The Back-end - Creating Menu Entries For The Front-end

Creating Menu Entries For The Front-end

To see sent newsletters not only as email, BwPostman offers the ability to create menu entry points for front-end.

You are free to decide, if you create an own menu for BwPostman or if you add single menu entries to an existing menu and which menu entries you offer your visitors. I suggest to create at least one menu entry to edit the subscription. This is especially important, if you do not use the module for subscription.

For subscription it is not critical, whether you use the module or a menu entry to the subscription page of the component. It depends on how you are interested to get subscribers. While the subscription page of the component is only reachable by the menu entry, the module for subscription will be shown on all pages, that are selected in module options.

Another difference is, that the module for subscription needs space on all pages, where it is shown, while the page to subscribe of the component only shows on one page in the area, that is used for articles on Joomla!®.

For menu entries you may select:

  • Newsletter registration
  • Edit newsletter subscription
  • Published newsletters (overview)
  • Published newsletters (single view)

The procedure is as usual in Joomla!®:

In the back-end add further menu entries to an existing menu or create a new menu with the desired menu entries.

Newsletter registration, Edit newsletter subscription

There isn't much to say to these two menu entries. They are simple links to the appropriate pages. The details you find in chapter Configuration and there at Registration.


  1. In front-end only published newsletters are displayed.
  2. Only newsletters are displayed, which fulfil the criteria at Recipient selection and Campaign selection.

If a newsletter belongs to a mailing list, that is not selected, the newsletter is not displayed. If a newsletter belongs to several mailing lists, from which at least one is selected, then it will be displayed. If a newsletter belongs to a mailing list, that is not selected, while it also belongs to a selected user group, the newsletter is displayed and vice versa.

If a newsletter belongs to a campaign, that is selected, then it is displayed, even if the related mailing list is not selected. Because of this there is the separate tab to select the campaigns.

Check access

You eventually ask, what this option is good for. Why access restrictions, if it is levered out here? To this the following deliberations:

You don't want the content of a just sent newsletter to be accessible to all. After one or two years these information is so “old”, that it does not matter, if all visitors may see it. But in BwPostman there is no possibility to change the assignment to the mailing lists, if the newsletter once is sent and that is a good ting, too. But changing the access level of a mailing list is no option, because the mailing list is still active. How to get the newsletter accessible to the community? For that reason this option exists!

The accessibility is always checked, if you select All at mailing list selection, user groups or campaigns, there is no change. But if you select specific mailing lists, user groups or campaigns (you also may check all), then you are able to suppress the check for access with this switch.

Recipient selection
Campaign selection

I think, there is no need to write more, that is obvious. Perhaps it is to mention, that there is a column to display, if a mailing list or campaign is archived.