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BwPostman since 1.3.0 is a complete and extensive newsletter extension for Joomla!® Joomla!® 3.3.6. The versions until of BwPostman also work with Joomla!® 2.5.16.

For Joomla!® there is BwPostman 4.

BwPostman main features:

  • You can compose the content of the newsletter with free text and articles that are already written in Joomla!®.
  • You can use selected content plugins at articles of Joomla!® in Your newsletter.
  • The newsletters can be personalized.
  • In BwPostman you can create as many mailing lists as you want and so you can get different mailing lists for every thinkable constellation of recipients (guests, registered users, issue...).
  • BwPostman always generates the newsletter in HTML and in text format.
  • Extensive template system for easily adjusting the appearance of newsletters. Provided templates may be copied and adjusted or you can create completely free templates for the newsletters (very big thanks to Karl Klostermann!).
  • The campaign manager in BwPostman enables you to combine newsletters to a campaign that belongs together.
  • You can import subscribers from a CSV- or XML-file. So you can e.g. export the address book from a mail program and import it in BwPostman. Export of subscribers is also possible.
  • You can archive subscribers, newsletters, mailing lists, campaigns and templates and restore it from the archive.
  • A special property is the possibility to adjust, how many mails will be sent at once. The delay is adjustable.
  • Sending of up to 20 attachments with the newsletter.
  • Module for newsletter subscription.
  • Module for monthly overview of newsletters in front end with many and varied options.
  • Plugin for enhanced personalization.
  • Plugin for subscription to the newsletter while an account for the website is created.
  • For the front end predefined CSS styles may be overridden by self-defined CSS file.
  • User-defined texts for legal information, user-defined texts for activation mail, since version 3.0.0 also personalizable.
  • Webmaster or another person may be informed per mail at each confirmation or unsubscription.
  • Author and created date of articles of Joomla!® may be deselected in settings.
  • Arrangements against subscriptions by robots with a simple maths task or as user defined question, adjustable in settings.
  • Tables of BwPostman can be saved and restored.
  • Tables of BwPostman can be checked and repaired.
  • Newsletter templates can be exported and imported.
  • Information of subscriber details can be printed (GDPR).
  • Migration to another Joomla!® Installation is possible conditionally.

The package of BwPostman can be installed as usual by the installer of Joomla!®.

This manual is arranged in such a way, that you are able to learn the use of BwPostman step by step and you are able to create your first newsletter as soon as possible. For that reason I suggest to practise the use of BwPostman parallel to reading this manual.

While the module to register effectively is a copy of the subscription form of the component, the settings are exactly the same as at the component. Therefore there is a switch, with which the settings may be adopted. If the switch is set to no, then you have to set the options of the module completely.

This manual is written mainly for less experienced Joomla!®-Users. Experts in Joomla!® may overlook the very detailed descriptions.

The main idea of BwPostman is based on the component mkPostman, which is no longer supported and maintained by their developers after Joomla!® 1.5.

In comparison to the predecessors BwPostman in version 1.0.1 is mainly rewritten. The code is adapted to the new API, reduced and many internal processes are simplified. With version 1.1.0 the support of Joomla!® 2.5 was dropped. The code could be slimmed down, filtering and searching in back end is obviously improved with the possibilities of Joomla!® 3.

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Register to newsletter

Hint: Your entered data are only used to register to and sending of the newsletter. Your data will be processed and stored by me. For more information have a look at my privacy policy.

Your mailing list:

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  • If you want to support my work with a donation, please click on the following button - the donation will be handled via paypal.

With your voluntary salary you also support the development of free software and extensions for the CMS Joomla.

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Register to newsletter

Hint: Your entered data are only used to register to and sending of the newsletter. Your data will be processed and stored by me. For more information have a look at my privacy policy.

Your mailing list:

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Voluntary salary

If you like Boldt Webservice then I would be glad about your backing:
  • Recommend Boldt Webservice.
  • If you want to support my work with a donation, please click on the following button - the donation will be handled via paypal.

With your voluntary salary you also support the development of free software and extensions for the CMS Joomla.

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