bugs in the client-side and server-side validation of form fields has been corrected.
  • Version 0.9.7 released (Mar-08-2014)
  • New
  • Sending an attachment with the newsletter is now possible
  • There is a new tab Advanced Settings added to options/settings for:
  • Legal information
  • A title in the activation mail
  • Various texts for the activation mail
  • You are able to set, that you will be informed at each confirmation per mail
  • A user-defined CSS-File named com_bwpostman.css, located in [your template]/css, will be used and overrides the css-styles predefined in BwPostman
  • Improvement
  • If name und first name are set to required, then the fields will be displayed at registration even if you forgot to set to display these fields
  • All elements shown in frontend are individually selectable by CSS now
  • Revised installation routine
  • Version released (Jan-23-2014)
  • Bugfix
  • Can't register in component register form, when only one mailing list is available
  • When component register form and module form are displayed at same time, one has to fill both forms to be able to register
  • Version released (Sept-07-2013)
  • Bugfix
  • for updating version number
  • Improvement
  • installation script revised
  • Version released (Sept-02-2013)
  • Bugfix
  • registering to newsletter
  • Version 0.9.6 released (Aug-22-2013)
  • New
  • css-asset for module added
  • Version 0.9.5 released (Aug-21-2013)
  • New
  • field 'firstname' inserted with separated option for show/required to field 'name'
  • personalization for HTML- als text-newsletters inserted
  • Bugfix
  • error while copying newsletter eliminated
  • Apr-05-2013 Romana Boldt, Version 0.9.1
  • general changes to Joomla! 2.5

View files

Version 3.0.0 Stable

Joomla 3.3.6+

Released on: Saturday, 05 September 2020
Maturity Stable
Released on Saturday, 05 September 2020
Viewed 0 times

