Configuration - Examples Permissions


Examples Permissions

Example 1: User is allowed to create subscribers and to edit the subscribers, which he/she created self, too.

Needed permissions:

Admin Login  Configure  View subscribers  Create  Edit self-created content


Example 2: User is allowed to create mailing lists and to edit all mailing lists, too. User is allowed to publish and unpublish.

Needed permissions:

Admin Login  Configure  View mailing lists  Create  Edit 
Modify state


Example 3: User is allowed to create newsletters and to edit all newsletters. User is allowed to publish, unpublish, send, archive and restore.

Needed permissions:

Admin Login  Configure  View newsletters  View archive  Create  Edit 
Modify state  Archive  Restore  Send newsletters


Example 4: User is allowed to create campaigns and to edit all campaigns. User is allowed to publish, unpublish, archive, restore and delete. User is allowed to change permissions for single campaigns.

Needed permissions:

Admin Login  Configure  View campaigns  View archive  Create  Edit 
Modify state  Archive  Restore  Delete  Manage campaigns