Modules - BwPostman Overview Module

BwPostman Overview Module

With this module You are able to display a list of calendar month, which contains published newsletters, at a module position. The number of sent and published newsletters of the month is displayed afterwards in parenthesis. You can set, to which recipients and campaigns the newsletters are sent. Also the selection of newsletters are widely configurable.

The tabs Menu assignment, Advanced and Permissions are known from Joomla!®.

The settings for Newsletter Selection, Mailing list selection and Campaign selection are the same as at menu entry Published newsletters (overview). If a menu entry is selected, the settings for recipient lists, campaigns and newsletter selection of the menu entry are used and the settings at the module are ignored.

The only difference, which is specific for this module, is # of months. Here You set the number of months, which are displayed at the module, if they correspond to the selection criteria, beginning with the current month the set number of months backwards. If it is now June 2021 and You set 4 months, You get the number of sent newsletters for June 2021, May 2021, April 2021 and March 2021 at the list. If there is no published newsletter for a month, which meets the other necessary criteria, if required, then this month don't appear at the list.

The entries of the list are linked. If You click to a month at the list, the list view of BwPostman opens at the main view of the page with a list of published newsletters of this month. These entries also are linked and with a click to this newsletter entry the detail view for this newsletter opens. Since version 3.1.5 of BwPostman the layout of list view and detail view is selectable at the options of the component.

At the list view for this month there are filters for month and year and also the list length. Beneath these filters there also are filters for mailing lists and campaigns available. The filters for mailing lists and campaigns are provided by the settings of the module, not from the settings of the list view of the component!