Release notes

  • *********************************
  • Changelog for BwPostman Component
  • *********************************
  • This is a changelog for the Joomla!3.3.6+ component BwPostman
  • Many thanks to all those people who have contributed bug reports and code fixes.
  • Version 3.0.0 released (2020-09-05)----
  • New
  • Enhanced mail verification at registration and import of subscribers, both optionally
  • Block links at subscriber fields name, first name and special
  • Import of Joomla classes by php 'use'
  • Sending of newsletters switched to ajax handling, improved look and feel
  • Log level of BwPostman selectable at options of component
  • Bugfix
  • Avoid error message at deinstallation by not loading logger at deinstallation
  • Add own sql update method to ensure these updates are handled correctly
  • Error message at sending of newsletters resolved, if gzip compression is set at Joomla settings
  • Use of group ids in place of english group names at restoring tables
  • Reduce block size of writing assets at maintenance from 1000 to 200 to prevent memory error
  • Reduce writing of rules at assets to only needed ones to reduce file size and prevent memory error
  • Improvement
  • Memory usage, time consumption and error handling at restoring tables improved
  • Input data at front end and back end made more secure
  • Import of subscribes secured, information texts improved
  • Check of imported user groups at restoring tables enhances by default user groups
  • Adjust name of media folder of BwPostman to Joomla default
  • Personalization of managing mails introduced (i.e. confirmation mail)
  • Use of SimpleXML for creating and restoring tables and creating subscriber export
  • Inline javascript moved to files to improve security and loading time
  • Lot of code optimization (smaller methods, less code duplication, helper classes extended, …) as preparation for Joomla 4
  • Add menu parameters to frontend layouts
  • Version 2.3.1 released (2019-06-08)----
  • Bugfix
  • Multiple problems with language strings corrected
  • Version 2.3.0 released (2019-04-26)----
  • New
  • Message at front end, that new activation needed, if subscriber changed mail address
  • Plugin to show mailinglists/usergroups and optionally number of recipients of a newsletter at the footer of the newsletter
  • Language files moved to Transifex and except english and german removed from installation package to save installation package space and installation time. Installation separately.
  • Bugfix
  • Error after click on icon for multiple attachments at front end
  • Improvement
  • Trigger for events added for future use
  • Rendering of newsletter before preview and sending modularized (internal work)
  • BwLibRegister library file moved from component folder to plugin folder
  • Version 2.2.1 released (7-Feb-2019)----
  • New
  • Dutch language files
  • Bugfix
  • Mail to webmaster at unsubscription doesn't work
  • Wrong inheritance of sample user groups
  • Improvement
  • Switch update server to package naming
  • Version 2.2.0 released (25-Jan-2019)----
  • New
  • Export subscribers only from selected mailing list possible
  • Content templates for newsletters
  • Specific help links to online documentation at backend
  • Bugfix
  • SQL syntax error at newsletters list at front end
  • Restore of tables with zip file doesn't work
  • Export subscribers always exports all subscribers
  • Improvement
  • Up to 20 attachments possible
  • Version 2.1.2 released (14-Dez-2018)----
  • Improvement
  • Output checked for valid HTML
  • Table check at update moved to modal box
  • Comma at salutation at activation mail hard coded, sometimes a not needed space is set
  • Bugfix
  • Missing media images at installation package
  • Captcha doesn't work
  • Version 2.1.1 released (16-Nov-2018)----
  • New
  • All texts of options are multi-language capable
  • Modal box for disclaimer at front end, selectable at options of component
  • Bugfix
  • Update crashes, if one of the Plugins U2S or B2S is activated
  • Compression/Decompression of saved tables only works for Joomla! 3.8.1+
  • SQL error at newsletter overview at front end
  • Internal mailinglists are not accepted as recipients
  • Update from 1.3.2 to 2.0.x lets display unpublished articles of Joomla
  • Version 2.1.0 released (26-Oct-2018)----
  • New
  • Component option for 1-click-unsubscribe
  • Component option mail to webmaster at unsubscription
  • Button Save & Copy for all sections
  • Button Save & New for all sections
  • Possibility to print subscriber data at subscriber details (GDPR)
  • Component option to pack file at save tables (ZIP)
  • Export for templates added
  • Component option to publish newsletter by default after sending
  • Additional optional checkbox with individual text directly before subscribe button (for GDPR)
  • Bugfix
  • SQL error at newsletter list view at front end
  • Error at upload file at attachments at edit newsletter
  • Link to forum changed to new target
  • Improvement
  • Delete uploaded backup file after restoring tables
  • not needed images removed
  • Version 2.0.2 released (19-May-2018)
  • Bugfix
  • Routing after save changes of subscription at FE
  • Edit subscription only stored one mailing list
  • Everlasting spinner at permission change at newsletters and subscribers
  • Impossible to save assets of subscriber without gender selected
  • Display of calculated permissions if permission changed corrected on item level
  • Improvement
  • Description of mailing list can be shown if only one mailing list to select exists
  • Description of mailing lists can be shortened, full description with tool tip for component, module and plugin
  • Permission create now hidden on item level, makes no sense
  • selecting gender changed to select list with 3 specific values (male, female, not specified)
  • Version 2.0.1 released (2-May-2018)
  • Bugfix
  • Saving changed subscription with error
  • Version 2.0.0 released (1-May-2018)
