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After installation BwPostman must be configured. To do so you click at the top of Components → BwPostman Dashboard at the button Options in the back-end of your Joomla!® installation. Or you click at the button Basic settings in the dashboard of BwPostman. The options are only available in the dashboard or in the maintenance.

The options are divided in seven sections: Basic Settings, Registration, Activation, Unsubscription, Lists View, Single View and Permissions. For all options there are tool-tips.

Since version 2.1.1 of BwPostman all texts of the options are multi-language-capable, where it makes sense. That means, You there may enter language strings and depose the appropriate texts at the override files for the respective language. Also see article Texts of Fields of BwPostman do not fit.


Basic Settings

Sender's name, Sender's email, Reply-to-email

With the values entered here the fields Sender's name, Sender's email or Reply to email of each newsletter will be preallocated. They may be overwritten in each newsletter individually. At a new installation they are predefined with the values of your Joomla!® configuration.

If the fields Sender's name, Sender's email or Reply to email remain empty they will be filled automatically with the data of your Joomla!® configuration. But I suggest to enter these data to become independent form changes in Joomla!® core.



Frontend Layout

For the registration at component and module there are provides several layouts to simplify the integration with various Joomla!®-Templates:

  • Default
  • Bootstrap 2
  • Bootstrap 3
  • Bootstrap 4
  • Cassiopeia

Last one is default.



Title for Activation

The activation mail always will be sent personalized. Here you set, how to approach the subscriber, e.g. Hello or Hello Mr./Mrs. Last one only make sense, if last name, first name or both are obligatory.




Cancel subscription with one click

To get the ability only to unsubscribe current newsletter for a subscriber, which had subscribed to multiple newsletters, at a previous version of BwPostman war introduced, that the subscriber is able to unsubscribe with one click exactly from this one newsletter. With this it also was impossible for a recipient of a forwarded newsletter to unsubscribe the subscriber “accidentally”. The whole subscription could still be removed at the settings of the subscription.

Some considers this proceed as difficult since GDPR takes effect. So this option is added. When this option is activated, a subscription is completely and ridiculously removed without asking.


Lists View

These settings are for the newsletters list view front-end. They serve as default values if there is nothing entered at menu entries.

Frontend Layout

Here You set, which of the provided layouts should be used for the list view at front end. An override of the layout the Joomla!® common way certainly is possible.

You may select between:

  • Default
  • Bootstrap 2
  • Bootstrap 3
  • Bootstrap 4
  • Cassiopeia

Last one is default.


Single View

Frontend Layout

Here You set, which of the provided layouts should be used for the detail view at front end. An override of the layout the Joomla!® common way certainly is possible.

You may select between:

  • Default
  • Bootstrap 2
  • Bootstrap 3
  • Bootstrap 4
  • Cassiopeia

 Last one is default.



In permissions you set, who may do what in back-end of BwPostman.

The rights Configure, Administration access, Create, Edit, Modify state, Edit self-created contents and Delete correlate to them you know in Joomla!®.

BwPostman adds additional rights for Archive, Restore, Delete, Send newsletter, View Newsletter, View Subscribers, View Campaigns, View Mailinglists, View Templates, View Settings and View Maintenance. The denotations of this rights are self-explaining, nevertheless following:


It is not enough to set the access rights for the actions Create, Edit, Modify state, Edit self-created contents or Delete, it also always needs the right for the view!

With that one also has the possibility to restrict the access for single user groups to one or multiple views.

BwPostman version 2.0.0 is also delivered with predefined user groups to see, how they work with the access rights. You may use these user groups as is.

Since version 2.0.0 BwPostman offers the ability to set access rights for a single data set (mailing lists, newsletters, subscribers, campaigns, templates). Here You are able to revoke permissions for an administrator. If You locked out, the SuperUser can correct this, because You can't revoke permissions for a SuperUser.

To be able to edit these permissions as administrator of a section (mailing lists, newsletters, subscribers, campaigns, templates) there are the new permissions Manage Newsletters, Manage Mailinglists, Manage Subscribers, Manage Campaigns, Manage Templates.

Checking the permissions BwPostman works a bit different than Joomla!®. BwPostman checks bottom up: If a permission is explicitly set at a data set (allowed of forbidden), this permission is valid. If there is nothing set (inherited), the permission of the section will be checked. If the permission here is set explicitly, this permission is used. If not, the permissions of the component is used. At least now is clear, if a user is allowed to this action or not. The strategy Joomla!® uses, namely to check the permissions top down excludes to allow something on a lower level if it is forbidden at a higher level.

With this it is possible to allow for a user to edit a single mailing list while the others are tabu.


BwPostman works for the permissions like Joomla!® with user groups, not single users!

If You want to grant permissions for a user group from different sections, then You have to derive Your user group from a general user group. General user groups are Administrator, Publisher, Editor, Author, ManagerBwPostmanAdmin, BwPostmanManager, BwPostmanPublisher and BwPostmanEditor. If You derive from a section group of BwPostman, You will not get, what You want.

The permission Admin Login is always needed, so that the members of the appropriate user group are able to log in to back end.

Each of these user groups needs the permission Configure, otherwise their members don't see the menu at back end.


Examples Permissions

Example 1: User is allowed to create subscribers and to edit the subscribers, which he/she created self, too.

Needed permissions:

Admin Login  Configure  View subscribers  Create  Edit self-created content


Example 2: User is allowed to create mailing lists and to edit all mailing lists, too. User is allowed to publish and unpublish.

Needed permissions:

Admin Login  Configure  View mailing lists  Create  Edit 
Modify state


Example 3: User is allowed to create newsletters and to edit all newsletters. User is allowed to publish, unpublish, send, archive and restore.

Needed permissions:

Admin Login  Configure  View newsletters  View archive  Create  Edit 
Modify state  Archive  Restore  Send newsletters


Example 4: User is allowed to create campaigns and to edit all campaigns. User is allowed to publish, unpublish, archive, restore and delete. User is allowed to change permissions for single campaigns.

Needed permissions:

Admin Login  Configure  View campaigns  View archive  Create  Edit 
Modify state  Archive  Restore  Delete  Manage campaigns

Register to newsletter

Hint: Your entered data are only used to register to and sending of the newsletter. Your data will be processed and stored by me. For more information have a look at my privacy policy.

Your mailing list:

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Voluntary salary

If you like Boldt Webservice then I would be glad about your backing:
  • Recommend Boldt Webservice.
  • If you want to support my work with a donation, please click on the following button - the donation will be handled via paypal.

With your voluntary salary you also support the development of free software and extensions for the CMS Joomla.

Enter your amount below and click on the following button:


Register to newsletter

Hint: Your entered data are only used to register to and sending of the newsletter. Your data will be processed and stored by me. For more information have a look at my privacy policy.

Your mailing list:

Infos about Joomla! extensions of Boldt Webservice...

() Mandatory fields



Voluntary salary

If you like Boldt Webservice then I would be glad about your backing:
  • Recommend Boldt Webservice.
  • If you want to support my work with a donation, please click on the following button - the donation will be handled via paypal.

With your voluntary salary you also support the development of free software and extensions for the CMS Joomla.

Enter your amount below and click on the following button: