BwPostman Language Packs - Hungarian (Hungary)
This language pack is translated at 0%.
Nobody has yet contributed any translations for this package. That is why we don't have a downloadable language package. Please consider contributing to this language!
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The language pack contains translations for the following resources
admin-en-gb-com-bwpostman |
admin-en-gb-com-bwpostman-sys |
admin-en-gb-plg-bwpostman-personalize |
admin-en-gb-plg-bwpostman-personalize-sys |
admin-en-gb-plg-system-bwpm-user2subscriber |
admin-en-gb-plg-system-bwpm-user2subscriber-sys |
site-en-gb-com-bwpostman |
site-en-gb-mod-bwpostman |
site-en-gb-mod-bwpostman-sys |
site-en-gb-mod-bwpostman-overview |
site-en-gb-mod-bwpostman-overview-sys |
admin-en-gb-plg-bwpostman-footerusedmailinglists |
admin-en-gb-plg-bwpostman-footerusedmailinglists-sys |
Translations are served by BwTransifex from Boldt Webservice using Transifex