  • With this version BwPostman only is distributed as package, that contains all that BwPostman contains for free. With this
  • version there is only this changelog available, separate change logs for modules and plugins are not longer updated.
  • New
  • Plugin for enhanced personalization
  • Plugin for subscription to a mailing list while creating a Joomla! account
  • Additional field "Custom CSS" at standard templates added
  • Buttons for enhanced personalization inserted at editing templates and newsletters
  • Bugfix
  • Link to Boldt Webservice now totally removed when selected not to show
  • Typos corrected at language files
  • Table check at attribute NULL corrected
  • Form check by javascript corrected
  • Saving gender without entry (=gender unknown) now possible
  • Change back to no gender now possible
  • Table campaigns_mailinglists was not deleted at uninstall
  • Check for module specific params corrected
  • Improvement
  • Collation of tables changed from utf8 to utf8mb4
  • Access management of component enhanced
  • Table column archived_by changed to integer
  • Email check at module subscription enhanced to meet new TLDs
  • CSS styles for radio buttons module subscription modified
  • Version 1.3.2 released (14-Apr-2016)
  • Improvement
  • Trigger for enhanced personalization modified.
  • Bugfix
  • Since Joomla 3.5.1 some problems while registering or change subscribers mail address
  • If folder for media was renamed, there occurred problems with attachment and thumbnails of templates
  • If a user was logged in, which has no subscription, there occurred problems at register form
  • Since Joomla 3.5.1 building of some language strings have changed
  • "male" was not shown in back end list of subscribers.
  • Version 1.3.1 released (7-Apr-2016)
  • New
  • Trigger for enhanced personalization inserted.
  • Bugfix
  • Since Joomla 3.5.1 sending newsletters failed
  • Since Joomla 3.5.1 some php warnings arise while creating or editing newsletters or campaigns
  • Handling of specific table permissions while updating BwPostman throws php warnings
  • Version 1.3.0 released (29-Mar-2016)
  • New
  • Possibility to import external created mail templates.
  • Selection for gender of subscriber, at options configurable.
  • Additional field for further purpose for subscriber, display and obligation configurable at options, label and description for label of additional field configurable also in options by language strings.
  • List of newsletter at back end displays, whether an attachment belongs to newsletter.
  • Assets of tables of BwPostman and their corresponding user groups will now be backed up and restored.
  • Improvement
  • Runtime at restoring tables up to 120 times faster.
  • Needed memory at update to new version of BwPostman drastically reduced by changing internal workflow.
  • Needed memory at restoring tables drastically reduced by changing internal workflow.
  • View of restoring and checking tables now continuously shows the working steps.
  • Asset handling at restoring tables revised.
  • Language files revised.
  • Bugfix
  • Selecting attachment while creating/editing a newsletter was not possible
  • Version 1.2.4 released (17-Dec-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • User-defined CSS file some times not read
  • Faulty calling of icon font for user-defined css file
  • Faulty function call in helper class
  • Unable to delegate actions in BwPostman to other user groups
  • Improvement
  • Select lists for available and selected content at creating/editing newsletters broadened
  • Error message at missing inputs while creating a newsletter specified
  • Version 1.2.3 released (22-Sep-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Edit form subscriber in front end: click on a button does nothing, if one of the fields first name or name is not obligatory.
  • On some installations updates to BwPostman were shown even update was already installed
  • improvement:
  • Javascript noscript message added
  • Version 1.2.2 released (2-Sep-2015)
  • Improvement:
  • CSS of html templates improved to better fit Outlook specifics
  • Version 1.2.1 released (17-Jul-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Adding subscriber without name is not possible, even option is set to no obligation
  • Version 1.2.0 released (9-Jul-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Newsletters, that only contains free content without articles from Joomla, did not use the template
  • Access control in view archive does not work properly
  • Pagination in back end view of newsletters did not work properly
  • Anchor links in newsletters did not work
  • New
  • Selecting campaign moved up to General Information at edit newsletter tab Generals
  • Recipients of campaigns now selectable at campaigns, not at newsletters
  • Publish up and publish down for newsletters, concerns visibility in frontend
  • Status, description and publishing times of sent newsletters editable
  • Delay time between sending of newsletter packages selectable
  • Access to attachment of a newsletter in front end, selectable by global option and menu item option
  • Extended options for view newsletters list in front end
  • Filter newsletters in front end list view by mailing lists, usergroups, campaigns, month and year enable by global option and menu item option
  • More additional filters in back end list views
  • improvement:
  • Improved loading time and stability while editing newsletter in back end
  • Improved work flow at import and export of subscribers
  • Progress bar while sending newsletters
  • Improved and modernized look in front end
  • CSS files for front end now contains all elements used by BwPostman (most of them empty to fill by user)
  • Version released (14-Apr-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Pagination does not work since Joomla 3.3.4
  • Confirmation date of subscriber was set on actual date on each saving
  • Newsletters to usergroups are not shown in front end
  • Improvement
  • Templates added to statistics
  • Styles for pagination in front end added
  • Version 1.1.0 released (21-Mar-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Newsletters without articles of Joomla have not used CSS styles
  • New
  • Template system for newsletters (Karl)
  • dropped support for Joomla 2.5
  • Improvement
  • Extended and improved filtering in back end
  • Version 1.0.8 released (Mar-05-2015)
  • *********************************************
  • *** last version that supports Joomla!2.5 ***
  • *********************************************
  • New
  • Filtering for mailing lists in view subscribers implemented
  • Batch processing for add, remove or move subscribers to/from/between mailinglists
  • Icon set for back end joomla menu entries extended
  • Improvement
  • Subject of a newsletter now may be used several times
  • Description for newsletter added
  • Version of BwPostman in file name of saved tables
  • List of newsletters in front end now ordered by date descending as default
  • List of mailing lists while creating/editing a newsletter now ordered by title ascending
  • Version 1.0.7 released (Feb-18-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Corrupt language file
  • Read more link in newsletter causes error 404 - file not found - if language of the article does not meet the language of the website on multi-language sites
  • Archived recipients were not deleted from queue
  • Improvement
  • Code is more valid
  • Icons in back end menus of Joomla
  • Version 1.0.6 released (Jan-05-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Editing newsletters step 3 preview not shown, sending of newsletters not possible
  • Version 1.0.5 released (Dec-18-2014)
  • Bugfix
  • User-defined css file not read
  • In some cases error 1052 while editing subscribers
  • Improvement
  • Checkall implemented in back-end subscribers at tab unconfirmed subscribers
  • Version 1.0.4 released (Oct-29-2014)
  • Bugfix
  • selecting attachment others than images is not possible
  • sorting newsletters list in front-end is not possible
  • In view newsletters in back-end at tab Sent newsletters nothing shown as marked at check all
  • Search phrase in newsletters list at front-end was not reset in some cases
  • Page title at front-end views not always set correctly
  • Version 1.0.3 released (Oct-14-2014)
  • Bugfix
  • problem while browsing pages with subscribers and newsletters in backend
  • false error message "invalid email address" while importing subscribers, no import possible
  • no items visible in queue
  • Value for "Number of newsletters per step" in tab "Step5: Send newsletter" was not used
  • some compatibility issues with javascript
  • editor not accessible in tab "Step2: HTML newsletter"
  • Version 1.0.2 released (Sep-20-2014)
  • Improvement
  • spam check revised
  • error messages revised
  • Bugfix
  • revised, corrected and updated language strings
  • sending newsletters to joomla usergroups was not possible
  • Version 1.0.1 released (Aug-07-2014)
  • New
  • works now with Joomla!3.3
  • maintenance with check and repair tables, save tables and restore tables
  • new icon set
  • integrated help accessible in toolbar
  • easy migration from one Joomla! installation to another conditionally possible
  • improvement:
  • better overview of basic settings by improved layout of options
  • disclaimer now also selectable from Joomla! articles or Joomla! menu
  • conversion from _all/_single file and class naming to Joomla! conventions
  • table engine changed to InnoDB
  • list(s) renamed to mailinglist(s) in tables, controllers, models and views
  • mostly revised and simplified code
  • Bugfix
  • Minor discrepancies in the client-side and server-side validation of form fields has been corrected.
  • Version released (Apr-13-2014)
  • Bugfix ERROR 500 - Unknown column 'attachment' in 'field list' SQL=INS…
  • Version 0.9.8 released (Apr-09-2014)
  • New
  • Significant is the improvement of protection against spam entries in the registration forms (component and module).
  • The administrator has now the option to integrate in the registration form:
  • a user-defined control question
  • or a captcha with a simple math question
  • Improvement
  • The display of the article author and the creation date in the newsletter can be controlled in the options.
  • Bugfix
  • Minor bugs in the client-side and server-side validation of form fields has been corrected.
  • Version 0.9.7 released (Mar-08-2014)
  • New
  • Sending an attachment with the newsletter is now possible
  • There is a new tab Advanced Settings added to options/settings for:
  • Legal information
  • A title in the activation mail
  • Various texts for the activation mail
  • You are able to set, that you will be informed at each confirmation per mail
  • A user-defined CSS-File named com_bwpostman.css, located in [your template]/css, will be used and overrides the css-styles predefined in BwPostman
  • Improvement
  • If name und first name are set to required, then the fields will be displayed at registration even if you forgot to set to display these fields
  • All elements shown in frontend are individually selectable by CSS now
  • Revised installation routine
  • Version released (Jan-23-2014)
  • Bugfix
  • Can't register in component register form, when only one mailing list is available
  • When component register form and module form are displayed at same time, one has to fill both forms to be able to register
  • Version released (Sept-07-2013)
  • Bugfix
  • for updating version number
  • Improvement
  • installation script revised
  • Version released (Sept-02-2013)
  • Bugfix
  • registering to newsletter
  • Version 0.9.6 released (Aug-22-2013)
  • New
  • css-asset for module added
  • Version 0.9.5 released (Aug-21-2013)
  • New
  • field 'firstname' inserted with separated option for show/required to field 'name'
  • personalization for HTML- als text-newsletters inserted
  • Bugfix
  • error while copying newsletter eliminated
  • Apr-05-2013 Romana Boldt, Version 0.9.1
  • general changes to Joomla! 2.5

View files

Version 2.3.1 Stable

Joomla 3.3.6+

Released on: Saturday, 08 June 2019
Maturity Stable
Released on Saturday, 08 June 2019
Viewed 0 times

Release notes

  • *********************************
  • Changelog for BwPostman Component
  • *********************************
  • This is a changelog for the Joomla!3.3.6+ component BwPostman
  • Many thanks to all those people who have contributed bug reports and code fixes.
  • Version 2.3.1 released (2019-06-08)----
  • Bugfix
  • Multiple problems with language strings corrected
  • Version 2.3.0 released (2019-04-26)----
  • New
  • Message at front end, that new activation needed, if subscriber changed mail address
  • Plugin to show mailinglists/usergroups and optionally number of recipients of a newsletter at the footer of the newsletter
  • Language files moved to Transifex and except english and german removed from installation package to save installation package space and installation time. Installation separately.
  • Bugfix
  • Error after click on icon for multiple attachments at front end
  • Improvement
  • Trigger for events added for future use
  • Rendering of newsletter before preview and sending modularized (internal work)
  • BwLibRegister library file moved from component folder to plugin folder
  • Version 2.2.1 released (7-Feb-2019)----
  • New
  • Dutch language files
  • Bugfix
  • Mail to webmaster at unsubscription doesn't work
  • Wrong inheritance of sample user groups
  • Improvement
  • Switch update server to package naming
  • Version 2.2.0 released (25-Jan-2019)----
  • New
  • Export subscribers only from selected mailing list possible
  • Content templates for newsletters
  • Specific help links to online documentation at backend
  • Bugfix
  • SQL syntax error at newsletters list at front end
  • Restore of tables with zip file doesn't work
  • Export subscribers always exports all subscribers
  • Improvement
  • Up to 20 attachments possible
  • Version 2.1.2 released (14-Dez-2018)----
  • Improvement
  • Output checked for valid HTML
  • Table check at update moved to modal box
  • Comma at salutation at activation mail hard coded, sometimes a not needed space is set
  • Bugfix
  • Missing media images at installation package
  • Captcha doesn't work
  • Version 2.1.1 released (16-Nov-2018)----
  • New
  • All texts of options are multi-language capable
  • Modal box for disclaimer at front end, selectable at options of component
  • Bugfix
  • Update crashes, if one of the Plugins U2S or B2S is activated
  • Compression/Decompression of saved tables only works for Joomla! 3.8.1+
  • SQL error at newsletter overview at front end
  • Internal mailinglists are not accepted as recipients
  • Update from 1.3.2 to 2.0.x lets display unpublished articles of Joomla
  • Version 2.1.0 released (26-Oct-2018)----
  • New
  • Component option for 1-click-unsubscribe
  • Component option mail to webmaster at unsubscription
  • Button Save & Copy for all sections
  • Button Save & New for all sections
  • Possibility to print subscriber data at subscriber details (GDPR)
  • Component option to pack file at save tables (ZIP)
  • Export for templates added
  • Component option to publish newsletter by default after sending
  • Additional optional checkbox with individual text directly before subscribe button (for GDPR)
  • Bugfix
  • SQL error at newsletter list view at front end
  • Error at upload file at attachments at edit newsletter
  • Link to forum changed to new target
  • Improvement
  • Delete uploaded backup file after restoring tables
  • not needed images removed
  • Version 2.0.2 released (19-May-2018)
  • Bugfix
  • Routing after save changes of subscription at FE
  • Edit subscription only stored one mailing list
  • Everlasting spinner at permission change at newsletters and subscribers
  • Impossible to save assets of subscriber without gender selected
  • Display of calculated permissions if permission changed corrected on item level
  • Improvement
  • Description of mailing list can be shown if only one mailing list to select exists
  • Description of mailing lists can be shortened, full description with tool tip for component, module and plugin
  • Permission create now hidden on item level, makes no sense
  • selecting gender changed to select list with 3 specific values (male, female, not specified)
  • Version 2.0.1 released (2-May-2018)
  • Bugfix
  • Saving changed subscription with error
  • Version 2.0.0 released (1-May-2018)
  • With this version BwPostman only is distributed as package, that contains all that BwPostman contains for free. With this
  • version there is only this changelog available, separate change logs for modules and plugins are not longer updated.
  • New
  • Plugin for enhanced personalization
  • Plugin for subscription to a mailing list while creating a Joomla! account
  • Additional field "Custom CSS" at standard templates added
  • Buttons for enhanced personalization inserted at editing templates and newsletters
  • Bugfix
  • Link to Boldt Webservice now totally removed when selected not to show
  • Typos corrected at language files
  • Table check at attribute NULL corrected
  • Form check by javascript corrected
  • Saving gender without entry (=gender unknown) now possible
  • Change back to no gender now possible
  • Table campaigns_mailinglists was not deleted at uninstall
  • Check for module specific params corrected
  • Improvement
  • Collation of tables changed from utf8 to utf8mb4
  • Access management of component enhanced
  • Table column archived_by changed to integer
  • Email check at module subscription enhanced to meet new TLDs
  • CSS styles for radio buttons module subscription modified
  • Version 1.3.2 released (14-Apr-2016)
  • Improvement
  • Trigger for enhanced personalization modified.
  • Bugfix
  • Since Joomla 3.5.1 some problems while registering or change subscribers mail address
  • If folder for media was renamed, there occurred problems with attachment and thumbnails of templates
  • If a user was logged in, which has no subscription, there occurred problems at register form
  • Since Joomla 3.5.1 building of some language strings have changed
  • "male" was not shown in back end list of subscribers.
  • Version 1.3.1 released (7-Apr-2016)
  • New
  • Trigger for enhanced personalization inserted.
  • Bugfix
  • Since Joomla 3.5.1 sending newsletters failed
  • Since Joomla 3.5.1 some php warnings arise while creating or editing newsletters or campaigns
  • Handling of specific table permissions while updating BwPostman throws php warnings
  • Version 1.3.0 released (29-Mar-2016)
  • New
  • Possibility to import external created mail templates.
  • Selection for gender of subscriber, at options configurable.
  • Additional field for further purpose for subscriber, display and obligation configurable at options, label and description for label of additional field configurable also in options by language strings.
  • List of newsletter at back end displays, whether an attachment belongs to newsletter.
  • Assets of tables of BwPostman and their corresponding user groups will now be backed up and restored.
  • Improvement
  • Runtime at restoring tables up to 120 times faster.
  • Needed memory at update to new version of BwPostman drastically reduced by changing internal workflow.
  • Needed memory at restoring tables drastically reduced by changing internal workflow.
  • View of restoring and checking tables now continuously shows the working steps.
  • Asset handling at restoring tables revised.
  • Language files revised.
  • Bugfix
  • Selecting attachment while creating/editing a newsletter was not possible
  • Version 1.2.4 released (17-Dec-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • User-defined CSS file some times not read
  • Faulty calling of icon font for user-defined css file
  • Faulty function call in helper class
  • Unable to delegate actions in BwPostman to other user groups
  • Improvement
  • Select lists for available and selected content at creating/editing newsletters broadened
  • Error message at missing inputs while creating a newsletter specified
  • Version 1.2.3 released (22-Sep-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Edit form subscriber in front end: click on a button does nothing, if one of the fields first name or name is not obligatory.
  • On some installations updates to BwPostman were shown even update was already installed
  • improvement:
  • Javascript noscript message added
  • Version 1.2.2 released (2-Sep-2015)
  • Improvement:
  • CSS of html templates improved to better fit Outlook specifics
  • Version 1.2.1 released (17-Jul-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Adding subscriber without name is not possible, even option is set to no obligation
  • Version 1.2.0 released (9-Jul-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Newsletters, that only contains free content without articles from Joomla, did not use the template
  • Access control in view archive does not work properly
  • Pagination in back end view of newsletters did not work properly
  • Anchor links in newsletters did not work
  • New
  • Selecting campaign moved up to General Information at edit newsletter tab Generals
  • Recipients of campaigns now selectable at campaigns, not at newsletters
  • Publish up and publish down for newsletters, concerns visibility in frontend
  • Status, description and publishing times of sent newsletters editable
  • Delay time between sending of newsletter packages selectable
  • Access to attachment of a newsletter in front end, selectable by global option and menu item option
  • Extended options for view newsletters list in front end
  • Filter newsletters in front end list view by mailing lists, usergroups, campaigns, month and year enable by global option and menu item option
  • More additional filters in back end list views
  • improvement:
  • Improved loading time and stability while editing newsletter in back end
  • Improved work flow at import and export of subscribers
  • Progress bar while sending newsletters
  • Improved and modernized look in front end
  • CSS files for front end now contains all elements used by BwPostman (most of them empty to fill by user)
  • Version released (14-Apr-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Pagination does not work since Joomla 3.3.4
  • Confirmation date of subscriber was set on actual date on each saving
  • Newsletters to usergroups are not shown in front end
  • Improvement
  • Templates added to statistics
  • Styles for pagination in front end added
  • Version 1.1.0 released (21-Mar-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Newsletters without articles of Joomla have not used CSS styles
  • New
  • Template system for newsletters (Karl)
  • dropped support for Joomla 2.5
  • Improvement
  • Extended and improved filtering in back end
  • Version 1.0.8 released (Mar-05-2015)
  • *********************************************
  • *** last version that supports Joomla!2.5 ***
  • *********************************************
  • New
  • Filtering for mailing lists in view subscribers implemented
  • Batch processing for add, remove or move subscribers to/from/between mailinglists
  • Icon set for back end joomla menu entries extended
  • Improvement
  • Subject of a newsletter now may be used several times
  • Description for newsletter added
  • Version of BwPostman in file name of saved tables
  • List of newsletters in front end now ordered by date descending as default
  • List of mailing lists while creating/editing a newsletter now ordered by title ascending
  • Version 1.0.7 released (Feb-18-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Corrupt language file
  • Read more link in newsletter causes error 404 - file not found - if language of the article does not meet the language of the website on multi-language sites
  • Archived recipients were not deleted from queue
  • Improvement
  • Code is more valid
  • Icons in back end menus of Joomla
  • Version 1.0.6 released (Jan-05-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Editing newsletters step 3 preview not shown, sending of newsletters not possible
  • Version 1.0.5 released (Dec-18-2014)
  • Bugfix
  • User-defined css file not read
  • In some cases error 1052 while editing subscribers
  • Improvement
  • Checkall implemented in back-end subscribers at tab unconfirmed subscribers
  • Version 1.0.4 released (Oct-29-2014)
  • Bugfix
  • selecting attachment others than images is not possible
  • sorting newsletters list in front-end is not possible
  • In view newsletters in back-end at tab Sent newsletters nothing shown as marked at check all
  • Search phrase in newsletters list at front-end was not reset in some cases
  • Page title at front-end views not always set correctly
  • Version 1.0.3 released (Oct-14-2014)
  • Bugfix
  • problem while browsing pages with subscribers and newsletters in backend
  • false error message "invalid email address" while importing subscribers, no import possible
  • no items visible in queue
  • Value for "Number of newsletters per step" in tab "Step5: Send newsletter" was not used
  • some compatibility issues with javascript
  • editor not accessible in tab "Step2: HTML newsletter"
  • Version 1.0.2 released (Sep-20-2014)
  • Improvement
  • spam check revised
  • error messages revised
  • Bugfix
  • revised, corrected and updated language strings
  • sending newsletters to joomla usergroups was not possible
  • Version 1.0.1 released (Aug-07-2014)
  • New
  • works now with Joomla!3.3
  • maintenance with check and repair tables, save tables and restore tables
  • new icon set
  • integrated help accessible in toolbar
  • easy migration from one Joomla! installation to another conditionally possible
  • improvement:
  • better overview of basic settings by improved layout of options
  • disclaimer now also selectable from Joomla! articles or Joomla! menu
  • conversion from _all/_single file and class naming to Joomla! conventions
  • table engine changed to InnoDB
  • list(s) renamed to mailinglist(s) in tables, controllers, models and views
  • mostly revised and simplified code
  • Bugfix
  • Minor discrepancies in the client-side and server-side validation of form fields has been corrected.
  • Version released (Apr-13-2014)
  • Bugfix ERROR 500 - Unknown column 'attachment' in 'field list' SQL=INS…
  • Version 0.9.8 released (Apr-09-2014)
  • New
  • Significant is the improvement of protection against spam entries in the registration forms (component and module).
  • The administrator has now the option to integrate in the registration form:
  • a user-defined control question
  • or a captcha with a simple math question
  • Improvement
  • The display of the article author and the creation date in the newsletter can be controlled in the options.
  • Bugfix
  • Minor bugs in the client-side and server-side validation of form fields has been corrected.
  • Version 0.9.7 released (Mar-08-2014)
  • New
  • Sending an attachment with the newsletter is now possible
  • There is a new tab Advanced Settings added to options/settings for:
  • Legal information
  • A title in the activation mail
  • Various texts for the activation mail
  • You are able to set, that you will be informed at each confirmation per mail
  • A user-defined CSS-File named com_bwpostman.css, located in [your template]/css, will be used and overrides the css-styles predefined in BwPostman
  • Improvement
  • If name und first name are set to required, then the fields will be displayed at registration even if you forgot to set to display these fields
  • All elements shown in frontend are individually selectable by CSS now
  • Revised installation routine
  • Version released (Jan-23-2014)
  • Bugfix
  • Can't register in component register form, when only one mailing list is available
  • When component register form and module form are displayed at same time, one has to fill both forms to be able to register
  • Version released (Sept-07-2013)
  • Bugfix
  • for updating version number
  • Improvement
  • installation script revised
  • Version released (Sept-02-2013)
  • Bugfix
  • registering to newsletter
  • Version 0.9.6 released (Aug-22-2013)
  • New
  • css-asset for module added
  • Version 0.9.5 released (Aug-21-2013)
  • New
  • field 'firstname' inserted with separated option for show/required to field 'name'
  • personalization for HTML- als text-newsletters inserted
  • Bugfix
  • error while copying newsletter eliminated
  • Apr-05-2013 Romana Boldt, Version 0.9.1
  • general changes to Joomla! 2.5

View files

Version 2.3.0 Stable

Joomla 3.3.6+

Released on: Friday, 26 April 2019
Maturity Stable
Released on Friday, 26 April 2019
Viewed 0 times

Release notes

  • *********************************
  • Changelog for BwPostman Component
  • *********************************
  • This is a changelog for the Joomla!3.3.6+ component BwPostman
  • Many thanks to all those people who have contributed bug reports and code fixes.
  • Version 2.3.0 released (2019-04-26)----
  • New
  • Message at front end, that new activation needed, if subscriber changed mail address
  • Plugin to show mailinglists/usergroups and optionally number of recipients of a newsletter at the footer of the newsletter
  • Language files moved to Transifex and except english and german removed from installation package to save installation package space and installation time. Installation separately.
  • Bugfix
  • Error after click on icon for multiple attachments at front end
  • Improvement
  • Trigger for events added for future use
  • Rendering of newsletter before preview and sending modularized (internal work)
  • BwLibRegister library file moved from component folder to plugin folder
  • Version 2.2.1 released (7-Feb-2019)----
  • New
  • Dutch language files
  • Bugfix
  • Mail to webmaster at unsubscription doesn't work
  • Wrong inheritance of sample user groups
  • Improvement
  • Switch update server to package naming
  • Version 2.2.0 released (25-Jan-2019)----
  • New
  • Export subscribers only from selected mailing list possible
  • Content templates for newsletters
  • Specific help links to online documentation at backend
  • Bugfix
  • SQL syntax error at newsletters list at front end
  • Restore of tables with zip file doesn't work
  • Export subscribers always exports all subscribers
  • Improvement
  • Up to 20 attachments possible
  • Version 2.1.2 released (14-Dez-2018)----
  • Improvement
  • Output checked for valid HTML
  • Table check at update moved to modal box
  • Comma at salutation at activation mail hard coded, sometimes a not needed space is set
  • Bugfix
  • Missing media images at installation package
  • Captcha doesn't work
  • Version 2.1.1 released (16-Nov-2018)----
  • New
  • All texts of options are multi-language capable
  • Modal box for disclaimer at front end, selectable at options of component
  • Bugfix
  • Update crashes, if one of the Plugins U2S or B2S is activated
  • Compression/Decompression of saved tables only works for Joomla! 3.8.1+
  • SQL error at newsletter overview at front end
  • Internal mailinglists are not accepted as recipients
  • Update from 1.3.2 to 2.0.x lets display unpublished articles of Joomla
  • Version 2.1.0 released (26-Oct-2018)----
  • New
  • Component option for 1-click-unsubscribe
  • Component option mail to webmaster at unsubscription
  • Button Save & Copy for all sections
  • Button Save & New for all sections
  • Possibility to print subscriber data at subscriber details (GDPR)
  • Component option to pack file at save tables (ZIP)
  • Export for templates added
  • Component option to publish newsletter by default after sending
  • Additional optional checkbox with individual text directly before subscribe button (for GDPR)
  • Bugfix
  • SQL error at newsletter list view at front end
  • Error at upload file at attachments at edit newsletter
  • Link to forum changed to new target
  • Improvement
  • Delete uploaded backup file after restoring tables
  • not needed images removed
  • Version 2.0.2 released (19-May-2018)
  • Bugfix
  • Routing after save changes of subscription at FE
  • Edit subscription only stored one mailing list
  • Everlasting spinner at permission change at newsletters and subscribers
  • Impossible to save assets of subscriber without gender selected
  • Display of calculated permissions if permission changed corrected on item level
  • Improvement
  • Description of mailing list can be shown if only one mailing list to select exists
  • Description of mailing lists can be shortened, full description with tool tip for component, module and plugin
  • Permission create now hidden on item level, makes no sense
  • selecting gender changed to select list with 3 specific values (male, female, not specified)
  • Version 2.0.1 released (2-May-2018)
  • Bugfix
  • Saving changed subscription with error
  • Version 2.0.0 released (1-May-2018)
  • With this version BwPostman only is distributed as package, that contains all that BwPostman contains for free. With this
  • version there is only this changelog available, separate change logs for modules and plugins are not longer updated.
  • New
  • Plugin for enhanced personalization
  • Plugin for subscription to a mailing list while creating a Joomla! account
  • Additional field "Custom CSS" at standard templates added
  • Buttons for enhanced personalization inserted at editing templates and newsletters
  • Bugfix
  • Link to Boldt Webservice now totally removed when selected not to show
  • Typos corrected at language files
  • Table check at attribute NULL corrected
  • Form check by javascript corrected
  • Saving gender without entry (=gender unknown) now possible
  • Change back to no gender now possible
  • Table campaigns_mailinglists was not deleted at uninstall
  • Check for module specific params corrected
  • Improvement
  • Collation of tables changed from utf8 to utf8mb4
  • Access management of component enhanced
  • Table column archived_by changed to integer
  • Email check at module subscription enhanced to meet new TLDs
  • CSS styles for radio buttons module subscription modified
  • Version 1.3.2 released (14-Apr-2016)
  • Improvement
  • Trigger for enhanced personalization modified.
  • Bugfix
  • Since Joomla 3.5.1 some problems while registering or change subscribers mail address
  • If folder for media was renamed, there occurred problems with attachment and thumbnails of templates
  • If a user was logged in, which has no subscription, there occurred problems at register form
  • Since Joomla 3.5.1 building of some language strings have changed
  • "male" was not shown in back end list of subscribers.
  • Version 1.3.1 released (7-Apr-2016)
  • New
  • Trigger for enhanced personalization inserted.
  • Bugfix
  • Since Joomla 3.5.1 sending newsletters failed
  • Since Joomla 3.5.1 some php warnings arise while creating or editing newsletters or campaigns
  • Handling of specific table permissions while updating BwPostman throws php warnings
  • Version 1.3.0 released (29-Mar-2016)
  • New
  • Possibility to import external created mail templates.
  • Selection for gender of subscriber, at options configurable.
  • Additional field for further purpose for subscriber, display and obligation configurable at options, label and description for label of additional field configurable also in options by language strings.
  • List of newsletter at back end displays, whether an attachment belongs to newsletter.
  • Assets of tables of BwPostman and their corresponding user groups will now be backed up and restored.
  • Improvement
  • Runtime at restoring tables up to 120 times faster.
  • Needed memory at update to new version of BwPostman drastically reduced by changing internal workflow.
  • Needed memory at restoring tables drastically reduced by changing internal workflow.
  • View of restoring and checking tables now continuously shows the working steps.
  • Asset handling at restoring tables revised.
  • Language files revised.
  • Bugfix
  • Selecting attachment while creating/editing a newsletter was not possible
  • Version 1.2.4 released (17-Dec-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • User-defined CSS file some times not read
  • Faulty calling of icon font for user-defined css file
  • Faulty function call in helper class
  • Unable to delegate actions in BwPostman to other user groups
  • Improvement
  • Select lists for available and selected content at creating/editing newsletters broadened
  • Error message at missing inputs while creating a newsletter specified
  • Version 1.2.3 released (22-Sep-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Edit form subscriber in front end: click on a button does nothing, if one of the fields first name or name is not obligatory.
  • On some installations updates to BwPostman were shown even update was already installed
  • improvement:
  • Javascript noscript message added
  • Version 1.2.2 released (2-Sep-2015)
  • Improvement:
  • CSS of html templates improved to better fit Outlook specifics
  • Version 1.2.1 released (17-Jul-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Adding subscriber without name is not possible, even option is set to no obligation
  • Version 1.2.0 released (9-Jul-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Newsletters, that only contains free content without articles from Joomla, did not use the template
  • Access control in view archive does not work properly
  • Pagination in back end view of newsletters did not work properly
  • Anchor links in newsletters did not work
  • New
  • Selecting campaign moved up to General Information at edit newsletter tab Generals
  • Recipients of campaigns now selectable at campaigns, not at newsletters
  • Publish up and publish down for newsletters, concerns visibility in frontend
  • Status, description and publishing times of sent newsletters editable
  • Delay time between sending of newsletter packages selectable
  • Access to attachment of a newsletter in front end, selectable by global option and menu item option
  • Extended options for view newsletters list in front end
  • Filter newsletters in front end list view by mailing lists, usergroups, campaigns, month and year enable by global option and menu item option
  • More additional filters in back end list views
  • improvement:
  • Improved loading time and stability while editing newsletter in back end
  • Improved work flow at import and export of subscribers
  • Progress bar while sending newsletters
  • Improved and modernized look in front end
  • CSS files for front end now contains all elements used by BwPostman (most of them empty to fill by user)
  • Version released (14-Apr-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Pagination does not work since Joomla 3.3.4
  • Confirmation date of subscriber was set on actual date on each saving
  • Newsletters to usergroups are not shown in front end
  • Improvement
  • Templates added to statistics
  • Styles for pagination in front end added
  • Version 1.1.0 released (21-Mar-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Newsletters without articles of Joomla have not used CSS styles
  • New
  • Template system for newsletters (Karl)
  • dropped support for Joomla 2.5
  • Improvement
  • Extended and improved filtering in back end
  • Version 1.0.8 released (Mar-05-2015)
  • *********************************************
  • *** last version that supports Joomla!2.5 ***
  • *********************************************
  • New
  • Filtering for mailing lists in view subscribers implemented
  • Batch processing for add, remove or move subscribers to/from/between mailinglists
  • Icon set for back end joomla menu entries extended
  • Improvement
  • Subject of a newsletter now may be used several times
  • Description for newsletter added
  • Version of BwPostman in file name of saved tables
  • List of newsletters in front end now ordered by date descending as default
  • List of mailing lists while creating/editing a newsletter now ordered by title ascending
  • Version 1.0.7 released (Feb-18-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Corrupt language file
  • Read more link in newsletter causes error 404 - file not found - if language of the article does not meet the language of the website on multi-language sites
  • Archived recipients were not deleted from queue
  • Improvement
  • Code is more valid
  • Icons in back end menus of Joomla
  • Version 1.0.6 released (Jan-05-2015)
  • Bugfix
  • Editing newsletters step 3 preview not shown, sending of newsletters not possible
  • Version 1.0.5 released (Dec-18-2014)
  • Bugfix
  • User-defined css file not read
  • In some cases error 1052 while editing subscribers
  • Improvement
  • Checkall implemented in back-end subscribers at tab unconfirmed subscribers
  • Version 1.0.4 released (Oct-29-2014)
  • Bugfix
  • selecting attachment others than images is not possible
  • sorting newsletters list in front-end is not possible
  • In view newsletters in back-end at tab Sent newsletters nothing shown as marked at check all
  • Search phrase in newsletters list at front-end was not reset in some cases
  • Page title at front-end views not always set correctly
  • Version 1.0.3 released (Oct-14-2014)
  • Bugfix
  • problem while browsing pages with subscribers and newsletters in backend
  • false error message "invalid email address" while importing subscribers, no import possible
  • no items visible in queue
  • Value for "Number of newsletters per step" in tab "Step5: Send newsletter" was not used
  • some compatibility issues with javascript
  • editor not accessible in tab "Step2: HTML newsletter"
  • Version 1.0.2 released (Sep-20-2014)
  • Improvement
  • spam check revised
  • error messages revised
  • Bugfix
  • revised, corrected and updated language strings
  • sending newsletters to joomla usergroups was not possible
  • Version 1.0.1 released (Aug-07-2014)
  • New
  • works now with Joomla!3.3
  • maintenance with check and repair tables, save tables and restore tables
  • new icon set
  • integrated help accessible in toolbar
  • easy migration from one Joomla! installation to another conditionally possible
  • improvement:
  • better overview of basic settings by improved layout of options
  • disclaimer now also selectable from Joomla! articles or Joomla! menu
  • conversion from _all/_single file and class naming to Joomla! conventions
  • table engine changed to InnoDB
  • list(s) renamed to mailinglist(s) in tables, controllers, models and views
  • mostly revised and simplified code
  • Bugfix
  • Minor discrepancies in the client-side and server-side validation of form fields has been corrected.
  • Version released (Apr-13-2014)
  • Bugfix ERROR 500 - Unknown column 'attachment' in 'field list' SQL=INS…
  • Version 0.9.8 released (Apr-09-2014)
  • New
  • Significant is the improvement of protection against spam entries in the registration forms (component and module).
  • The administrator has now the option to integrate in the registration form:
  • a user-defined control question
  • or a captcha with a simple math question
  • Improvement
  • The display of the article author and the creation date in the newsletter can be controlled in the options.
  • Bugfix
  • Minor bugs in the client-side and server-side validation of form fields has been corrected.
  • Version 0.9.7 released (Mar-08-2014)
  • New
  • Sending an attachment with the newsletter is now possible
  • There is a new tab Advanced Settings added to options/settings for:
  • Legal information
  • A title in the activation mail
  • Various texts for the activation mail
  • You are able to set, that you will be informed at each confirmation per mail
  • A user-defined CSS-File named com_bwpostman.css, located in [your template]/css, will be used and overrides the css-styles predefined in BwPostman
  • Improvement
  • If name und first name are set to required, then the fields will be displayed at registration even if you forgot to set to display these fields
  • All elements shown in frontend are individually selectable by CSS now
  • Revised installation routine
  • Version released (Jan-23-2014)
  • Bugfix
  • Can't register in component register form, when only one mailing list is available
  • When component register form and module form are displayed at same time, one has to fill both forms to be able to register
  • Version released (Sept-07-2013)
  • Bugfix
  • for updating version number
  • Improvement
  • installation script revised
  • Version released (Sept-02-2013)
  • Bugfix
  • registering to newsletter
  • Version 0.9.6 released (Aug-22-2013)
  • New
  • css-asset for module added
  • Version 0.9.5 released (Aug-21-2013)
  • New
  • field 'firstname' inserted with separated option for show/required to field 'name'
  • personalization for HTML- als text-newsletters inserted
  • Bugfix
  • error while copying newsletter eliminated
  • Apr-05-2013 Romana Boldt, Version 0.9.1
  • general changes to Joomla! 2.5

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